exaggeration and tall tales galore

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The world's greatest patronus

I started my activities for the day by doing my banyak-gile-tak-siap-lagi maths homework(intergration for quotients by partial fractions). I got stuck at one question, and from then on my day was spent doing nothing.But it was enjoyable nothing! There are 2 ways to waste time, one is by doing nothing productive and later on mourning the loss of time you could have used to do something worthwhile. The other way is by doing stuff not exactly productive in the sense that it's something your parents would approve of, but instead you accomplish things that while not exactly useful, give you a feel of satisfaction and pleasure. I did just that. I changed the mp3 files that have been stored in my phone since forever, replaced my ringtone, messaged a bunch of people, chatted with nani for a while, read john mayer's blog, and now i'm updating mine. half the day gone just like that. but i'm not complaining.

It was while surfing the net i suddenly remembered something I've wanted to blog about for a long time. It's a story. a true story of an incident that happened back in the days I was a debater(heh, bunyi cam veteran lak). This is the kind of incident I will always remember and think of with a smile on my face. It's the kind of story i'll tell my children, if any of them become debaters.

Ok. the year was 2005. The debaters were laeeqa, nani, me and ash. So the debating season that year started off with the UIA debating championship. For those who don't know, for most government boarding schools, there are two major debating events in a year. One is the annual Universiti Islam Antarabangsa(UIA) championship, and the other is the Piala Perdana Menteri championship, which is only for boarding schools.

So anyway, like i said, we started off with the UIA competition. And it was during this time we went up against a certain all-boys boarding school that i will not name here. We met them in the 2nd or 3rd round, i forgot. and it was during this meet with them i suffered a terribly embarassing moment that makes me cringe up until this day.

I was the 3rd debater, so my job was to rebutt all points given by the opposition. I can't remember what the motion was, but what i DO remember was that i was nervous as hell, and i ended up talking crap and not really adressing their points at all. So when it was over and done, the adjudicator(there was only one), announced that we lost. ok. that was blow number one. I was feeling bad enough already because i felt so disappointed with my speech. But it didn't end there! The adjudicator commented on each speaker's performance, and when he came to me, he specifically mentioned that I was a key reason our(the government's) case started to crumble. Ya Allah, i was MORTIFIED beyond reason.

It was bad, it was horrible, but what made it even more terrible was the fact that the debaters from that school were so cocky! Maybe they tried not to be, i don't know, but it was as if they looked down on us just because we weren't some elite school and were without any debating credit to our name. In short, we were just another lame science school, a minor obstacle on their path to debating glory.

So i walked away from that debate feeling crushed and ashamed. If i had to choose the lowest point througout the times I've debated, that would be it.

A couple months later, it was time for the PPM championship plak. my fellow debaters really worked their asses off. I guess the effort paid off, because we won the group round and went on to the quarter-finals. In PPM, there is a group round, whereby each school will be placed in a group with 3 or 4 other schools. Those who win all or most matches in that round will be group leader. After that, a drawing will be done, and group leaders will face off each other in the quarter-finals.

So, imagine my mixed feelings of shock and dread i got when i heard we drawed against the same all-boys boarding school for the quarter final round. Unbelievable. I was so nervous, i practically freaked out. I even remember our motion, it was "Malaysians have Become A More Caring Society". I remember the night before the debate, i was so frustrated and nerve-wracked, i had to call my mom for emergency counseling. When the morning of the debate came, we went to the hall to draw sides, and we got the opposition. During the draw, the debaters from that school were there too, and my, they looked tremendously pleased with themselves. I guess they figured since they whipped us(me) before, they'd be able to do it again easy-peasy.

And then came crunch time, the actual debate. I don't remember exactly what happened throughout the debate, but i do remember this. I remember feeling damn proud of ash and nani, because they gave great speeches, and they rebutted the governments' points well. I remember the boys from that school looking increasingly uncomfortable as we numerously POI-ed them with difficult questions. I remember the 2nd speaker from their side trying to impress judges and the audience with fancy phrases and actions. I remember nani clapping me on the shoulder right before it was my turn to speak, giving me courage. and I remember growing increasingly confident and not afraid of their POI's as i spoke. and i remember, to end my speech, i said 'and i am proud to oppose', and i knew that at that moment, that was the absolute truth.

