exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stroopwafels (Kelly, I love them!)

It is very likely that I will become, or at least attempt to become, an auditor after I graduate. Sometimes I see this as a rational, logical, idea. Sometimes it freaks the shit out of me. Sometimes it makes me wonder whether this will mean I will end up a spinster. Other times it makes me think maybe I'll meet someone at a client's place (like how my mom met my dad whilst she was an internal auditor at Esso, isn't that so delightfully optimistic?).

I told one of my ang moh classmates I was doing a commerce degree, and she gave The Snort. The OMG-why-are-you-doing-commerce snort.

Another time, I can't remember why, but I was in the library thinking about various disciplines of learning and what their respective students must be aspiring to achieve in light of their studies. I suppose an architecture student would go ga-ga over a beautifully and immaculately designed building by some renowned architect. A bio-med student would probably be motivated by the most recent findings on cancer cures, or something like that. Then my focus shifted onto my own studies, what would an accounting student get excited about? The latest financial reporting framework standard released by the standards board? Then I snorted, and went back to work.

The other day during my Financial Accounting tute, we were discussing executive compensation and employee stock options, and when it wrapped-up, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had actually enjoyed the tute. It was genuinely stimulating, and yes, I know that sounds very bleah and personal-statement-worthy, but betul, I was just as puzzled by the idea that things like employee stock options could maintain my attention for more than 20 minutes. And that wasn't even the first time I had that ah-ha moment, Financial Accounting as a whole has been my most interesting subject this semester, I believe. Rock on.

I hate, I really do hate, when I encounter people who think that a commerce degree is easy. I get vivid daydreams of severely injuring such people for a couple of minutes, but then that anger deflates and I find myself glumly realizing that maybe the reason I get so upset is because the the notion is actually true? It probably is easier to pass accounting than it is to pass anatomy, or molecular biology, or some obscure engineering subject or whatnot. On the other hand, screw all you naysayers. Selagi kau tak buat subject aku dan dapat H1, SENYAP KAU!

The idea of working as an auditor, doing the whole 9 to 5 thing, the sober work outfits, the employee benefits, the occasional work event and office gossip, the struggle to climb the ladder, the chaos and lack of sleep during the busy season, the whole corporate shebang, it seems a reassuringly predictable route. You get an office job, one that comes with a fixed pay,benefits, 15 days of paid leave, etc. You work, you get paid, you gripe about work, you get promoted, you get paid more.

On the other hand,I'm scared that I'll be someone who hates my job but am too chicken shit to go out there and find greener pastures because I don't have the guts to go without the security of a steady paycheck. What would I do anyway? As of now, accounting's all I know.

I think I could be a competent auditor.

But anyway. How are you doing, folks? I feel a bit older this time around.

Remember Peterpan? The Indonesian band? Whatever happened to them ah? Lama tak dengar cerita. But I recall buying a pirated copy of their CD from Petaling Street ages ago(I'm sorry, I was a student with no money. I'm still a student with no money), and I really did like it. My favorite song was Ku Katakan Dengan Indah, I thought the lyrics were heartbreak in a bottle.

Tetapi hatiku selalu meninggikanmu
Terlalu meninggikanmu
Selalu meninggikamu
Membuat ku terjatuh dan terjatuh lagi

At the moment, I have decided to go to the root, the mothership, the big kahuna of all chick lit, and read Pride and Prejudice. So far it's proving to keep my interest piqued, but it's early chapters yet. We'll see how it goes.

I'm now going to go eat a a biscuit in the shape of a Teddy Bear and go to bed.


kelly said...

another way is to zap it in the micro for a bit :D
i know, i know, winter weight is coming but we do deserve a lil bit of picker-upper once or twice in a while
and yes, nobody should not have something to say if they haven't face it themselves. talk is cheap.

yay for updates :)

mostlyepiphanies said...

On the other hand, screw all you naysayers. Selagi kau tak buat subject aku dan dapat H1, SENYAP KAU!

Haha. True!

I think its just easy to assume stuff when you're looking from the outside, without having experienced it.

I had to learn about cash flows last year and just a couple of weeks ago we had to do a huge chunk of that for our final year design project. Depreciation, discount rates, annuity, ROI and all that still gives me nightmares.

So MAAAD props sistah!


Lisa Sulaiman said...

COMMERCE IS NOT EASY! I get that a lot especially from pure science students. Accounting especially needs crazy level analytical skills and actually BRAINS to come up with a combination of data that makes sense. They all think it's just about balancing accounts and if you can add 1 + 1 then it should be OK.


(I have a paper tomorrow, so forgive my sudden outburst)

the three of us said...

ugh stroopwafels, the bane of my weighing scale T_T

i have no comment about the people who think a commerce degree is easy, since i haven't really encountered any of them, being a Young And Naive SPM student hurhur. but more power to you for not bowing to their opinions!!

i miss peterpan la. that's my favourite song too! probably go download one of their albums or something later.

Al said...

What I've realized since I've started work,is that work provides mobility,it gives you choices to branch out,reach higher places,and at uni you may just see numbers and graphs and all kinds of dry crap,but this gives you access and insight into so many other things,this knowledge will be universal,our education is a tool,and work is where you go home from,not to.

youchiyagami said...


Again. What's with the obsession with difficult, complicated, sophisticated stuff?

What's wrong with doing easy stuffs, or taking easier paths? Isn't it obviously smarter to do so? Or rather, isn't it stupid to choose to do more difficult things? And to take pride in it, OMG why the hell would anyone think that doing something the harder way is 'cool'?

Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled by shallow people trying to impress each other by doing difficult things deemed not worthwhile by sensible people.

If it's true that a commerce degree really is relatively easier, then you have to be grateful. Be grateful that you have better ROI compared to those doing difficult degree. Be grateful that if a cost-benefit analysis is to be run on student life, yours will be a profitable one. You're the one doing commerce, you should know better.

Atiqah said...

kelly, i want some more stroopwafels! All warm and soft and chewy.Mmmmm, stroopwafels....

Yay for people nice enough to leave a comment :)

aijud, thank you, homie!(dawg? bruh?haha) You had to do all that for your final project? Word (ok, skarang dah tak boleh berhenti ghetto-talk). Either way your project (I'm assuming it's the one you posted on your blog?) looks super impressive, with the coloured pie-charts and graphs whatnot,kudos to you on that!

lisa, hahahahaha, I really liked your GAAAAAARRRRRR, very hear-me-roar. Hope your paper went well!

kero, I know right! But it's so good. 600kilojoules of snacking heaven right there.

Wah, you're taking your SPM already this year? Awww shucks, it feels like baru hari tu you were about to do your PMR :')

Al, thank you for that. I don't know why, but I've painted my perceptions of my future working life in shades of unhappiness and dissatisfaction, I forget that work comes with its own set of experiences I have yet to fathom. Hope you're doing well!

Youchiyagami, fair enough. Thank your for giving your opinion, it provided a perspective of thought I hadn't considered before. I am definitely thinking twice before repeating the mistake of blogging about my 'obsession with difficult stuff', as you put it, lest I hear you sighing again :p