exaggeration and tall tales galore

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whipped cream

I made a Victorian sponge cake for the first time just yesterday. Tak jadi(in no way did my cake pass off for a sponge), but my friends said they liked it :') I'm sorry, but this just calls for a muka-terharu-emoticon. Terharu that they liked it. Or terharu that they were lying to jaga my hati. I'm much happier making something to feed my friends rather than studying. Is this a sign? Should I ditch accounting and go somewhere to learn how to fluff meringues and ensure my souffles don't sink?

Over the past couple weeks, I've been out with some friends who have managed to make me laugh in way I haven't laughed for a while. The best kind, the priceless kind. The one that makes you cry and bowl over, clutching your tummy or the nearest solid structure for support. The kind that you faintly regret afterwards, but would rather experience anyway, because laughter like this doesn't come often. I laughed, I laughed, I laughed, and it was delicious. It was painfully lovely to collapse with mirth like that, to see the people around you laughing just as hard, trying to stop and get a grip before looking at each other and dissolving into belly-hurting giggles all over again.

And funnily enough, half of the company I was with were people I've barely known for 3 months. Isn't that funny? I've known some people for years, get along perfectly decently, but I've never managed to laugh with them like that. Yet there I was with people I don't know well for the most part, laughing our heads off together. Chemistry? Funny. It shows up in places you wouldn't expect.

Hail autumn, full of grace!
Your golden leaves caress my face
As they float gently to the ground
Without so much a wisp o' sound
And I watch, wistful,as they fall.

But soon your leaves will be no more
And winter will be at my door
I'll long for it to quickly end
And rejoice in sunshine once again
And wait for autumn's grace.

Emily Dickinson, please don't roll over in your grave.

I'm going to go meet the queen of body rolls, go get chicken and salami, and hopefully indulge in the culinary delight that is fried chicken. Happy weekend, mes jellybeans!


whilewhiting said...

got your message last night but i was at home.

i wish i had some. well, that giving u excuse to buat lagi kan. kan? :P

its good that you're happy. if only happiness is a disease, i would be willing to get infected.

hope for many happy days to come!

Aki said...

Heyy you're so lucky to enjoy a moment like that.

Coincidentally I woke up with a very good mood today =)

And bout the cooking, I think I'm inflicted with the same thing. Whenever I have to study I start lavishing Subha my friend with cooking and baking...

But last last kena study jugak =_=

syefik said...

Auntie Kak Young! hey, please show some pictures. I desperately want to know how winter looks like in melbourne.. nak sangat.. cepatla.. show some other pictures aswell.. naaaak

farah_hanani said...

ahoi ateqs,

glad tht u have company yg boleh geng. jgn sejuk2 sgt winter ni!!

i love tht poem , i can discern its about the weather . sorry for my shortcomings to relay any metaphorical genius.

weh, mane dpt fried chicken, tolongla saya kempunaaaan.