
Doc Emmett Brown: "1.21 GIGAWATTS?!1.21 gigawatts!"
Marty: "What the hell's a gigawatt?!!"
watched 'Back to the Future' again. How can you not love it?
So anyway. I'm home alone for the next couple days, my parents and my brother went on vacation. I nobly opted not to join for the sake of not missing class. Drats. on the bright side, mom stocked up the pantry and fridge with lots and lots of frozen pizza, maggi goreng, instant chicken chop, fresh bannanas, crackers, cereal, boxes of brahims', seafood spread, bread, oldtown hazelnut white coffee and other delectables for me to gorge on. yummy.
Random staff i want to ramble about. Did you read in the papers about the girl who was rumored to have scored 19A1s(but didn't)had actually wrote two books about her 'success' even BEFORE she got her results? Pfft. Kudos to her for getting 18As, with 14A1s that includes all pure science subjects(damn terrer wei), but still. Pfft.
Did you read about the legal dispute between the publishing house and the author who had written the book for Mawi's now famous ex-fiancee, called 'Catatan Duka Diana Naim'?
Catatan Duka Diana Naim? ape BENDE ni?
In my opinion, this whole mawi/diana naim thingie is ridiculous. I have no right to judge, but i personally quite dislike mawi for his actions of just dumping his fiancee, and at the same time, i dislike this Diana Naim person because i think she's taking a little too much advantage of the 'injustice' that's supposedly been done to her. But that's just my opinion. Either way, the whole affair has been blown out of proportion, and everyone should just shut up about it, and start being concerned with more important affairs, like how muslims, MUSLIMS, in the yala province in Thailand shot a vanload of buddhists execution style. That's just not right.
And yet newspapers(especially malay ones with sudut hiburan or whatnot) still love to wash other peoples' linen in the gossip columns. and why is that? because tons of malays out there still love to just lap it all up.
I have said a few times before to some people that i deteste typical malay mentality. but now, as i ponder this, i ask myself, what exactly IS typical malay mentality? what are the characteristics of people who possess this mentality?
All this while, i had a picture in my head of a typical malay person. A person who goes and watch SENARIO tapings, or goes to akademi fantasia concerts. Someone who enjoys watching yusoff haslam movies and goes to karnival sure heboh every year. The person who spends practically their WHOLE life surrounded by malays ONLY, and rarely if not never attempt to actually make friends with non-malays. To them, non-malays should adapt to the ways of malays, and not vice versa. A person who doesn't read ANY books except those novels by Alaf 21 or comics. A person who doesn't attempt to read newspapers and doesn't know at least the gist of current issues but instead is busy screaming whenever mawi comes on tv.
I spent 5 years in school in a batch that was 100% malay, and no offense to anyone whatsoever, but when i think back on those 5 years, a large chunk of it is recalled with either shame, venom, or a lot of hate. I developed the impression that 90% of the guys at my school had typical malay mentality. the type of mentality yang membuatkan dieorg slambe badak gune language that was purely ugly and disgusting, to anyone, even girls. to them, they had the frickin' right to say ANYTHING they wanted, and my God, were they ego like hell or what. they wouldn't hesitate to embarass a girl or insult her to the max if it meant saving their own face. They made shameful, hurtful remarks about anyone and didn't even have the damn dignity to at least keep it to themselves.
And the girls? for me, the girls(myself included) just subjected ourselves to the boys' way of thinking. none of us, save for a few ,dared to be different, to be bold or more daring or retaliate. at school, we had a lot of muhasabah diri. A LOT. each time involved us being reminded that we should work hard, treasure the sacrifices our parents have made for us, and be a better person. Ok, fair enough. we all need to be reminded of our faith and our duty to Allah, as well as to our parents. But there was this one time, during a muhasabah diri, a senior pulled me over to a corner and asked nicely if i had ever felt like my prayers weren't answered by God. I obediently answered yes. And she answered, 'nak tahu kenape? sebab adik tak pakai tudung'.
I don't think you guys would understand, but let me just tell you why her question angered me. it wasn't because i was rebellious to the fact she wanted me to wear a tudung, no, not that at all. i was just pissed off by the way she did it. Who is she to know why or why not God answers or doesn't answer my prayers? but still. i try to remind myself that she was just trying to give me advice the most effective and nicest way she could think of. She just didn't have the tact to phrase is it in a better way.
