exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Strawberry Glaze

I burnt my tongue when I popped the piece of microwaved doughnut with the strawberry glaze on top into my mouth today. adoi.

I came off far more somber in the previous post than what I actually felt at the time of writing, so I'm sorry for that. I wasn't fishing for sympathy(though perhaps I was, hmmmHMMMMM), but thank you again to afnan and aijud and kero for the kind words. much appreciated.

And hey, it's come to my attention(thanks to all the prerequisite end-of-year blog posts) that we're about to dive(or perhaps just slip quietly) into 2009. well, I'll be damned. Where'd the year go to anyway?(please imagine me saying this with a southern drawl. just try!).

If this were a different point in time, I suppose I'd be all mushy and try to sum up how this year has went, and trust me, I can vouch for the fact that it would have been a very glum(and stupid) post. But for some reason I'm feeling awful chipper tonight, so maybe I can flip all this around? It would be nice to look back on this post a couple years from now and think "hey, I seemed awful cheerful back on new year's eve '08".

I know there's only a handful of you out there actually reading this(like what,5?) so I know there's no need for me to worry about sounding like a bimbo, or whether I'm supposed to talk about the more 'meaningful' aspects of 2008 that can somehow relate to you who are reading. It doesn't really matter what I write, does it? Oh, of course this post, as with every other post I publish here; will always have that tinge of self-consciousness that I detest, but I'm pretty sure that whoever that's reading this is a friend, and I hope you'll see beyond all the self-centered ramblings. Or just accept it.

While we were in Singapore, I was horsing around with kakak. At one point, I made a joke about something, and after we were done laughing, she mentioned something along the lines of how I was crazy, and am I like this around other people? And I thought about it, and I replied, "No. I'm only like this with you", to which my sister said she felt privileged to be able to see this side of me.

And that, I think, pretty much says it all. My lament for 2008. My resolution for 2009, perhaps(but what's a resolution if you have a nagging feeling deep down that you won't actively set out to achieve it?). I wish I was the way I am around my sister with all of you('you' includes all friends,acquaintances,random people, the people in the debate team, extended family members, the safeway cashier I had a crush on, everyone in general). Maybe 2008 wouldn't have been so screwed up if I was.

of course, it's not only that. You've also got to put my religious beliefs, my studies, and all the other little knick-knacks that you accumulate throughout the year into the equation. And I think I'm phrasing it wrong. It isn't the year 2008 that's screwed up. It is the person I was during the year.

Do you really believe in the power of a new year as a blank slate? If you do, it'd be nice if you could give me one in your books. I'm sorry for whatever trouble I've caused you.

Ah well.

Selamat tahun baru.


Kero Ong said...

i'm rather happy about the new year haha. it's coming in what, 5 and a half hours or so. i, like you, have been a preeettty screwed up person this year :P we shall both start the year with a blank slate!

i've got no resolutions wei, i feel very out of place around most of my friends. but it's pointless to 'resolve' that i'll do something when i know i won't even think about it beyond wishing i could.

but you know. wishing you could be the same fun person around everybody might not be so kind to your closer friends? sometimes people you're close to want to have the pleasure of being the only ones to see a certain side of you. they want to share something special with you. i tried it la, being the way i am with my godbrother with everyone else. failed miserably :P got myself into trouble with lots of people instead.

aiya i feel like such an auntie. i've got no right to lecture you. you know what's best for yourself, after all :) and i wish you all the best with that.

syefik said...

yaye yaye! happy new year cousin!!!

happy neeeeeeeeeew year!!!..
Hey! i havent seen the gila side of you yet!... whenever im with you, id be the one who will be gila... jom kita buat party gila2 one day nak?

How are you celebrating new year? its 2 hours before new year!


Afnan (^_^) said...

Happy New Year ateqs!!! =)
Kat sini blum new year lg, another 4 hours...i'm waiting...

It doesnt matter what you write in your blog. It's your blog! It's fine to me whatever you wrote here. Honestly,ur blog is one of d blogs that i LOVE to read!

Let bygone be bygone. You've done ur best during the past 2008. Dun blame urself. Whatever bad things that happened, take them as lessons. You live and you learn...

Have a nice day ateqs! and a great new year too! ^_^

Hmm... said...

Hey hey Atiqah!!! =D Happy New Year! This new year will definitely be more happening than the former *super optimistic* teehee!

Atiqah said...

kero:that is definitely something to consider. blank slate,ftw.happy new year!

syefik:selamat tahun baru to you too saudara!you go gile2 in dungun la, come back and we can be crazy2 together,haha.

i celebrated the new year by watching a movie on a laptop in my room. I heard muffled booms, I saw fireworks from my window, and that was that.

afnan: awww, always sweet words. thanks, and happy new year to you too, amigo :D

shao:yeah man!*punches fist in air* heh. happy new year!