1. I get touchy when I meet someone who has the perception that an accountant is someone who is very dry and boring. ACCOUNTANTS CAN HAVE FUN TOO YOU KNOW!
2. I have this belief that my skin looks better than what it actually is when I first wake up in the morning. I'll shuffle over to the bathroom sink to brush my teeth, and when I look at my face, it seems like every pimple has shrunk, the skin feels smoother and in general looks nicer. But then it 'wakes up', and once I've showered, it resumes normal ugliness. Can anyone scientifically confirm this for me?
3. Kakak once told me that if she were able to marry a song, she'd marry Les Cerfs Volants, this french song by Benjamin Biolay. I thought that was a very interesting question. If you could marry a song, what song would it be? I reckon I wouldn't mind being paired up withPostcards from Italy by Beirut for life. (Come, come, introduce me to your song-wife/husband! I'd like to know)
4. I saw the cute Safeway cashier I used to stalk last year in my Cost Management lecture! HOHOHOHO!
5. Sometimes I get weary of movies/stories that have such clear cut protagonists and antagonists. Surely people are not so easily lumped in either category?
6. Album of the moment: Fleet Foxes' self-titled debut. Three phrases to describe it: Beautifully soothing harmonies, distinctive American folksiness, reminds me sometimes of Simon&Garfunkel. Favored song of the album of the moment:
What's particularly interesting about the song(besides that it sounds good), is the fact it only has one verse repeated throughout the song, and that one verse is made up of lyrics that are a bit haunting(I suppose the red he sings about refers to blood?
I was following the pack
all swallowed in their coats
with scarves of red tied ’round their throats
to keep their little heads
from fallin’ in the snow
And I turned ’round and there you go,
And Michael, you would fall
and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
all swallowed in their coats
with scarves of red tied ’round their throats
to keep their little heads
from fallin’ in the snow
And I turned ’round and there you go,
And Michael, you would fall
and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
Eh eh. Terpanjang pulak number 6 ni.
7. I really ought to be doing homework now. I don't think there ever is a time when I don't. Someone slap me and make me get started already.
8.I can arch my left eyebrow up a la Ziana Zain. I can't remember how many zeros a mega has, I can't swim, and I don't have a natural chemistry with dolphins, but I can arch my leftbrow. All is well.
9. My mom always gives the credit for baking something to me, even though all I did was the menial work like measuring out flour and sugar. I miss her.
10.A source of joy: storage solutions.
11.I think my Cost Management lecturer is sweet. He really tries hard to convey what he's teaching as clearly as possible, and he seems genuinely interested in the subject, which is not something you can find in all teachers.
13. Dengan rasminya saya ingin tag Kelly. KELLY. Kelly,ftw!
i think accountants are cool. because they involve money. me and my brother use to think accountant=a lot of money. hehe
one of the important part to be a good baker is being rajin to actually do it. you are soo rajin at baking!
will virtual slap do? go do homework! haha. actually that slap was more for me than you.
lucky its you that posted the pic. which is going to be the reason why i will not be angry about it. in fact, i laughed so hard to the existance of this pic. shoot!
i think that is me drooling over the cakes in the cook book. it look twisted because thats how i look changing one expression to another. which is only now i know.
and people, sila jgn click the pic to enlarge. Please!! if you dont want to get nightmares. lol
hahahahahaha your friend's expression is priceless.
ehh i have this friend whose parents are accountants, and so are her two sisters. they're all scarily awesome, so i don't have that perception of accountants. but i DID d: i think most people have that perception hahaha.
you know Spitz? their song Y is my song-husband. if you don't know them go google! they're a great japanese band. but i'd probably have flings with all of vienna teng's songs, so i don't know :P
eh i can arch my left eyebrow too!! yay. i can't do it with my right one though. it's permanently in the same position. and my skin looks like complete crap in the morning, so i cannot agree with you. but then again it looks like crap most of the time....
man is there ever a time when one DOESN'T have homework that one should be doing. excluding people who are having holidays or out of school already la haha.
argh i feel like baking now!!!
1.after seeing my sister and her friends who are accountants i must say that they are not boring.they just devote their life to work,deadlines to meet and all.i think thats why people think accountants are boring.
3.i still haven't met my song-husband.will let you know once i have ;)
4.life has a funny way of helping you out.
5.i couldn't agree more!i guess its easier for us to not know that we are human,that we all can be the good/bad guy.therefore we portray what we want to see,that if one's not good,then one's bad.
8.that's awesome!mine wouldn't move at all.:(
owh my longest comment so far :p
anna is actually yawning in the picture, no?
Sorry anna, i enlarged it. Hee!
Yay ateqs! Update!
If it's any consolation, engineers are perceived as boring too! hehe. No wonder people don't make tv series out of engineers. lol!
@aizuddinanuar: hey, there's dilbert :P
anna: baking? You're the one who's awesome at baking. I still dream of your cinnamon-topped bread pudding, yum.
accountants=a lot of money? I don't think I mind that perception so much,heh.
hahahahahaha, anna!Aku tak terfikir nak click and enlarge until you mentioned it! how ironic.
kero: left eyebrow arch,ftw! can't do nothing with my right one either.
vienna teng's songs could be your concubines :p
bake me something la. I've got some blues today :( a baked treat(even in the form of a picture) would do me good.
aina:comment panjang from aina, whoo!lepas ni boleh satu page pulak,ok?heh.
I saw cute cashier again just now! One day must work up the courage to go sit next to him.
aina, ko dah cun, tak perlulah nak arch eyebrow,ok?haha
aijud:itulah!I thought it was the laugh/smirk thing(that's what it looked like to me unzoomed), but bile dah tgk the enlarge version memang nampak macam tengah yawn. Anna bosan duduk rumah saya, what to do :p
dilbert's an engineer? I had no idea.
Well, to be fair, there's no tv series about accountants either. it's all them medic and lawyer and police folk who get the spotlight. I want accountant shows! I want Cost Management the series!Season 2 of Financial Statements! heh.
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