Ah. i'm going off on a tangent here. sorry. Anyway, back to my point. hmm. what exactly IS my point? i'm not exactly sure myself.
I just feel like sometimes, when i look at some malays, i can't help but feel like they, or maybe me myself, come from a different planet. i tend to pass judgement on some malay people and brand them as having typical malay mentality even without knowing them properly first.
racism is considered evil, senseless, and stupid. how about discrimination against your own race?
wow ateqs..
seriously i love dis post.
typical malay? lucky u to have friends from many races.
me kt cni ,ALMOST of students here are malays. 92% i guess. n i admit, i stil trap in typical malay mentality.
noe wut? i have a fren here, free-hair, n shes totally nice, sorry to say, shes 3 times nicer than those girls here yg pakai tudung tp x behave. everytime, EVERYTIME ade solat jemaah, she will join the solat, but not 4 most girls yang pakai tudung, they take it 4 granted.
see my points here? we just cant guarantee dat people yg pakai tudung labuh 2 alim, n the vice versa one is bad, coz only GOD knows whether HE accept or not our ibadah. dats it.
huhu. but if she's fully tutup aurat, that would be better.
again ateqs, dis post is really awesome.
keep it up.
there was this one time, during a muhasabah diri, a senior pulled me over to a corner and asked nicely if i had ever felt like my prayers weren't answered by God. I obediently answered yes. And she answered, 'nak tahu kenape? sebab adik tak pakai tudung'.
shit. your nice senior should be nicely shot.
i don't know about what the typical malay mentality is. but i think the typical mentality of any race is typically narrow, regardless of it being a typically white(excuse that), black, indian, chinese, arab, or.. tada! malay. the important thing to me is to really hold on to some of the typically GOOD things about a race instead of harping on their bad baggage (though admittedly, sometimes thats really easy to do) for eg. I think malays are some of the more patient and polite people. even though some young boys of the Malay race are too bigheaded for their own good, and sometimes they grow up to be bigheaded men and are truly lost to us... but the women! most malay girls i know are just too nice. and genuinely too. and thats rare in today's fast paced world.
wow. that was a post in itself.
ps: minus that senior though. man! talk about blasphemy! take care ayang. you write good!
Wearing a tudung means NOTHING nowadays. you see people with tudung but with short sleeves, or with shorts. what irony!
of course as a Muslim girls should wear their tudung, but in this modern world, I suppose they should wait until they are ready to accept that tudung has to be part of their attire.
Arwah my mum was brought up without a tudung (although she already planned to wear it after coming back from Haj, unfortunately she never got the chance) but she was one of the best Muslims.
and who is your senior to judge whose prayers does Allah approve?
i'm a little bit offenced by the fact that aman23 said about the nothingness of pakai tudung in these days. i mean, if everyone thinks like that, sume orang tak pakai tudungla.. and the fact that pakai tudung ke tak doesnt mean that their bad or good. pakai tudung doesnt make a big alley of good or bad. it's an obligation. you're good or bad, your wear it. the matter is here there always rooms to improve.
i dont detest people without tudung though. but well, yeah so much of tdung, i must admit that the senior you had encountered is somehow dont have the talent with words.
ill jerk out already if i were you. i sure bet that there alot of many other ways to spill that. somehow, she didnt get the message quite appropriately.
about the malay typical thing. you're absolutely right. does being malay is all about cerite melayu and akademi fantasia? rubbish. i dont hate my own kind but somehow, yep, u have the points.
dont tell me about the semashur boys. somehow, i used to detest them soo awfully bad. but then i guess, we all have to live with that. i mean like here, boys use rude words all the times. even to girls. sad kan. it becomes their lingo. and im quite surprised when girls used that certain words pretty happily. it's just too innocent and outdated or the world really modernized?
saying about the tudung thing again, i still do not agree with aman23. i cud understand ifferent people have different backgrounds but as a Muslim, we are our religion's ambassador. and ... i dont know what to say more.sorry for any offence.
great post. :)
well, what I meant by nothing was because I see alot of people with tudung around, but they're either wearing short sleeves, short skirts etc etc, not because it means literally nothing.
sorry for the misunderstanding.
