exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lila Fowler

I am giving myself a maximum of 13 minutes to do a post.13 and then slumber beckons.

To the uninitiated, this is a moleskine book:
'Moleskine is the legendary notebook used for the past two centuries by great artists and thinkers, including Van Gogh, Picasso, Hemingway and Chatwin.'-main description you'll find under moleskine's official website when you google it.

I'd show you the nice doodles in moleskine notebooks I've seen but they are all personal sketches of people I blog stalk so it's really not my right to do so.


Ya Allah, terima kasih kerana mengurniakan saya seorang ibu yang boleh masak kari ikan yang memang kick ass.


I went to the supermarket with my mom yesterday. We grabbed a trolley and started looking for the things on her grocery list. We reached the veggie and fruit section, mom parked the trolley at the side while we looked for tomatoes, daun sup,etc. Then she brought the stuff to the weighing counter to get them priced, so I headed back to where she parked the trolley to bring it around. I got back to mom pushing the trolley, she looked down into it and gave me a quizzical look, saying "Eh. That's not my things in there", something of that sort, and for a minute I froze before the obvious kicked in and I realized I had taken someone else's shopping cart. I quickly reversed the trolley with the intention of returning it back to where I had taken it.

Then I turned and saw some guy with his hands outstretched towards me. Sigh. I screeched out a "Soreeeeee!", pushed the trolley in his general direction and ran away as fast as I could.

Mim alif lam wau.


Aurora borealis.
To be able to see this someday? who knows.


Aki said...

Oh my goodness, yes! I wanna see the Aurora too!!! One day, I will, one day, good willing.

Aki said...

By the way I really like Marie Digby's song, unfold and spell. Didn't really like it the first time round, but it grew on me =)

kelly said...

miss lah!
oh february come quick!

p/s:panas like gila2. its like a sneak-peek into hell..aiyayai

youchiyagami said...

Aurora tu, can only be seen at the poles je kan? Kena pegi sana la kalau nak tengok.

Atiqah said...

Aki;yeah!I can't imagine the awesomeness it would be to actually see it. One day,one day.

I'm listening to them songs as I type this :) thank you!

kelly:makcik! I miss you as well. how's melbourne/oven?haha. I'll be back in less than a month, woot! look forward to seeing you then.

youchi: yeah. kene start kumpul duit.

syefik said...

Hahaha, i remember my mum's story on similar case about switching trolleys.

She accidentally took the trolley which was belonged to the hypermarket staff who was loading the stuff out of the trolley for display.

He came over to my mum and said " Akak nak bawak trolley tu ke mane? " sambil senyum

If im not mistaken... the trolley was full of "sayur".