exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

preparations for studying.

When embarking on a mission to study a subject, in this case the much lauded Quantitative Methods 1, it is perhaps unwise to publicly declare war on said subject by posting statements such as "QM1, prepare to be kicked in the balls!" on one's blog.

Therefore, i hereby proclaim i have made peace with QM1, and have established diplomatic relations. we're quite chummy now, in fact. All thanks to our new mediator, that is Australian Business Statistics, by Antony and Saroja Selvanathan, Gerald Keller and Brian Warrack.

Due to the fulfilling relationship i have managed to achieve with my once arch-nemesis, i now wish to extend the same olive branch of friendship to Accounting Reports and Analysis as well as Introductory Microeconomics. Let us join as a united front. Rather than fight each other to the finish line that is the examination, let us embrace one another as old friends! Let us tango like latin lovers! let us be assimilated to one another like the threads of a friendship bracelet! Let us BE AS ONE!!!

see? see how i'm setting up good vibes for studying? i bet you can't beat that enthusiasm. now, let's hope that these subjects acknowledge my efforts and reciprocate my affection.


Hmm... said...

good vibe indeed..hopefully it will pass on to me since we're living in the same unit ^^

Anonymous said...

wow! ateqs! bersemangatnye kamu! aku pon nak spirit cam ko gak. final in 3 weeks but im still in slow + lembap cam kura2 mode. ur post makes me feel i should tanggalkan cengkerang kura2 nih and bersemangat cm ko. thanks 4 d inspiration nway. =) and all d best 4 r exam!=)

Aki said...

Wahahahahaha great post. I love it.

Seems like exam stress has made both of us more eloquent.

A said...

shao:the vibe will seep through the walls of mine and jia yee's room into yours :D

sal: hahahaha, tanggalkan cengkerang anda!ala, ko cakap je in kura2 mode, padahal aku tahu sebenarnye ko macam rabbit yang paling pantas :P good luck for ur exams too!

aki:thank you!and about the exam stress, isn't it great? rather than being all moody and tense, we're happy campers with this penchant to blog more instead,haha.

Anonymous said...

i hope ur effort reciprocates ur efforts too! ( i believe thats the most crucial point of your post)
keep your eye on the ball, another 3 weeks only then freedom.
bear just for a while.

Anonymous said...

..reciprocates your affections* sorry.

A said...

yes, if the subjects reciprocate my affection and we could mutually adore each other, that would be perfect. i'd skip all the way to the exams,heh.