exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Juwa's tag, the ever classic list-7-things-about yourself.

1. I have a secret joy of doing tags. When you're tagged, you automatically have a post topic, and it's self-indulgence at its written finest.

2. When I told my mom back towards the end of standard 5 that I was elected to be Ketua Pengawas, she didn't believe me. In the 'are you sure? REALLY sure? They didn't choose you yet right, you're just short-listed.' kind of way. Not so encouraging, if you think about it now. But hey, it surprised the crap out of me as well. Ade ke sekolah saya pegi pilih budak yang selalu hilang name-tag dia dan sering menumpahkan makanan ke atas baju sekolahnya jadi ketua pengawas? pelik, pelik.

3. When I was younger, back when we stayed in Kerteh, there was this one time I went to my neighbour's house. Coincidentally, her grandmother was staying over at the moment, and she was applying inai to her hands. Her grandma was a real pro at it too, the one yang jenis lukis designs like vines all over the hand, not merely coating the nails. She offered to do it for us, so I eagerly got my hands covered with the green goop, waited until it dried, and washed it off. Behold!the lovely orangey-reddish tones of inai on my palms. How exciting. Then I went back home, proceeded to go take a bath, and that's when I found out inai doesn't come off, even when you want it too. Saat cemas. I mean yeah, it was pretty and all, but my 5 year-old self didn't want to walk around with strange markings all over my hand! Warna oren pulak tu. I think that was the last time I applied inai.

4. I used to think that 'ibu pejabat' meant an office where mothers worked. And since we're on that topic, I used to think that 'polite' was pronounced as 'poe-leet', and 'lingerie' was pronounced as 'ling-uh-ree'. I used to think that 'paradigm' was pronounced 'para-diggum'. And that was in form 4. Do we see a pattern here?

5. I was hanging out with Syefik once, watching MTV, and they were showing Bjork's video for Declare Independance, to which Syefik watched, as if tranced, for a couple minutes, before shuddering and saying "eeeeei, takutnye tengok video ni",hahahahaha. i found that tickling. But anyway, I have just come across this song called Hyperballad by Bjork, which I find wonderful! I was never appreciative of her eccentricity before this(except maybe for that It's Oh So Quiet cover), but I now can see how fantastically her voice exudes emotion, and her lyrics! though simple, they're awesome in that their ambiguity leaves you wondering what she's actually singing about, and you can fit in your own beautiful interpretation of it. This is one of those songs that can make you think of something endless, deep, tranquil.
hyperballad - Bjork

6. Here's a what a random page of my journal says:


Ate a whole loaf-pan of quiche today. Not good, man. Maybe it's a testament to the fact that my quiche is damn good? Maybe.

When I'm 35(and hopefully I'll have grown up by then) and I reread this, it'll scare the crap out of me. 'Wasn't that the year of the financial crisis?!the Obama/Mccain presidential election?! When Badawi decided to step down?! What the hell was I doing writing about QUICHES?!'

7. I keep this crude, rudimentary ledger and write down my all my spendings in it(I try to put down every cent). when it's time to balance the accounts at the end of the month and I find that my balance under the cash account doesn't match the cash I have in my wallet, I fly into a rage. A baling-wallet-kat-katil/dinding-and-makan-a-whole-pan-of-quiche rage.

Bonus point: I've killed 2 bugs flying around my room tonight(Afnan, I took your advice!). Oklah, they were small ones. But I feel vindicated.

p/s: I tag Diyana(update your blog!I want to stalk you :D), and Kelly!I'm sure you guys would do this tag justice and come up with 7 interesting things. Di saat-saat nak exam ni, I'm sure a tag would be a pleasant distraction(or not).


Afnan (^_^) said...

wah ateqs! bersemangat membunuh serangga! chaiyok2! lol~ :P

anyway, wut's quiche?? senang x nk wat? nak resipi! =)

A said...

haha, semangat habis!

quiche is sorta like a pie but filling die is made with telur, and whatever inti, selalunya mushrooms or chicken ke ape2 yang nak diletak. the payah part nak buat die punye crust. However, the recipe yang saya jumpe hari tu takde gune crust, die macam substitute masuk self-rasing flour, so macam cheating tapi bolehlah. kalau nak try buat it's here :D

fariza azwa muhibah said...

waa ateqs. tahniah kerane telah membunuh 2 ekor serangge dengan berjaye.
haha. ibu pejabat? directly translated la ni? bagos2, kecik2 lagi otak ko berfungsi dgn hebat. haha.

Atiqah said...

thank you juwa. aku akui, walaupun aku nampak cam bodoh menghayun homework file aku berkali-kali, berjaya juga pukul serangga2 tersebut. achievement of the night.

sifat men-translate secara direct telah diterapkan sejak kecil. dulu aku buat sebab fikir memang itu cara nak translate from bm to bi. sekarang buat sekadar nak menggelikan hati,hahaha.