I was moderately pissed off yesterday.
I asked out a bunch of friends i haven't seen in a long time to meet up. Everyone gave a satisfactory response, save for one.
Me:So jadi plan, right? we'll meet up there at that time.
Grr:um..kat situ lagi?isn't there any other place to go?hehe. who else is going?
Me:well, i thought it'd be easiest to go there. if we go anywhere else then there might be transport problems or whatnot.
Grr:um...ok, i guess. what are we going to do there?
Me:look, if you're malas to go there and would rather be somewhere else, no problem. if you want to do anything special, why don't you discuss with the others. i'm cool with anything.
Grr:oh..it's ok, no matter how boring it is, it's been a while since we've met. so, it's no big deal.
for God's sake. that person really had no idea how hurtful their remarks were. well, maybe you don't find it hurtful either and can't see the point of this rant, but I'M pissed. it's as if they were reluctant to meet us in the first place, like they had to check out where we're going and who's coming along in order to ascertain a valid purpose of actually joining, and then they have the nerve to sound like THEY'RE being the gracious one, coming to see us even though they're bored and would rather go somewhere else.
That hurts. friends aren't supposed to make you feel that way, are they? i wanted to scream 'you're supposed to be excited that we get to meet up with each other again after ages, not worry about where we're going!!'. it's about the company, not which hip and happening hangout place we're meeting at.
and no, it's no one you know, so please don't start assuming names or whatever. i'm writing this down here to say that if i have EVER done this to anyone, if i have ever sounded this demeaning or as if i didn't really value your company and took an invitation for an outing with you for granted, then i am terribly sorry, and i will try my damndest not to do anything like that ever again.
ok. be off, negative vibes.
oh,i made up a new msn account. SEMASHUR people use yahoo messenger, college people use MSN. hmm. so anyway, i did already have an msn account, but it was an old one using this old email address i had, which is super embarassing. i can't imagine what i was thinking of when i made it:
phayze_1@angelfire.com.(prounounced phase one). Sheesh. sounds a tad emo, if u ask me. oh, but that's not the worst. i used to have an email something like cute_crazy_cuddly@hotmail.com. The horror!i believe those were the days when i still thought Backstreet Boys were fantastic/awesome, and Nick Carter was the cutest one of them all. *shudder*
So anyways, my new hotmail is atiqahm*khtar@hotmail.com. if anyone who reads this has messenger, please add me up,yah? may the bonds of communication between us strengthen and the folds of our friendship flourish. um,yeah. and all that jazz.
oh yes, i knew i forgot to add something in. MY EXAMS ARE OVER!! whoop-dee-doo. i can't do much now except pray i didn't do any careless mistakes and pray i get straight As.
You know, i was thinking the other day. it's quite amazing how typed laughter has evolved. You have your regular 'haha','hehe,'hihi','hoho'. then you have stuff like 'wakakaka, 'bwahaha' and 'muahaha'. For some reason, there are people that type stuff like 'keskeskes' and 'kokokoko' to indicate laughter, though i can't see why, because it sounds nothing like a laugh. and then of course, someone came up with the idea of...i can't remember that word that means the use of the first letter of each word.... (abbreviation?anagram?no. aneurism?). well, whatever, but it's for stuff like 'lol', and 'lmao', and 'rofl'. How come there's no malay one? like, 'gkk' for 'gelak kuat-kuat' or something.
i can't believe i've yet to rave about The Noisettes on my blog. i bought their cd a couple months back, awesome. definitely one of my favourites. the thing is, their music at times can be a bit over-whelming, but it's the kind you grow to like. pendek kate, this record is the kind that pushes the boundaries of your music interests. and that's gooooood. their first single, 'Don't Give Up' is great. Lyrics are brilliant, plus, THIS is my idea of a proper motivational song. none of that Mariah Carey's 'I Can Make it Through the Rain' or any other chicken-soupish song.
Don't be alarmed by the lead singer's dressing, or by their quirkiness. That's part of what makes them fascinating.
HMmmmmm IM going for the EYE ON MSIA TOMORROW! hmmm...hahahaha! hehehehe! kokoko! Apakah? ......how was Pirates?
It's the company that counts =) I have a feeling that I'll enjoy myself today with you guys at jogoya! fuit... hahahaha
I'm addicted to the song 4 in the morning by Gwen stefani
Anyways,im trying to stay away as far as possible from the computer nowadays.Im typing this from the computer at the law library,since I know I wont be studying if i was at home.At the library pun still manage to get hold of a vacant computer slot.hehe.This so beats the purpose.
Anyways,I do hope that Grr isnt someone I know.
i cant help to agree with your sentiment bout all th egathering friends and stuff. somehow, how much i want to put myslf in their shoes, im also bitter if sometimes i ajak diorg kluar, like gathering ke, main ice skatin ke (in which diorg sblum2 ni smngat giler), they will be like, hmm sape je yang pegi? hmm, tgk dulu la.. hmm.. jauh la, susah nak pegi la. geram jugk kadang2 tu. but thinking it back, mmg sgt susah nk kumpul balik kawan2 yg dulu. everybody have diffrent lives now. so maybe the urge nak jumpe balik tu dah berkurang. sad kan. but thats life man. everybodys moving on. differents sets of people they meet. different kind of friend. oh wells. the geram thing blows away. trust me. i used to get sick of contctg people to go out.
i still keep my email smpai sekarang. i think never change kut. but i do make a few new emails. like 2 or 3 on yahoo. for different purposes. weird heh.
why dont you start about the laughing malay version. who knows it'' become a trend?
i get ur point. wow~~ takut nye nak kuar ngan ko lps nih... =(
syefik:haha, good for u,mate!how was the eye on malaysia? did you see that great of a view? pirates was good. not super-fantastic, and way too long, but watchable. lotsa action. since when have u started saying 'apakah?'.heh.
shao:had fun spending half a day with you and the rest. belum ape2 lagi we already had to run like crazy to catch the ktm train :P i'm still stuck on 'ella,ella,ay-ay-ay'. weird.
aijud:gkk!may have gotten that wrong. does aneurism by any chance have anything to do with blood clots?gambatte with the studying, man. stay away from the computers with internet access.
anna:yeala, it's frustrating. but what to do. like you said, everyone has different lives now. and,you're right. the geram thing blows away.
it's good you keep the same email. consistency,man,haha. i'm going to stick with the email i have now at gmail.unless i change into a different person and 5 years and be horrified at the stupid nickname i chose again.
sal:no worries,mate :) jangan nak takut2. i'm sorry, and thanx for the email.
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