juwa: yea, that's the plus side of being at sunway, i finally have a mix of friends from all races, which is mondo fun. i seriously don't have the right to judge anyone, but juwa, ur tons more open and fun than a lot of other malays i know :)
kye:i didn't want to shoot her, but i DID want to slap her and screech 'how the hell do YOU know that???!!!'. but yeah. must rise above it,yea?she was just doing her duty as a naqibah.
and ur right. must focus on the good qualities of anyone fom any race. like how the chinese uncle who sells soya bean as well as the makcik who sells goreng pisang are both really nice and friendly,plus, their food rocks,heh.
aman,ur right. believe me, i have nothing against people advising me to wear tudung, and insyaAllah, maybe someday i will. but i abso-freakin-lutely despise it when some people have the notion that a person who wears a tudung is automatically better and more alim than a person who doesn't. like you said, its ironic to see some girls wear tudung and yet wear tight short-sleeved shirts or shorts. it's a paradox,innit? heh.
anna:no worries, i think aman means(and i agree) that it sux to see some people take the tudung for granted nowadays. wearing a tudung, in my opinion, is a privilege and an honour, and we have to live up to that when we make the decision to wear it. it's not just about covering your hair for the sake of thinking it's bad or unacceptable by society if you don't, it's about understanding your role as a muslimah and fullfilling your duties as a muslim wholly and sincerely.
and anna, ur right too. it's an obligation. good or bad, we should wear it, and there's always room for improvement. i like your way of thinking!i wish you were the naqibah who pulled me to a corner instead of that kakak senior :p
semashur boys?pergh.(aijud, if you read this, please take note that ur part of the 10% of semashur boys that i think rise above typical mentality! :D) and yeah, i don't like it when guys use swear-words like everyday language. it makes me uncomfortable. though i do tend to swear to myself when i'm angry, especially when i'm driving,heh. driving brings out profanities!
i LOVE how this post brought out really good opinions from you guys. this whole subject about malays and also tudung-wearing was quite taboo back in school(kalau nak kene kutuk,ha,cakapla), so it's a relief to be able to let it all out now, and it's even better to be able to get feedback.
thank you SO MUCH for your comments, all of you. you have no idea how englightening it was for me.
"wearing a tudung, in my opinion, is a privilege and an honour, and we have to live up to that when we make the decision to wear it. it's not just about covering your hair for the sake of thinking it's bad or unacceptable by society if you don't, it's about understanding your role as a muslimah and fullfilling your duties as a muslim wholly and sincerely."
this, I like =D
Atiqah, awesome post.
Honestly, I do not have a really good impression of Malays who actually have the 'Malay mentality'. I dislike how they're so laid back, ignorant and dependent on the gov that they take things for granted. It also irks me to see how they always make use of the hire purchase facility and flashing away to others, boasting to the world that they have everything but actually have nothing.
Don't get me wrong. I know some Malay friends who are wonderful but they definitely do not adopt the 'Malay mentality', in fact, they begin to criticise such mindset and thank God do not follow the majority.
To think of it, I think not only the ones who watch Senario tapings are the 'typical Malays' but also the group of young cikus who love to dress up like one of the members of Sum 41 and the girls trying to be Paris Hilton. Maybe this applies to other races. But the thing is, don't try so hard to be somebody you're not like how some Indians will say that they are Eurasians.
A mentality which also means that they think they have the best (even if it means lil petty stuff). Come on, look at the projects so far. The astronauts, the palace, the M'sia book of records. It's all too ludicruous. If you want to be known to the whole world, do it the right way.
Regarding the tudung, I agree with anna_matilda saying that wearing the tudung is an obligation. However, it is sad to know that those who don it religously, usually have the worst attitudes unlike those who don't. To me, it's hypocritical. Don't give Islam a bad name if you are going to wear something associated to it. If you are going to wear it, make sure you know the burden that you are carrying.
aman, grazias :D
anonymous(i wish'd u'd left a name!),
thanx, but it definitely isn't an awesome post. an awesome post would have been more objective and concise,heh. i'm just glad it stirred up some comments, including yours :)
i agree with the whole part about malays being too laid back, ignorant, and berlagak when they don't really have any reason too. you're right, a lot of us depend waaaaay too much on the government for support. melayu, la kan. the race with the first checkbox on any form or borang. blah. and i hate the way malays sometimes overplay on protocol and show offness, but neglect the gruntwork. we love the fun or the glamorous parts, but lack the commitment to do the work.
plus, ur right too about the cikus(as u so aptly put it,heh. i like that term) who dress up as someone they're not. western preceptions of what's pretty or hip and trendy are brainwashing everyone, myself included. sad.
i won't elaborate about the tudung part, coz i gave my opinion in the comments above already,but anyways, thanx for your comment! it was a post in itself (which is a good thing :D). i like long comments. yours was gr8! stirred up some more thinking for me.terime kasih.
