exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, October 02, 2009

"I've been feeling like a fox with sad old eyes"

One reason why I like Breakfast at Tiffany's so much is because it had that part where Holly talks about the mean reds, about suddenly feeling scared without knowing what you're afraid of. It made perfect sense, because sometimes I'll be in the shower(this feeling usually occurs either when I'm in the shower or sitting on my bed at sunset, I don't know why), and I'll suddenly find myself dreading something, like it's the end and I have nowhere to run to. I'll have no idea why and start listing all the possibilities for this feeling, starting with whether I've prayed. Sometimes it feels like the end, the end that no music or pretty film can prevent from coming. I'll rest my head against the bathroom wall,(sometimes I'll be wearing a flowery shower cap as I do so), and will the hot water to wash the feeling away.

Either way, I like the fact I have a name to call it now.

This song makes me feel things.

And though our doors may knock and rattle in the wind
I'll just hold you tight and we'll not let those fuckers in

Listening to Bloc Party, I was struck by a line from Two More Years.

I've become crueler in your presence

While the song in its entirety wasn't relevant to what I was thinking, that line alone struck a chord. I know I often behave appallingly, sometimes with specific actions like making spiteful comments or pretending not to see someone, sometimes just with sheer arrogance. I don't know why I still do it, and I don't know how to reconcile the different parts of myself with any of it. I'm sorry.

But enough about that. I've booked my flight ticket home, yay! Beacon of light. And I've had a serving of vegetables today, which always makes me feel good(never mind the fact it was cauliflower, not some green leafy vegetable). You know you've crossed a certain point in your life when you go looking for sayur, as opposed to avoiding them like the plague(picking out the mixed veggie your mom puts in nasi goreng, anyone?).

I like to whistle. I didn't know how to whistle until after school, because apparently bersiul adalah perbuatan yang sial, therefore I was told to avoid it. However, after school there was no one telling me not to, plus my parents are both avid whistlers, so there you have it. I practiced until I could blow more than just air.

I like telling you useless information, I know.


kelly said...

i LOVE the video
and he has gorgeous eyes :P

and yes, its a really good song.
i can see why you like it :)

syef said...

when are you coming back kak yang? exact date? ayoo.. was plannin of visiting u in vov to december.. hmm tapi panas la plak. hehehe

the three of us said...

ooo! when are you coming back? :D

i know what you mean about the vegetables - there was a point in time when i absolutely refused to eat anything green, and now i'm almost a vegetarian d: i wouldn't even eat the nasi if i could see veggies in it haha. spoilt giler.

confession: can't whistle D8 tried a loooooot but i fail at it!

A said...

kellz: haha, ever the eye-noticer.

syef and kero: coming back 19th of november, whoo!

syefik: sorry, but i had to come back early sebab by late november ticket prices dah naik and by december i have to work. you nak visit ke??? november tak panas sangat lagi, i think, still bearable.

kero:I know!maybe kids are naturally predisposed to hate veggies?

you can't whistle???ok,nvm. you tell me what song to whistle, and i'll whistle on your behalf,heh.