exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, November 19, 2007

flight of the conchords

you can tell by the increasing frequency of my posts that the reluctance to study is growing. lepas habis exam nanti, it'll be a post a day. then every hour. then in the end i'll be posting evey 10 minutes. every time you refresh the page something new will be there.

tell me, kawan-kawanku, are you hungry? you are? splendid. listen to me very carefully. go down to the kitchen and get out your bread. wait, read this all the way down then go get out the bread. take out your chocolate spread or nutella, or if you are unfortunate enough not to have any, take a medium sized bar of cadbury's milk chocolate and melt it over the stove for about 10 minutes.

i'm kidding about melting the chocolate. don't melt it! go out and get chocolate spread.

got it? ok. spread two slices of bread with the chocolate. go on, lather it on, put as much you like. done?baik. then, go to the place where you keep all your fruits and select a wonderful, bruiseless, fantastically yellow banana, and peel it. then, proceed to cut slices of banana and place it on the bread on top of the chocolate. put the two slices together, and voila. chocolate-spread-and-banana sandwich. sedapnye tak tahan. i do believe it precedes over my former favourite peanut butter and banana sandwich.

you know, elvis liked peanut butter and banana sandwiches. random fact.

bananas must be the friendliest fruit of all. it goes great with chocolate spread, peanut butter, ice-cream, cereal. it makes the most kickass minum petang snack, goreng pisang. can make into cake. kuih kodok. can dry it and make into kerepek. what would we do without pisang?

the green one? one day my brother was playing on the patio, when he screams, thinking he saw a lizard. rupanye he saw this bird, sitting on the patio macam rumah die. wasn't flapping about, didn't try to fly away, it just sat there. long story short,(the story includes us keeping it in cleo's old cage from which it escaped but then our next door neighbour's maid saw it and caught it and handed him over to us), we now have birds. the other one, the pretty blue one, my parents bought from the store, because "he needs a mate!".

for now, unofficially, their names are diego and jolie. diego because mom said the green bird is so blur like diego the sheriff from the zorro series. jolie, not as in angelina, but as in french for pretty. for the record, i wanted to name the green one pedro.

i know, so mat salleh kan?why cannot just name abu and aminah. sigh, western influences win when it comes to naming pets. but if we get another cat i'll call it si tompok.

and, just for fun, a pic of my ever obliging favourite male model:

LCD soundsystem, 'someone great'.

oh!oh!ok. i HAVE to spread the word and love for Flight of the Conchords. they're my latest obsession. Kakak, tgk ni!semue orang tgk!

i adore them to the extent i am willing to overstuff this post with two videos. they are WORTH it.


kookie said...

Flight of the Conchords are worth an entire blog. I love, love them. Thanks for spreading the word. Bret and Jemaine deserve to be huge stars.

A said...

a fellow FOC worshipper!hey there. they are worth an entire blog indeed. it's only a matter of time before they dominate the world with their awesomeness :)

the curious cat said...

everytime i go away, you get a new animal. apa ni?! first the rabbit, and now birds?? nothing happens when i'm AT home.
i heartily approve of the name jolie though.
and flight of the conchords...are...HILARIOUS.

Only Kye said...

hey shaz, i was JUST gonna say that! its like, an animal a year thing you kids have goin on. :)

oh, ayang, i sorry to disagree but bananas are an abomination. they like, should not be a fruit. they should grow on trees as goreng pisang, period.


aman23 said...

this post is hilarious xD

flight of the conchords are... weird.

A said...

kakak:yea kan?so can you like, do your chambering or whatever kat sane? another couple years, maybe we'll be able to get hamsters and another cat or something,hahahahaha.

and yes, flight of the conchords ROCK!

kye:kakak probably has animal repelling vibes or something. that's why we only gain extra pets when she's back in london.

and kye!!!bananas are....beautiful.

aman:hilarious?haha, thanx homie. (i have no idea why i'm calling u homie, sounds weird, but just go with the flow)

and flight of the conchords ARE weird, in a fantastically amusing way. haha, not to your liking? well, they're not for everyone i guess.

Anonymous said...

mengapekah saye x ske pisang?
adekah saye terlepas 1/10 dari nikmat dunia?

ps:nyamuk ske gigit org yng ske makan pisang.
