exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

bonne anniversaire

the thing about birthdays is, they're too brief. you blink a couple of times, and it's over.it's already the next day.

well, my day has just started, so if i blink, i'm going to do it very slowly.

started my exams today. no exams tomorrow (hence the blogging at 2 in the morning. i couldn't sleep). Maths and GP went okay, a few glitches, but what's the point in agonizing over papers that have been passed up, ey?

my college mates have sort of,in a way, wished me beforehand. can't wait to go out with u guys after the dreaded accouting exam.

at exactly 12 am just now, some ppl that i predicted would wish me did(and i adore these folks for that :D), some ppl i was convinced would msg me(or at least show some sign they remembered my birthday), didn't, some ppl i was HOPING would msg me didn't either, and some ppl i didn't expect were the earliest ones to wish and were the ones who wished most whole-heartedly. who'd have thunk it?

i'm not feeling particularly esctatic over turning 18. feeling rather melancholic, really. was searching through my tunes just now to find the correct songs to go with this 'mood', and ended up listening to fiona apple's 'paper bag' (insaneal, if u ever read this, can't thank u enough for enlightening me on the existence of this song), and also jon brion's genius eternal sunshine of the spotless mind soundtrack, plus the kings of convenience.perfect.

going out for breakfast with me mum in a few hours. very much looking forward to it.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

ramblings-->but of a more indulgent kind

by a more indulgent kind, i mean that they're mostly about what i've been thinking/doing. yes,a very self-centred post, but what else is new? :p

1. for non-footie fans,(including yours truly), have you ever wished you followed football,like the EPL or the serie A or whatever?. i don't know how exactly people go about picking which team to support (macamla kite ni org uk or italy?), but i wish i was supporting a team. then i could actually feel justified in screaming 'GOAAAAAAAL!!!' when someone scores. for now, if i were to do it, i'd just feel like a fraud :p

2. it seems to me that some politicians(malay ones in particular) teramat sangatlah mudah melenting. they seem to take offense in anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, even when it has practically nothing to do with them.

3.i was stuck in the traffic jam from hell today en route to college. coincidentally, i was listening to alanis morisette, so when 'ironic' came on, and she sang the line "traffic jam, when you're already late", i couldn't help but exclaim 'hell yeah!'.

4.if ants can carry 2 times their weight, i reckon my cat can eat 2 times her mass, in one meal. are cats supposed to eat THAT much?

5.i can't stop watching 'whose line is it anyway' clips on youtube. i love colin mochrie!

6.reread 'life of pi' (ahahaha,study time tossed out the window), and it's even more brilliant then the first time i read it. semua orang, bace buku ni.

7. what on earth did i do before youtube came along?

8. exam, 3 days, and counting.

9. shao said that casino royale sucked. argh. that does't sound promising. and to think i had high hopes for this one.

10.again, feeling rather light-hearted tonight. so, in honour of that, i'm putting up orson's 'no tomorrow', simply because it's my favourite jiggy-with song, and it's probably going to be so forever!i could be 50 and i'd still get up to dance to this one

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


a few blogs i read have been mentioning regina spektor. regina who? yeah, i thought that too. no idea who she is. but then i youtube searched her, and came across her video for the song 'fidelity'. and...wow.awesome. it's a fabulous song, (her voice is terrific,btw),the video is great and fits the tune perfectly (i love the part when they're throwing the coloured dust all over the place and on each other).... *sigh of contentment*.... what else could you want?

i am feeling ridiculously happy tonight. and no, it's not because i managed to do my accounting homework successfully. quite the opposite, actually. i'm damn frustrated with my homework, but it's as if my body decided to confront the waves of frustration by releasing endorphins or whatever hormone that's keeping me cheerful at the moment.

no one reads my blog anymore (except for kakak n jia yee :>) but nevermind about that. i'm just happy i can put up tons and tons of videos. oh, but it must be wrong to do so, surely? i must be going against some copyright rule or infringment or whatever? oh well. whatever je la.

