exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, December 15, 2006

you know times have changed when....

1. when you realize that wow, you are ACTUALLY driving! even though you've been driving for a few months, sometimes, you have this jolt of realization that you're actually doing what you used to dream of doing back when you depended solely on your mom and the lrt for transport. at that moment, you can't help but feel you're still just a kid playing grown-up(look at me,i'm driving,wheeeee!!)

2.when you start caring about what other people think. kalau dulu, you weren't even the SLIGHTEST bit concerned with what other kids thought about you. ade orang kutuk? AH! aku tumbuk je dieorang.( kalau tak tumbuk pon, paling kurang jeling lidah,or, when you remembered your ustazah saying that people who jeling lidah would get their tongues chopped off in hell, you'd settle for making ugly faces). sigh. you remember how nice it was to be confidently uncaring about other peoples'words. kalau skarang, you can't help but feel slighted even at the smallest hint of malice, cynicism, or disrespect from other people.

4. when your music tastes change. when you were younger, you were the biggest teeny-bopper ever. you adored the backstreet boys and british boybands such as code red and 911. heck, you even had 911's cassette and listened to it earnestly all the time. now, when you think of 911, all you can hear is 'gay,gay,gay...' ringing in your head.

5. when you have an atm card. kalau dulu, you'd be arguing with your sibling over who'd get to help mom take the card, cash, and receipt from the slots and handing it to her whenever she withdrew cash from an atm machine. now, you're punching in your own pin number! unbelievable.

6. when you become tech literate. if before, whenever your dad brought you along to the pc fair, you'd just be bored out of your mind, all the while having to act as your dad's flyer-pamphlet-brochure holder, while he browses through the fair, stopping to ask the attendant questions you couldn't understand. Now, not only do you WANT to go, you're even disappointed when you find the fair's not as big as last time. you're not exactly tech savvy, but at least you take a little interest in computers and gadgets.

7. when you take interest in grooming yourself. if before, you'd hardly glance at the mirror before going out. now, with your mom's enthusiasm of supplying you with compact-powder, lipgloss, and eye-liner, you're starting to act like those girls you used to roll your eyes at whenever you saw them touching-up their make-up in the bathroom. in fact, you're beginning to LIKE grooming yourself. you like having make-up stuff to fill you hand-bag with.

yup,yup. times sure have changed.


Anonymous said...

most vital grooming accessory ateqs:

really, one sign of growing up is now we just dont even care anympre at mcdonalds, KFC and burger king.

we just past by them heading for _______(please fill in with any restaturants with food more than 10.00 per serving)

p/s: i still like super ring.

mostlyepiphanies said...

nani,i still very much care about mcD,KFC and Burger king, except for the part when you choose the toy that comes along with it.Happy meal anyone?

I know that times have changed when 'everyone is driving cars and flashing their license but i'm still car-disabled.'haha.(ouchie)

Wallowing in self pitty here.malasnya nak amik lesen!!!

A said...

wakaka,nani, fast-food joints are SOOO last season :p skarang mane main mcD or KFC.(someone shoot me for my stuck-upness)

i've never really liked super ring, but i'm totally into chicken rings (the one yg dlm green packet ade gambar ayam panggang kat depan)

aijud, whenever i got a happy meal, the toy i wanted was always finished and i had to choose a different one.ade lagi ke happy meal ah? i never see it these days.

get your license!earn your smirking-at-people-who-don't-have-their-license-yet rights :p

Anonymous said...

im 18 now.. hehe..

A said...

anon,ur 18?? ME TOO!!! :p
siape ni?juwa is it? happy birthday again!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to say that I'm changed in your points there, because I live in a college that is nearly similar to our previous school. Heh, kecuali takde bank ko-op