exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hello. It's been a while but it feels like it's been much longer. I have an essay due for when I meet my group assignment members tomorrow but I still haven't finished, and funnily enough, I don't want to. I'm not worried it's late and that we're meeting at 10, that I still have 700 words to go. I don't want to do this, and therefore I won't. What's wrong with me? I don't know. But selamat hari raya.

I've been really enjoying dance class, have I mentioned this? Leaves me exhausted, but in a good way. and I've also really been enjoying this weetabix cereal Kelly gave me to try. It's got berry bits and stuff in it,annoyingly chewy and they get stuck in my teeth at times when eaten with milk, but still delightful nonetheless.

We've got a gig this weekend(woo!), and secretly, I find it thrilling. Very glad I'll have my Kellogs there with me. I'll tell you something, dancing is empowering, man. All the hair flicks, body rolls and hand swishes entail some sort of diva-esque quality that you have to deliver to make them work! Obviously all my sexy moves were suppressed during school, so perhaps that gives me all the more reason to swing my hips with a vengeance.

I really, really, don't want to do this essay.

But I don't want dance class to equate corruption. It's that funny split personality again, where you have one side gaping at yourself, going "hello. slut. tolong sikit?" and another side going "Bloody hell, it's not like I'm doing all this to go to a club and grind against some guy, this is just fun and a form of exercise."

Oh well.

700 words. come on, come on!


mostlyepiphanies said...

I really don't want to do this one assignment as well. I've been putting it off, mostly because I can't comprehend mathematics, but also because I'm re-entering my i-dislike-this-degree-with-a-passion-so-i-shall-not-do-work phase.

Oh well, (unfortunately) knowing myself, I'll probably squeeze in some brain cells to finish it at the very last minute, when panic and fear of mediocrity kicks in.

I miss my night spanish classes. They're finished.

Have fun dancing!!And selamat hari raya!!

kelly said...

as i quote our fav c-grapher (besides your mentor of course!), "WORK IT GIRLFRIEND!"

Only Kye said...

"hello. slut. tolong skit."

I love that! it made me lol.

Atiqah said...

aijud:how'd the assignment go amigo? are you and your degree getting along better at the moment? selamat hari raya to you too! hope it was festive.

spanish classes over? oh no! I find solace in learning a foreign language too, my french essay is the only homework i'm actually looking forward to doing.

kelly: OH YEAH, BAY-BEE!! hair flicks ftw!heh.

kye:haha, i'm glad it did. the self-criticizing voice in my head is often blunt and concise.

Lisa Sulaiman said...

I WISH I could swing my hips with vengeance too v.v

but some people are just not born with it. gah

And yeah, the self criticizing voice in your head has this wonderful bluntness to it, it's hilarious.