Glad to know that im in the 10 percent.yay!!Hehe.
And regarding the tuding thing,the views here represent a lot of what i feel,so i'd leave it to that.
This is very random,but I wish michael J fox didnt have parkinsons.
ohoho.. quite impressive comments.
u noe something ateqs?
i always wanted 2 create a post that has 'narrow minded n typical malay mentality' type of theme, but i never have idea wut 2 write.
maybe im afraid it will be 2 sensitive or 2 sarcastic, n finally u did one dat really nice. welldone there.
hehe ateqs, i dun like mawi as well, n i dun like 2 read any news regarding malaysia's politic issues or government thingy too. cm bace buku sejarah.. haha.
inform me if u dun like 2 read them 2, at least i noe i have a company. kuang3
sorry 4 my bad english. my english cm kenya je.
Lets Change the Subject! Im Such a spoiler, I know! The last time I watched Back To The Future was when I was so little. Last week I watched it back on my senior's computer and I thought the Movie was Giller best!. I cant wait for the comming weekends. Will be spending my time for the 2nd and and 3rd Movies.
Yes, yes all true about the typical Malay mentality. Guess what, I'm living with 5000 malay students in the University and most of them have those what you call "The Typical Malay Mentality". Imagine, I would have to spend another 6 years with these people if i am to finish my Degree aswell. To let you know the truth. Most of my KL friends in this University(UiTM Dungun) have trouble "menyesuaikan diri" with the rest of the students, including me. I couldn't stand with some of them who are narrow minded. For example: This senior of mine was complaining to me about another senior of mine who did'nt go for Sembahyang Jumaat becaus he was Sick. Kalaulah you demam panas, Larat ke nak bangun and walk for almost 1 killometer to masjid? I dont think so. But this senior said "Tengok Nabi Muhammad, mase zaman peperangan pon sempat sembahyang. Kita patut ikut macam dia". I kept quiet, I did'nt argue with him. I was afraid that someone else might have heard our argument and "Menyebokly" joined my Senior, oppositing me. It happend to me several times before, everytime I argued about similar topics on Malay Mentality and Such... huh
What would you have to say?
Oh yea I would like to add one more thing. The same senior, also said " Kita kena berbangga dengan kaum Melayu, Kalau kite sentiasa kutuk Kaum sendiri, sampai bila nak Maju. Nak cakap pasal kaum lain, dia orang maju kat negara kita, lagi maju dari orang Melayu. Biasa lah tuh. Jadi Kalau nak melayu jadi maju, melayu sepatutnya dihantar belajar dekat luar negara sebab dia orang akan berusaha, memang cam tuh"... Comments-Comments, I need Comments.
Am I included in the 10percent, Ateqs???
aijud:ahah, i'm glad ur in the 10% too!cheers. i wish michael j fox didn't have parkinsons either. it's sad, isn't it? how old is now ah? 40s? aisy.
juwa: u wanted to do a post about it too?woohoo!we think alike, yea man! yeah, i tried not to get too carried away with dissing malays and stuff, sbb seriously, siapelah saye untuk banyak mulut and komen and all. but i'm glad u liked it :)
kalau news pasal malaysian politics ke ape i usually just read about what's on the front page of the star, heh. itu pon cam skali imbas je tgk if it's boring. so u have company,wakaka.
chephic: ur not a semashur boy, so i can't exactly categorize you in either percentage :p
narrow-minded people are a pain, but maybe they were were brought up surrounded by people who think like that, and i don't really know the this senior of yours, so can't really give an opinion. kesian for the guy who had demam panas though. that must have sucked.
jap, was ur senior ni saying we SHOULD send malays belajar overseas or was he just being sarcastic?
hope ur doing ok there, will talk to u soon :)
i really love back to the future, n ak nak carik sume episod tu balik, astro tunjuk 1 1 je.back to the future ak ade kat videotape yang dah ketinggalan zaman
woi. approve my comment woi.
nine:ahah,yeah, dulu aku tgk pon pakai videotape popped into the VCR. tapi baru2 ni i bought the vcds for all 3 movies, yeah man.
nani,approve what comment? for my blog ke? i didn't enable comment approval, you can just hentam comment whatever. i didn't receive any comment to approve anyway.
even if i'm wrong and ur talking about comment/testi kat friendster pon i still didn't receive anything to approve, heh.
