That worries me. I should write them out. I don't want to be numbed over by entertainment and eating and lose all original thought. And to all the self-conscious demons inside of me being all hypocritical and pretentious, and to all the demons that may(though unlikely) exist out there judging me, to them I'd just like to say fuck you, and fuck off.
Sorry for the profanity. But it fits my frustration in that sense.
Vanilla ice cream, much like bananas, are extremely wonderful, because they go great with so many things. I bought a 2 liter tub of vanilla ice cream, and I'm trying to list out all the ways I could eat it. Just on it's own. With sliced bananas, and chocolate chips. With a warm chocolate chip banana muffin. With apple crumble. Scooped into a mug of hot milo. With soda. Sandwiched between a hot dog bun, or just a couple slices of bread. With practically any sort of baked good. On a cone.
Oh!Oh! Have you listened to it? Kings of Convenience have FINALLY come out with some material, apparently the new album is coming out in October. Their website directs you to where you can listen to the new song, Mrs Cold. I like it. Eagerly anticipating the album.
I thought Queenstown was lovely, somewhere I'd like to go back to, maybe in the summer next time. I tried skiing. I'm bad at it, so it wasn't particularly enjoyable, but I'm glad I can now say I've tried it. And I went bungee jumping, which, unfortunately, wasn't as satisfying as I hoped it would be. It was too short, I think. But yeah, the part where you're actually looking over the ledge about to jump is quite something. I should have drunk in my surroundings more slowly, paused a bit before I jumped to make sure it all sunk in, to feel it. Oh well. Next time, maybe. But I really did like para gliding, I think that was the most enjoyable activity I partook while I was there.
I think New Zealand has scenery like no other. Well, it's unlike anything I've seen before, which may not be a credible observation because let's face it, I haven't traveled much to begin with. But it was beautiful. And there were lots of sheep. Lots. Lots.
My excellent travel buddies.
Overdosed on korean romantic comedies yesterday. Man they have a lot of good-looking people.
jeles. jeles. jeles lagi.
cop, alps kat mane sbnrnye? bkan kt swiss?
Nak bungee jugak!!!!
The picture with the parting clouds is lovely.
I say, write away. It maybe be that I spend all the time in this short world considering what others think to actually do anything.
Ooh! I read something interesting the other day. It is impossible to not be judgmental. When stripped to the core, judgment is the apparatus society uses to sort out who goes where. It's how society makes sense of itself.
Well, it sounded way more interesting than how I've written it. Haha.
juwa: next time pegi ko kene ikut!
Ntahla, aku tahu ade french alps, swiss alps, so aku pegi panggil ape2 gunung bersalji alps. so jangan ikut aku, keberangkalian sangat2 besar aku salah and memalukan diri sendiri.
aijud: Yeah man, bungee away! if you go to queenstown, try the sky swing. Aina and I saw a couple people do it, it looked crazy fun.
Being judgemental as a way a society makes sense of itself? I don't get it, but it does sound very intriguing. You must explain to me more someday.
wow awan terbelah kaler merah.
new zealand!!!!! lord of the rings! hercules! xena warrior princess!!
i cannot enthuse more how much i want to go see that place. ( i heard that the sheep population outstripped the humans)
tell you what, i am lazy to blog as well.
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