exaggeration and tall tales galore

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Selfish Jean

Listen to this:
Selfish Jean - Travis

Go hafal the lyrics. It's a FABULOUS song to sing and be sad and happy to.

Anna's tag,whoo!
The Rules :
1.Each blogger must post these rules first.
2.Each blogger starts with seven random facts/habits about themselves.
3.Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

7 facts about me:
1. I get wild urges to break into a dance when i'm listening to my ipod while walking to uni. Particularly when listening to some groovy instrumental(think Austin Power's theme song), or during specific parts of good songs, like that interval in No Cars Go by Arcade Fire when the accordian and violin(do i have the right instruments?i'm not sure) comes in.

2. A couple days ago i was dreaming of something(involving some old classmates from high school), and it was so funny i snorted. Which was good, the snort made me wake up in time for subuh.

3. My head isn't symmetrical(but then again, is everyone else's?i'm not sure).The left side is flatter.

4. I pretend that the people in a waiting tram are watching me when i'm walking alone on the sidewalk(it's the exhibitionist in me raring its ugly head).

5. I'm trying to remind myself that knowledge was not meant to be memorised, vomited out during exams, and then forgotten. I'm learning all this to be a kickass accountant, not just to get good grades.

6. I don't see the point of having the autograph of someone famous. other than the fact you might be able to sell it on ebay.

7. I've never worked before.

7 things that scare me:
1. worms, flying cockroaches, non-flying cockroaches, butterflies(come on people, don't be fooled by their supposed prettiness. They're really flying caterpillars. yeesh).

2. going to some event where everyone already knows everyone and i only know one person.

3. realizing i'm screwed when i open an exam paper, scan over the questions and see that i don't know how to answer them. alternatively, it scares me when i'm done answering the paper for the first time round, flip over to start from the beginning again only to find that i skipped so many questions because i didn't know how to answer them. SCARY.

4. i'm scared of accidentally dropping my keys into that gap between the elevator and the floor when i step out of the lift.

5. making people bored. Finding out a person prefers someone else's company rather than your own.

6. The idea of death, and what lies beyond it. not ready yet, you see.

7. People who stand in the middle of the path, blocking your way and asking you to sign a petition/support a cause/donate/etc.

7 songs at the moment:
First four by Kings of Leon:
1.The Runner
2.Knocked Up
3. Trunk
4. Charmer
6. Selfish Jean, by Travis(whoo!click on the play button kat atas tu if you haven't yet,you stubborn,you).
7. Life in Technicolour, by Coldplay(thanks to Nani!)

sidenote:everyone go check out nani's music box on her blog. excellent selection!

7 things i always say:
1. Ye ke? (my multi-purpose, for-all-occasions response)

2. Really?(my multi-purpose, for-all-occasions response. translated.)

Can't think of anything else.

7 people i tag:
Everyone i'd tag either:
a) has been tagged already, or
b)wouldn't do the tag anyway

so the buck stops here,yo. no wait. salah penggunaan expression i think.

eh jap!i know. i tag Juwa!yeah. rasmikan blog anda dgn tag! and i tag salwani(if she's reading). sal, tukar to blogspot la. and update selalu!so i can stalk youuuuuu,haha. and afnan!mari kite saling tag-mengetag.

have you guys been tagged already? kalau dah, abaikan.


mostlyepiphanies said...

Yay I've heard that song from travis before! Its the one where in the music video he takes of one layer of his shirt at a time kan? each bearing some sort of resemblence to the lyrics that comes out at the time!

Its so funny,simple and creative!

I haven't heart a lot of travis' song. hey, scratch that. I think this was the only one I've heard. My sister tells me they are somewhere on the spectrum with bands like coldplay, keane and the lot in terms of sound.

aman23 said...

hello! baru nak comment selepas sekian lama. sorryla banyak busy lately, and your posts take quite abit of effort for me to digest, teehee ;p

this sounds embarrassing, but I get scared of cockroaches too. not scared scared, but geli-scared. they're the most filthy, disgusting-looking creatures on earth!

fariza azwa muhibah said...

wah wah wah ateqs!!
i HATE worms too!! they are (xmungken ade term were dlm case ni) very2 creepy creatures.

scan exam papers yg still berlubang? recently cm slalu je aku bwat time exm wahaha.

i'll be back home tomorrow. yeay. miss malaysia oredi.=)

A said...

aijud:ye ye!!they guy who's does the shirt thing is Demetri Martin, have u heard of him?he's a comedian. i think he's AWESOME.

gimme five,dude. i think this is the only travis song i can name as well. well, there are a couple more i think, but i've forgotten. but i remember one of them had a video where there was this town where everyone was pregnant. or something like that.

aman:FUYOOO,aman steps foot on my blog once more!!hahaha.where got difficult to digest. my posts are so light and simple-minded they're easier to digest than McVities(betul ke name tu?you know, those yummy digestive biscuits?)

no need for embarrassment. cockroaches are downright creepy. well,oklah, sometimes i feel sorry for them because they're being discriminated against just because of their looks and their habits of hiding in dark corners and stuff, but when one comes near(especially the flying ones!gah), i'm the first one to grab the ridsect and spray the bugger.

juwa:haha, worms are gross! lagi2 kalau macam pacat or something. or ulat bulu. semuelah.

eh!eh!you're going back malaysia? alaaaaa. how long are you staying? kirim salam sayang saya kepada nasi lemak dan ayam masak kicap. i'm going back in july, ko still ade lagi tak?maybe we can meet up!

aman23 said...

hello! i have always been reading okay. just that tak leave comments je :p

Anonymous said...

huhu,i'm also scared of cockroaches! especially when u stepped on it n d white liquid burst out! Geli gler!

Anonymous said...

u re scared of butterflies!!!! memang geng-lah.

hello ateqs i was looking at your profile pic, what are you eating? is it curry dengan roti ban? ok takde kene mengena because im hungry havent had breakfast.

aijud aijud dengar battleships and closer and 3 times you lose.

ateqs i am very guilty for not doing the responsibility as the tagged person dah 3 kali dah.

fariza azwa muhibah said...

cmne nk tag org?

aku lah manusia jahil dicni menda basic pon x tau hehe.

btw ateqs, i'll be here until 25/7. pe antagonist 4 slim chance? fat chance eh?

so we have a 'fat chance' to meet up again. ahah!

fariza azwa muhibah said...

okai there's correction here.
it's not antagonist, it's antonim. ske ati aku je wat term sendri.

A said...

aman:haha,ok2, my bad.

afnan:woah, i've never been unfortunate enough to terpijak a cockroach. sounds geli alright.

nani:weh!ur scared of butterflies ke? i didn't knoooow!

i'm eating lasagna,not curry.dengan roti ban, heh.i hope you've had breakfast by now,haha. i'm gonna check out those songs u mentioned!

no worries about the tags, yo. i know you prefer writing The Economist-style articles :D

juwa:hahahaha,ala, comelnye ko ni juwa, cara ko ckp macam tag tu bende yang susah :p just senaraikan ko punye 7 things semue tu for each category, pastu bile dah sudah ko pilih other bloggers, and tell them they're tagged, suruh dieorang pulak list down 7 items, etc. anda ngerti?

eh,eh, if i'm not mistaken, adelah the phrase 'fat chance'. jangan main2 :)

f at i n said...

U've done a great job with the 7 things to list out for each soklan..

haih..nape kte punye susah sgt?!

maybe not the perfect timing to make the tagging business done..


aahh..u're afraid of bnde terbang jugak. ttbe tringat blk.