When it was over and done, we waited while the judges gave their decision and went out of the room to pick the best speaker. I recall smiling at miss salmi and miss zil, and just feeling relieved it was over, and happy that i didn't do such a crappy job like how i did in UIA.

Then the judges came back in, and then we had to go through some excruciating moments while the chief judge gave her commentary, where I had to act like I was really listening and noting her comments down for future reference. Then finally, finally, it was time for the results.

Alhamdulillah, we won. I heaved a sigh of relief and started grinning like crazy. And best of all, the icing on the cake, was when the the chairperson announced that the best speaker was the third speaker from the opposition.

Sorry, not trying to berlagak ke ape. i just wanted to share how i felt at that second. I felt...like it was retribution, you know? I felt such deep satisfaction, because finally, for the first time ever, i managed to prove to someone that i'm not as lame as they thought and that they shouldn't take me for granted as an easy opponent. I felt vindicated! If i had to conjure a Patronus at that time i'm sure mine would have been the world's greatest, a rhino or a great white shark or something.

Alhamdulillah. i'm glad i've actually tasted a feeling like that. i hope you guys do too, or if you already have, i hope you get to feel it again and again. The feeling of satisfaction, euphoria, and the rare, hard-to-attain feeling of being proud of yourself and who you are.


mostlyepiphanies said...

hehe,is this that match where the gov used _ _ _ _ _ (this is a game where the rule is to trap the opponents king) pieces for the extra effect?

Im trying to be subtle about the details.It doesnt seem to be working.hehe.

I think i watched that match.You guys rocked,as always.And that was a very good year for the team ;)

Aaa i miss those debating days (should i say bahas-ing? hehe).And i enjoyed it every bit along the way.im sure you did too.

Bilik persediaan,heaps (people in aussie say heaps instead of loads-hehe) of food,the tension involved in all those preparations.These stuff bring back fond memories,esspecially with the debating season coming up.

Speaking of debating,abg faeez the english debater is here in sydney.what a surpise seeing him the other day.he's in university of sydney.

Anonymous said...

go....go...atiqah...u r alwiz da best....!!!! gambateh...:-)


the curious cat said...

yaaay!! i love these stories. it's almost like a disney movie, except even better, becoz it's TRUE.
little sis kicks ass indeed!

Anonymous said...

Waah Mayang! THe best debater! You should write A memoir of yourself. I would definitely read it! I'm proud to call you my cousin. Ei! How was your GPA? your Pointer? I bet yours is better than mine.

whilewhiting said...

i read this blog will an exceptional anticipation. like i can feel wut are feeling at the moment u were announced the best speaker. well done darl!! i dont remember if i had any of this outstandingly proud achievement. but its good to know that urs was awesomely cool!!

A said...

aijud,ah yes, it was THAT game. the unmentionable game that has bishops and castles and stuff. (heh, i'm quite bad at being subtle too)

yeah, i miss the bahas-ing days too! one of the major highlights? the FOOD.aisy. i think i ate a large chunk of anything and everything edible that we bought into the prep room. and aijud, baru teringt u were 3rd speaker too!boo-yah! 3rd speakers rock! heh.

ooh,dah start picking up australian LINGO ey aijud?heh, have u started saying stuff like 'roit heah', and 'gday'? oh,abg faeez kat sane ke? la, baru tahu. what a small world!

A said...

jia yee,haha,i'm NOT always the best, but thanx!gambateh to u also! (gambateh has the same meaning as chaiyo right?)

kakak,ah yes, hilary duff can't hold a light to my disney story-ish plots. i may even give high school musical for its money, if only i was prettier and could break into a song or two between debates ;)

syefik,lol,i am in no way interesting nor fascinating enough to write a memoir. and i'm not a geisha!heh.ok,dumb joke. but anyway, i think i've mentioned to u before that A levels don't use the gpa system.we go by grades. and i don't think i could surpass ur outstanding score, u dean's list achiever ;)

anna,thanx!it's nice to know u read this post with anticipation, heh. i was all tingly with excitement just remembering the whole thing and writing it down. heh,it's not an OUTSTANDING achievement, not really, but i'm just happy i managed to prove those cocky boys wrong.grrr.