Hello, I'm Lisa and Syefik referred me to your blog.
I wrote a post on typical Malays quite some time ago and I can't say how much I agree with you.
I have to say that I was not as unfortunate as you - I spent 2 years in MRSM Batu Pahat but that was more than enough to drive me to the brink of insanity and I'm prepared to provide materials for anyone out there interested in writing a book to flame the bloody school.
About the topic of racism, I can't say that I'm completely not a racist because I believe that most people tend to be biased towards their own race. But, I can say with confidence that I view my race (typical malays) with GREAT distaste due to the reasons given by you (and then, some).
I definitely feel stronger about the discrimination within the Malay race rather than against other races.
At this point, I have to inform you that I'm an optimist. I used to look down on these 'typical malays' and lump the whole lot in one category.
But sooner or later I had to discover that I was being narrow myself, classifying them like that and passing judgements without taking a second look...
Ah, I'm ranting again.
I'll cut it short =p I hate typical Malays, the extreme ones, the fanatically religious ones without a single good quality to make up for it. I don't hate all of them, although I am concerned with the mentality of the malays.
Example: Japanese government supported its automobile industry for 20 years and look how their car companies flourish.
Malaysian government supported Proton for 20 years and now it's dying.
What does that say about Malay mentality? Still holding on to its crutch after 20 years, never improving but hoping for more help from the government.
And the New Economic Policy (not that new anymore) doesn't really help. I'd be pissed off if I were a non-Malay myself.
Hehe, sry for the intrusion and taking up space for my ranting =p
If u ever visit my blog, don't put too much hope on it coz I don't really have anything intelligent to talk about lately =p
I'm on a holiday yippeeee!!!!!
hiya Lisa, pleasure to meet you. how do u know syefik?are you guys schoolmates?
MRSM batu pahat,ey?well, give me five, sistah!i've complained extensively about my school to various different people, so i guess i'd agree with you in terms of providing various materials for anyone wanting to flame my school, heh.
i think i would be hard to say that anyone is 100%,completely and thoroughly racist-free. isn't it just ironic that most of the time, people back-up their own race and scorn others, while here we are being fed-up with our own? that's why i wrote this post, i guess. i was puzzled about it all.
and, like u, i also figured it was very close-minded and prejudice of me to pass judgment on certain malay people and to look at them with...distaste, somewhat, and right them off as malays with typical mentality. whatever the heck that means.
well either way, thanx a bunch for your comment, made me think some more about this whole thing. the examples of Proton and the NEP were great. you are completely welcome to rant/post/comment on my blog at any time! :D it's always awesome to meet people who are enthusiastic and passionate about stuff.
happy holidays!!i'm on a break too, but just for about a couple weeks more.oh, and i am definitely checking out your blog. haha, and just for the record, i used to worry that my blog was lacking in intellectual discussion, but that's just all bollocks la. i just use the blog as a medium of rambling about random stuff. that's the beauty of it!:D
it's 2020, more than 10 years since i first read this. now here i am, re-reading (amid this covid lockdown) and still the maturity and depth of the post and the comments amazes me.
i hope you guys are well. stay safe.
Hi Youchiyagami!
Wow, I haven't been to this blog in so long - is it just me or is the blogpost interface super terrible now? I was trying to figure out how to respond directly to your comment, but couldn't find a way! Or maybe I'm just rusty on the old blogspot haha.
It's unbearably kind that you popped in to read this post again. In all honesty, when I read it again I cringed a lot - for some of the over-generalisations, for the bad punctuation (groan) and for the tinge of self-righteousness.But then again was 19 at the time (!!!!), so I suppose that's to be expected. I do remember at the time how nice it felt to talk about these things with people.
But anyways, I'm rambling. Thank you so much again for still dropping by, and I really hope you've been keeping well and staying safe too. It's been a pretty surreal year so far!
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