the SPM started today.or was it yesterday? ahah, every time i think about it i'm grateful it isn't me who's going through it. Fizik, Bio n Kimia exam papers, especially the kertas 3 eksperimen questions just seem like a distant memory now, and thank God for that. One thing i DO recall, however, was thinking throughout the exam how nice the coloured pics in the question papers were :p

ahah, in fact, now that i think about it, i recall some other stuff to. There was this one time where, before one exam, we had just entered the hall and were all seated, when i realized that i had accidentally brought my handphone in the hall. it was in my pocket. and i sorta freaked, because we're not supposed to bring it in, and yada yada yada. well, what was i supposed to do? i couldn't go back to the canteen where all our bags were, it was too far and besides, we were about to start.

i guess i could have taken a risk, and just kept it there, hoping that the invigilator wouldn't suddenly take the initiative to frisk me ke ape. but then tak berani pulak la nak buat cam tu. i mean, what if the invigilator found out n accused me of cheating or whatnot?habisla my spm, fail one paper. so, instead what i did was, i got up from my seat and rushed out to the entrance of the dewan,which is as the far end of the hall. there, i searched frantically for a place to stash my phone. in the toilet?nah,too risky. where, WHERE? well,that's when i spotted the several pokok bunga in pasu arranged in rows along the hall entrance. heh.

yeah. i went and put my phone in the pasu. it looked pretty hidden, camouflaged among the leaves n dirt. i prayed that it wouldn't be stolen ke ape, then rushed back inside to take my exam.

now, one year later, as i recall this incident, i realize that yes, that WAS a particularly stupid thing to do and that i should have just told the invigilator i had accidentally brought it in and handed it over to him for safekeeping. but hey, i was an emotionally unstable, high-strung, anxiety-stricken exam candidate on the verge of panic. you can't blame me for the temporary lapse of logical sense.

and it all ended okay what. i didn't lose my phone, and i did pretty good for the paper :> alhamdulillah.

at the moment, i'm feeling particularly happy for no apparent reason. there's a reckless, feel good vibe in the air. it's making me tell myself not to worry about accounting to the extent of pulling my hair out. just take it a step at a time. *second sigh of contentment*. i hope this vibe doesn't wear off when i go to sleep kejap lagi. i need it to get through class tomorrow.

Monday, November 13, 2006

i'm supposed to be studying, which therefore means i'm supposed to not have time to blog, but i'm going to put up a video anyway. and i may have been putting up waaaay too many videos, but that's just because friendsters' blog doesn't let you embed stuff in your posts, so being able to do so now gives one a sense of giddiness that drives one's self into a video embedding frenzy.

anyway, here's aerosmith's 'jaded'. great song, great video(the kind you'd watch until the end over and over again).

Sunday, November 12, 2006

brighter than sunshine

aqualung's 'brighter than sunshine', off the 'a lot like love' soundtrack. video's kinda disappointing, (the movie wasn't great either), a few of the lyrics are a bit corny, but hey.it's a good tune. cheers

Saturday, November 11, 2006

religion and weddings

in the car today, my brother posed a question to me.

'how do we know our religion is the right one?we think our religion is right and the other ones are wrong.but the other ones think THEY'RE right and that we're wrong. so how do we know which one is really the right one?'

hohoho.. i was quite at a loss for words.he's NINE. when i was 9, i didn't even THINK to consider such things. i was more concerned with meeting my friends to play kejar2 in the evening or running after the mamak roti man whenever he came by to buy chicken rings.

hearing that question made me think. it's the sort of question that i thought was either:

a)the basis of other questions that lead to you not believing in any religion

b)never,ever,EVER asked or even thought of by you, and if someone else asks it, they must be weird or not alim/pious enough


c)a question you once asked yourself but never mentioned it aloud and quickly brushed it away from your mind

ahah,well my brother asked it, so i guess i thought wrong.

well,anyhoo,on a different note, i heard on the news that there was a mass wedding today. dozens and dozens of muslim couples nikah-ed beramai-ramai at the masjid, or was it a dewan?ntah,tak ingat. the extra perk?the agong was there.

would i want to get married in a mass wedding ceremony?would YOU want to? think of all the complications that could arise,with all the couples and the tok kadis and relatives all gathered together in one masjid or dewan. what if we lose the pengantin in the midst of all the people?what if someone steals our hantaran? what if the tok kadi we're assigned is an old, senile guy who forgets about nikah-ing us and goes missing? what if the groom doesn't cam his mother-in-law and goes and salam some other old lady? habislah.

oh, and what if, just maybe, we accidentally get married to the wrong person? you know la kan, for a malay wedding, when we nikah, the groom sits with the tok kadi surrounded by the witnesses while the bride sits quite a distance away, if she's there at all. sometimes, the bride just waits in her room. so, for all you know, the following could happen: the bride is sitting there, with all the other brides, while the grooms and the tok kadi's are across the hall.the akad nikahs are all said and sah, so then the the brides are led to their grooms so that can salam and cium tangan and all that. so the bride goes to where her groom should be sitting. and sees a different guy.

