exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, December 01, 2008

Let's stay home and watch cooking shows

Let's stay home and watch cooking shows. Nigella Lawson, you've captured my heart. Merely watching you crush a bar of cooking chocolate with a mezzaluna is enough to make me sigh contentedly.

Oh!oh! Guess how I spent Friday night? Well, we had to go back to kampung because my cousin was getting married. So the nikah was that friday night at the masjid near the bride's place, and we did the traditional convoy kereta secara beramai-ramai from my cousin's house. In a nutshell:

1. Our car ended up following the wrong car. So the makcik in the backseat who kept looking behind at us was not a relative as we thought she was, but may in fact have been some random person growing increasingly nervous because of the persistence of this blue chevy with a bunch of women(two of whom were carrying dulang hantaran) at tailing their car.

2. The bride's house was in a Felda settlement. So imagine, if you will, the road to the settlement, which is completely surrounded by plantations, no lamp posts at all. During the night, it is completely pitch dark, except for the headlights of passing cars, which are not that many. Now. picture this: you are in a car, trying to keep up with the car in front of you, who is going at an alarmingly face past for a road so dark. Then suddenly there's a massive hole eating into the side of the road which unfortunately you nor your mother who's driving don't spot in time to avoid, so the car runs right into it, which is a bit of shock itself, but then you realize, as you continue driving, that there's a dreadful thump-thump-thump sound. Your mother wants to pull over to check what's wrong but there are a number of factors that make her hesitate such as:
a) The car you're supposed to be following in front is still speeding along.
b) it's pitch dark and there no lay-buys on the side of the road for you to pull the car over.
c) there are no cars at all behind you.

Pendek cerita, your front left tire that went into the hole has burst and is now flat. So...yeah. I spent my birthday night in a baju kurung standing beside my mom's car watching my two cousins(who thankfully came to the rescue), with their pants rolled up and feet submerged in mud change the front tyre. Ah well. at least it was memorable, hey?

I've got a bitch of a sorethroat, which I fear might help steer this into a post that's all emo and shit(you'd be surprised how tonsils can affect writing. oh yeah, like, totally), so goodnight y'all.

oh wait! I forgot. If anyone called/messaged me on my aussie number, I'm really sorry but I apparently I can't get it. or something. of that sort. yeah.

Esok nak pegi menari lagi.


whilewhiting said...


im soooo sory. happy belated bufday!

saya x tipu. saya dh ingt dh. "kay, bulan ni ader bufday sape? oh bufday ateqs" ingt2 nnti nak wish. ok. facebook pun ader jdi reminder.

skali, internet pun dh habis...

happy birthday ateqs. man, that bufday sure isnt easy to forget. bufday cakes and songs is kind of yesterday kan. :):P:D

cooking shows make me drools. especially here. haha.

Anonymous said...

heyloo ateq..happy belated birthday t u..i love t read ur bloggie..n welcome home(m'sia)..hehe..hope t catch u up asap..miss u..n take care my dear..tata..=))))

mostlyepiphanies said...

OMGOD! Mee too! I totally forgot!

Haaaapy belated ateqs! Semoga panjang umur dalam iman n murah rezeki,always.


Atiqah said...

anna:no worries anna, thanks for the wish anywa :D I know!i know! when we change into a month I always try to recap whoever punye birthday, but I end up forgetting to wish the person on the day itself :P

wuiling: thanks wui ling! yeah, we should catch up someday! you take care too :)

aijud: thanks aijud! grazias, merci, etc :)