exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again.

I watched Singin' In the Rain again.


Facebook is fast becoming a prime place for examples of things that bug me. Observe: Lelaki A puts up a picture of him and a foreign girl on his profile. It is then bombarded with comments like these:

Lelaki B: Wei xxx! Boleh tahan miang hang ni.
Lelaki C: Perh..xxx makan sorang wei. Boleh tahan.
Lelaki D: kawan tak kawan. janji layan.haha.

I think it's self-explanatory what comments like the above make me feel.

but just in case you don't know, it makes me think 'fucktards'. It's a bit too frustratingly melayu, if that makes any sense.

I wish Kings of Convenience would come out with a new album already.


When you're supposed to be studying for an exam, you are magically bestowed with numerous ideas for blog posts and there isn't an hour that goes by without something popping into your head and snatching your focus away from macroeconomic theories to a quirky fact or an incident you wish to write about. And you think 'oh yes! I'll blog about all this when I'm done with exams!HAHAHAHA!'(diabolical laughter varies with the individual in question). But when you're actually done with exams, as expected, all those ideas vanish. ah well.


Camberwell and Chapel Street tomorrow. Oh, yes. I must start making my list:

1. Nasi Ayam.
2. Nasi Kandar(yang dekat sungei wang).
3. putu piring.
4. ayam masak merah.
5. Kuey teow goreng from Sila Rasa.
6. Goreng pisang(yang jual kat depan masjid tu)
7. Nasi lemak and paru.
8. Yong tau foo(plenty of suay kow)
9. Masak lemak pucuk manis.
10. Nasi beriyani(if possible, with kari kambing).
11. chicken and mushroom sizzling noodles from some random foodcourt.
12. whopper.
13. chicken hor fun.
14. pengat durian and roti jala.

Kakak. I'm going to mark off this list, and you're going to help me. hooray hooray!


whilewhiting said...

haha. good for you. i think you desrve the early holiday!

facebook, oh well.

a long list indeed. i want a list too. better make one after exam, which is in two more weeks.

when ur goin back again?

fariza azwa muhibah said...

wah. ko same cm anna.
time nk exam, sume idea ntok blogging menendang2 keluar dr otak ke laptop. haha.
and another wah. panjangnye shortlist anda. nasi lemak paru! evergreen favourite of mine.
and hey, gudluck for exams.=)

Afnan (^_^) said...

i agree wif ur opinion bout dat situation... some guys picture girls as toys which is so melampau!!! huhu...

haha,we're on d same boat! yup,bila time exm byk gila idea utk blog..but now,saya KETANDUSAN IDEA! teruk2,kena memerah otak utk update blog -_-'

sedapnya ur list of food! =D

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA lelaki melayu.

apparently my friend whos indian also divulge that indian guys also like that. semangat die menyumpah lelaki india yang chauvinistic siap bagi example:

" tak percaya, just walk at masjid india!!"

ini bukan generalizing ok. its just a funny remark my friend made in f rustration that i thought was in line with this post's theme.

Diyana said...

omg atiqah, you dah ada your own list for this upcoming hols! im so SO jealous! I dah lama tak makan makanan melayu/malaysia.... esp nasi lemak with sambal sotong, nasi briyani, ayam masak merah, nasi kandar, mcdonalds kfc burger king yang halal,yong tau foo, kuey teow goreng, oh oh teh tarik, kuih-kuih melayu (damn, i miss this), dan byk lagi......

saya perlu menunggu hingga cuti tahun depan tiba untuk menikmati hidangan tersebut. boohoo~~

bila you balik? my exams are in january..*panic, panic *gasp* faint*

so cuti december ni kena brush up la....bloody hell...eheh

miss you!

Atiqah said...

anna: anna!anna!hope your exams are going ok. I'm going back on friday, wheeee! make a list la! then we can compare, and I can see if i missed out anything,haha.

juwa:hahahaha, betul2. time nak study, time tu la idea2 bernas terbit :p exams dah habis, so goodluck ko aku transfer untuk results aku, ye? heh.

afnan:yeah,man. i REALLY don't like it when guys use verbs like 'makan' to refer to girls.

haha, I have to perah otak too. kite sama! :D

nani:hahaha, gile apt.chauvinistic pigs,boo.

dirs:hahahaha, you mentioned enough food to make a list of your own ;D don't worry!time will fly by(honest), and before you know it you'll be done with your first year and be back eating anything you want!

don't stress over exams, plenty of time to study, and I know you'll do great! i hate studying during cuti :p but i suppose it's a painful necessity.

the curious cat said...

cepatlah balik!!!!

A said...

coooommmmmiiiinnnnggggg! :D