'awak siape?',she asks, puzzled. 'mane suami saya??'
'Eh', the tok kadi says, 'inilah suami kamu. Muhammad Arwan Shah'.
'APEEEE??tunang saya bukan yang ni!!',she cries. 'tunang saya name die SAZALI!!!'.

you never know. it could happen.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


i received a card in the mail yesterday from sunway college. it looked like one third of a brochure. Thre were pictures of amulets and talismans on it, and it said something along the lines of "we have gathered all the good luck trinkets in the world for you, to wish you good luck and all the best for your examination!"

ahah,wow. i was quite impressed. sunway must be doing really well to be able to afford this. while the whole thing IS rather commercial, and therefore is not exactly sincere, i'd say it still makes a good marketing gimmick. i mean, did YOUR college(for ppl going anywhere else besides sunway) send you a good luck card in the mail? :p

while most college or higher learning institution students might be jumping around with joy, having finished their exams, i'm just sitting here grumbling. my exams are at the end of this month, and i am starting to freak out, simply because i seem to be living in an alternate universe.

in a proper universe, i should be an accomplished student by now, who can balance her balance sheets on her first attempt, understand her economics concepts, and see
math as a way of life.

in the alternate universe i am trapped in now, i am a nervous wreck who can lapse into an emotional breakdown because i have failed to balance my balance sheets even after the 10th attempt. i fail to grasp economics concepts despite having it explained to me nurmerous times, and as for math, i'm longing for the day that i'll be rid forever of the burden of numbers and statistics.

hmm.an alternate universe indeed...*twilight zone theme in the background*

ahah,of course,i'm saying all this just because i'm in denial mode, not wanting to believe i'm not working hard enough.

when and if jia yee (my friend from college who's brilliantly hardworking) reads this, she'll say something along the lines of how i always complain about not having studied enough, but still find time to blog a lot rather than study. jia yee, it's because of the blogitis disease. it's not my fault! wakaka...:p

sigh.ok,ok. i'll go study.

BUT,not before i post this video of 'hey there delilah' by the plain white t's. the video's not really gr8 and the singer looks suspiciously a bit like one of the 'same same' twins,but his voice is nice and the song's good. (kakak, if you haven't heard it already, i think u'd like it,it seems right up your alley. sounds something like that 'right red-ankle' or something song)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


sigh. i am currently fed up wit accounting. i can't seem to get ANY of my balance sheet balanced. that, or i get them balanced, but not with the correct figure. the horror!wakaka...but seriously. tension ah. so!in order to cheer myself up, i've posted the video for my current listen-to-over-and-over-again song. i wouldnt mind if some guy(preferably james morrison himself ;>) sang it to me.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Dear Ms Atiqah,

We regret to inform you that the that the recent test results show that you have been inflicted with the Excessive Weblogging Virus(EWV). Fortunately, the virus appears to be weak and shows no signs of growing or regenerating , therefore, it can be expected that it will be taken care of naturally by your body's immune system and antibodies. All traces of the virus should be gone in a few days. However, while it is there,the virus poses a threat as it increases you chances of contracting the disease blogitis. While blogitis doesn not cause harm physically, it still brings severe implications as it may affect your mental and time-management capabilities. Therefore, we must stress that if you start experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned below, please see your doctor IMMEDIATELY to determine the next course of action.

Blogitis symptoms may include:
  • excessive blogging(despite the fact your readership is meagre)
  • allocating an extensive amount of time towards blog related activities (e.g: surfing blogs) to a point where other activities(such as homework) are negelcted.
  • showing over-the-top behaviour when it comes to blogs, such as making your blog server you homepage, fussing over your blog's template and lay-out, and opening up a new blog at a different server even though you already have a perfectly good blog
  • cracking your head over your blog name and description
  • often finding yourself thinking about what to include in your next post

Once more we would like to remind you to see your doctor at once if any of the symptoms mentioned above occur.

Thank You, and have a nice day.

A Medical Centre