Anonymous said...

why all the shushing about the school's name? its not the school, heck my dad came from there, its the THREE BOYS in the team that gets onto our nerve.

SDAR. there u go.

yeah, remember the basket boys were also there gvng us a clap. i just could not believe it we won. semi finals beb, naik pentas dpt medal sume.

well, my highlight debate is the one in UIA where we beat koleq.rase best.

my idola debate is still irving. and i'm green with envy with afiqah sama programme and being all classmate buddies with him.tukar tempatt afiqah?

A said...

ah yes,hanani tosses discretion out the window.

lol. but ur right, it's not the school i dislike, just the debaters. and now everyone who knows sdar debaters mase tu will know who i'm talking about. aisy.

ooh,ur dad was a sdarian? baru tahu. n yeah, i remember that debate!it was about golf courses or something. dan hanani sememangnye gave a kick-ass speech.

irving's a debating legend or something. i remember the first time i saw him in action i was like 0_o.fiqah IS lucky. she's rubbing shoulders with an amazing debater and here u and i are in sunway drooling with envy,heh.

do u remember the boys from st xavier's? now THOSE people were gentlemen. even tho they were quite awesome dieorg tak berlagak ke ape.

Only Kye said...

oh yes. i like the boys from st. xavier's. they just make everything so clear and comprehensive!

its too bad you dont debate anymore ayang. or do you? if you go to international competitions and meet fast speaking filipinos who are COHERENT, then you are humbled.

yea. but like. not that im into debating anymore or anything. :P

cheers for the underdog story though! woot woot.

Anonymous said...

st xaviers are the coolest bunch of debaters i 've ever met.

sape je in this world in high school debating level wore jeans and t-shirt sukan with a stopwatch and an A4 paper for a debate? no fancy2 files, encyclopedia brittanicca or anything like whole year editions of newsweek. and u remember their coach NEVER watch them perform , even in the finals? so funny la them.

if the ppm ccould be more relaxed..(no suffocaing blazers and ties just like uni level)

A said...

kye,yeah, they have a knack of giving concise elaborations,kan? plus when we went up against them when i was in form 4 they had this super cute second speaker,heh.

nah, i don't debate anymore, there's none of that here at sunway. plus,the idea of fast-speaking yet coherent filipinos scare the bejeepers out of me :p

nani, lol, yea, i remember their coach would hurriedly give some last minute advice before zooming out of the room. wouldn't it be great if we could just debate in t-shirts and jeans? as long as it looks presentable, we should be allowed to wear whatever. tah pape betul, it's so typical of melayu to want to overdress and overplay protocol. my brother, who's in standard 4 has to wear long-sleeved shirts AND A VEST to school EVERYDAY, just because he's a pengawas pusat sumber. for God's sake.

Anonymous said...

You've watched High School Musical before? WHat do you think of the movie? I used to like it, I was even addicted to the songs, which I sang every time i take a shower. Do you know that High school musical 2 is coming out soon?

Inaaz Hanoum Ariff said...

Hi atiqah, inaaz here (ur kakak's fren frm sri ukay). Ur blog is really really interesting to read. keep me posted! =D

Anonymous said...

well done ateqs!!


gle ar ko x penah pon cte kat aku (waiceh marah2)

its very exciting thing when we remember bout our gud old days especially time kat semashur (i guess so)

as a conclusion, i love dis post.

keep it up.


A said...

syefik, i didn't think high school music was spectacular or anything, but it was nice and fluffy, ur typical disney movie la. i liked the 'i never has someone, as good for me as u...' song. hsm 2?wah. dah keluar sequel dah?that was quick.

inaz, i remember u! u used to hangout kat padang petang2 dgn kakak, and once u came over for a sleepover and practiced a song and dance routine to that song from Grease,heh. thanx for the compliment, it's actually quite kembang-hidungly flattering when someone says ur blog is interesting. grazias!

juwa,aww, thanx juwa!it's nice to know that u like this post. i like it too,heh :p aku tak pernah cerite kat ko ke?wakaka,sorry. it must have slipped my mind. but yeah, ur right, it's nice to ingt2 balik all the good times.i don't really have too many fond memories of my days at semashur, but the ones that i do have are profoundly sweet :)