This is cleo. she was welcomed into the family as a kitten when my mom plucked her from a medan selera near our house.
The rabbit
This is the rabbit. My uncle gave it to us just a couple of days ago. i call it the rabbit because as of yet, he doesn't have a name. I want to call it hannibal(as in, hannibal lecter from the silence of the lambs),because he has red eyes, as dr. lecter. Also, i like it because instead of hannibal the cannibal, this hannibal will be hannibal the herbivore. do u see the beauty of the irony? do u? DO U?no?sigh. My family didn't either.
At first encounter, cleo was fascinated by the rabbit. She still is. the rabbit, however, is somewhat reluctant to layan kerenah cleo. He seems more interested in eating, sleeping, and scampering about the lawn once in a while. Unfortunately, due to cleo's insistence, he has become her unwilling new playmate, whereby she'll creep up to him(in predator mode) from behind or hidden from view, and then she'll jump out and buat2 pounce on him. The rabbit always keeps a cool head though when she jumps out and usually reacts by nochalantly nibbling on his kangkung or just walking away.
Cleo enthralled by the rabbit's herbivory appetite.
p.s: if you notice, beneath the 'about me' section, there's a box with a list of song titles. That's an ilike box, which keeps track of the songs on my itunes. anyways, i'd just like to mention that if the song title is blue and has a play signal beside it, that means u can click it and hear a preview of the song. so, feel free to click away, if you want to. cheers.
what sound does ur rabbit make?
"chit, chit?"then call it that . chit.rabbit the chit.
i once had a cat and her name is meow.because wen we call her,
" meow, meow".see the brilliance of it.
now i dont hv pets anymore, thyre a hassle, and i dont hv space neither time.and none going to take care. my cats are all dead.( boleh kene saman dgn hak asasi haiwan)i even kept a burial space.
chit the rabbit.
see the brilliance of it?
no one's going to take care
ateqs, cn u plz correct them? thx
soo cute (with style the person in iklan vios car cakap soo lucky)
haha i with i have one cat like you but that will only contribute to another torture of animals. im bad in taking care of this thing. maybe i wasnt given a fair chance to prove me wrong.hehe.
btw, just name the rabbit, bunny or babs/bugs bunny. hehe senang crite.. chit chit like hanani said pun boleh jugak. or you name the rabbit by numbers, like you call it "1049, 1049, roger that!" and the rabbit will be like "chit, chit" (answering your roger or anything.) haha lame joke.
My family also has a resident cat.Its called hyena.Coz its color is chocalate.does it make sense?
My family's previous cat was named tombali as in
tom and jerry + deepavali coz we acquired it one deepavali.
yep,my family sure goes a long way in naming its pets
p/s:I hate cats most of the time.hehe
of coz white rabbit has red eyes. Jangan rabbit ko kene makan ular macam kat dusun ak sudah.....
hey guys, i think we've decided a name. nobbit. nobbit the rabbit.(i'm gonna call it nobs for short). name islam die nabil(not to be confused with nabil hakim,heh). why?rabBIT-->nobBIT. arNAB-->NABil. haisy. brilliance in simplicity,heh :p
nani: chit? CHIT? what rabbit goes chit? AHAHAHA! tak terdengar la plak the rabbit makes any sound. yg dengar is just bunyi "crunch, crunch", bile die tgh makan carrot. should i call it crunch the rabbit then? heh. wakaka, name 'meow' for a cat? brilliance in simplicity once again, heh.
anna: wakaka, i kinda like that iklan vios tu! especially the part bile die terhantuk on the door of the lorry,heh. why don't u try jage a cat, anna? ambik je kat medan selera mane2, belambak kucing terbiar, kesian dieorg. it's your duty to save them! :D ahah, if i called the rabbit, eg: "nobbit 1049, roger that!", bukannye rabbit tu kisah or try tp respond. he'll just continue to eat his veggies :p
aijud: tombali? how original!heh. chocolate coloured cat--> hyena. hmm. that really is quite interesting, wakaka. tak pernah terfikir plak to name it after an animal with the same colour. lets see...what other animal is white? oh! a snowy owl!cam dlm harry potter. shall i call it hedwig? wakaka, or i can just call it telekung. that's white. nobbit@nabil telekung mokhtar.
*gasp*, how can u hate cats?! i think they rock. cute, cuddly, sombong kdg2. byk makan. they reign supreme over the pet kingdom(alongside dogs).
nain: kisah hidup pets aku takdela se-dramatic cam ko. i don't think my pets will be in mortal danger anytime soon.
nobbit sounds cute to me. cam nobbit=hobbit. haha
I like nobbit!!
why the sudden switch to theo??
cleo is the most comot cat in the world, but she's beautiful. and so big!
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