exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, May 11, 2007

Brianstorm(no it's not brain, it's brian)

it's been the first time in a while that i haven't blogged 3 days from the last post. what a difference college makes!

so yeah, classes have started, and my AS is in less than two weeks, but my brain is still recovering from the mush it had become during the break. gotta get into gear, man.

i snooped around the collection of cds in my parents room, plucked the greatest hits albums from The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, and Fleetwood Mac from the rack. Why oh why didn't i listen to them before?

Rain is getting more scarce these days. Recently, on a few days the weather has been glorious!(minus the heat factor). I'm talking CLEAR blue skies, the kind with practically no clouds, and makes you walk around with your head tilted up because you're dazzled by all the blueness.

My grandparents anniversary is coming up. 58 years, i think. So we're having this family gathering on sunday. To be honest, i'm not a big fan of family gatherings. not because i don't like my extended family ke ape, i should be so thankful to have them. But it gets tiring to explain to your uncles for the umpteenth time that you're doing a-levels, and yes, you'll probably major in accountancy for your degree nanti, and no, you're not interested in science, and smiling sheepishly when they admonish you for wasting your SPM grades and not going into medicine. I'm not close with most of my cousins, so there'll be the struggle of thinking up stuff to talk about after the general 'hi'. as a matter of fact, the most standard question after the greetings is 'kakak camne?', which refers to my sister who's studying in London. and of course, the pre-requisite after that is 'bile die nak balik?'. yeah. got in down with a pat. aisy. note to self: must learn to stop being so awkward around family. their FAMILY for God's sake.

it will be nice to see nenek though. nenek is the only one who finds my jokes funny :p

The alarm hasn't been effective in waking me up the past few days. i use my phone, so whenever it goes off in the morning, i snooze it a couple times, then switch it off while lazing around for a while before finding enough conciousness to lug myself off the bed. however, on wednesday, i snoozed it, switched it off, and failed to regain conciousness after that. woke up when mom called me over the intercom at 7.45am. 7.45! i'm usually out of the house by 7.30! cripes. And then this morning, jangan cakap about snooze, i slept through the alarm itself. the alarm tone couldn't get through la-la land to wake me up. i find this worrying. i'm going to be one of those people who has to set 5 different alarm clocks to ensure that i'll get up early.

Refer to video:

Brian, top marks for not trying,
so kind of you to bless us with your effortlessness
we're grateful and so strangely comforted.
and I wonder,
Are you putting us under,
Cause we can't take our eyes off the t-shirt and ties combination,
Well see ya later, innovator.


Anonymous said...

agreed. ni yg nak marah ko ni ateqs.. kenape x update blog?
akoo menderita sebab xde org nk update blog...huuuu
(okay time up for exagerrating<_did i spell this right?hihi)
me too same reason, i dont like family gatherings. in fact any kind of gatherings. they will always leave me in some state of awkwardness tau.
"buat course ape"
"dah makan ke"
"habis kelas pkul brape"
"tinggl kat mane"
i mean, i dont mind answering to them but sometimes, people like me just run out of things to borak-borak and beramah mesra.


the curious cat said...

waah...the arctic monkeys...are...pretty strange.interesting, but undoubtedly strange.

check out 'la javanaise' by serge gainsbourg, and then listen to the cover by madeleine peyroux. and then tell me what it means. :D

i want go hooooome...

Hmm... said...

atiqah...i despise family gatherings and new year visitations. ERkz..having to smile all the time can get so tiring and also carrying out superficial conversations can be lethal to one's fecundity.

A said...

anna:ahah, menderita? that IS exaggerating,heh.

anyways, good to noe someone else also goes through the whole awkward-tak-tahu-nak-ckap-ape at family gatherings thing. most of the other people i noe are just dandy when meeting their relatives.

kakak:as compared to the arctic monkeys, surely people like modest mouse are stranger?

will definitely check out 'la javanaise'. and of ourse, i'm sure by now uv realized that all i'll be able to interpret are words like 'i','you',and maybe 'pig'(jambon!)heh.

shao min: ms beh comments! i'm speechless!i'm paralyzed by the awesomeness of having a comment from u!

may have been exaggerating a bit there :p ooh, definitely agree with the whole smiling thing. fecundity? had no idea what it means, so looked it up on dictionary.com.'the intellectual productivity of creative imagination'. ooh. new vocab.

Hmm... said...

hoho....hahahaha.. put it this way. I DID comment in your blog before. *ahem ahem cough cough*