exaggeration and tall tales galore

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Tak boleh concentrate doh.

Aku nak belajar. Tapi aku tak faham apa aku tengah belajar. Jadi aku berhenti belajar lepas tu aku baca blog orang lain. Lepas tu aku marah diri sendiri suruh pergi belajar, lepas tu aku belajar, lepas tu aku tak faham apa aku tengah belajar, maka aku berhenti belajar dan pergi baca blog orang lain. Dan seterusnya, dan seterusnya.

There's that part in A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby where Martin states that ladders is what it all comes down to and how you can reduce the biggest topics to the tiniest parts. I thought of that, and I thought about my own life, and then I summed it up to magic.

Magic. What a flimsy, la-di-da term. But it's the best one I could think of.

Listening to a really good song is magic. Not just a good song. A song that gets you. You understand, right? We've all listened to a song like that. A song that wraps around your soul and squeezes until you want to burst. That's magic.

Open communication with my dad. Realizing the extent of my love for my mom, how vivid and solid and real it is, even though I never say it out loud, even though we never express it in speech. That's magic.

Praying in Makkah, where it felt like when you spoke to God, it was a direct conversation, He was close and listening. Your faith was unshakeable , you couldn't see how you could ever falter again after this, you were sure that you could be better, that you would be.

Do you see? It felt like magic.

Music and religion. When I was in high school, it was pounded into me that music-unless nasyid-and religion don't go together. I remember my ustazah saying how we shouldn't listen to our walkmans before falling asleep, how if we were to somehow die in our sleep after doing that, we would "mati secara sia-sia". There was at some point talk about how we're not supposed to play string instruments or something? And the same principle applies to dance. Dance? Are you out of your mind? WE CAN'T DANCE. Dance is sexual. Dance is maksiat. Dance is wrong.

Fucking apeshit!

Sorry. But whenever I think of such memories from high school, I get angry.

High school was where I learnt religion. Of course there was Pendidikan Islam in sekolah rendah, a bit of sekolah agama, the Qur'an lessons before that. But here I was properly thrust into a practicing environment. Before I entered high school,I couldn't even recite the Ayat Kursi by heart,and I had stopped reading the Qur'an since I khatam-ed, making me quite rusty.

In high school, I was introduced to Allah in a specific way, I was drilled with the dos and don'ts of a muslimah. 5 years in a boarding school instilled a very regimented approach to God. This is right, this is wrong. Islam is correct, other religions are not.

As I grow older, I seem to come to the conclusion that a lot of what I was told, what the ustaz and the ustazah said; doesn't make sense. Like the whole music thing. If we were to accept it at a purely superficial level and generalize that music and religion are contradictory, then I'm fucked. And it also boils down to a more fundamental level. I don't see why Allah would put a decent person in hell just because that person was born into a different religion. And it relates to how everything is pre-destined, which is another topic I find myself struggling with, I grapple with the technicalities of it.

Faith. My faith is there, but it's in a manner that is different to what I've been taught, so it flexes and struggles and throws itself against the different chambers of my heart. Sometimes it is exasperating and frustrating and contradictory and I wish I could just consult someone and ask "Is this right?Is this ok? Will I go to hell?". I try to reconcile what I know and what I think I believe, and it's a mess usually, but sometimes it works out ok. If I'm lucky,it all just falls into equilibrium.

I don't want to go to hell. I want to be good and be happy doing so. That's pretty much it, basically.


Anonymous said...

Islam is beautiful, really.

Ko tau tak ape paling aku tak suke psl high school dulu?

- golongan-golongan yang konon alim suke pndg slack kat orang, and the worst part was, i was one of them-

Alhamdulillah, skrg aku ade join usrah, tp usrah tu mmg totally lain dr skolah dulu. I gained sakinah. Kat skolah dulu asik carik slh orang je. Tp skrg, aku lebey byk muhasabah diri.

And the most important thing, The Al-Quran itself, is a very beautiful kitab. Dalamilah maksod ayat2 Quran tu. Tau x pe statement Yusuf Islam time die masok Islam? die cakap, die masuk Islam sebab die didengarkan dan diajari ayat2 quran secare direct(by his own brother). Kalaula die blajar islam dari penganut2 islam zaman skrg (based on attitude ke hape), die x pandang pon Islam tu as agame yg btol.

aku dah banyak membebel ni. tu je komen aku sekian sekian sekian.

Lisa Sulaiman said...

'I want to be good and be happy doing so'. That's exactly how I feel and what I struggle with as well.

I always complain to my dad about how unfair it is that we were not born during the same time as the Prophet. That people at that time were so lucky to have someone who could tell them this is right and this is wrong. Now we have orang alim yang kena bribe to tell us what's right and wrong. We have Quran but the translation doesn't tell us much because it's still complex. We have the genuine hadith and sunnah mixed with the fake ones. How do we know if when we meet the right teacher, we would know? And if he is the right one?

And my dad would always say the same thing (which I keep forgetting), to doa and ask for a good teacher, and God in His mysterious ways will present a good teacher to show me the right way. I don't know why I keep forgetting. Sometimes I feel like I get too arrogant that I forget to ask for His help. I'm always thinking, what can I do, what can I do, should I believe in this statement or that, how do I know that what I believe in is right?

And in this subjective debate, where no one can tell me right from wrong, God can, if only I ask for it. I think I'm talking to myself more than commenting on your post, haha. But yeah, it's something that goes through my mind quite a lot. I think what I love so much about your posts is it often reflects how I feel, but in a clearer way. My words are always a mess and when I try to describe how I feel, it's like verbal diarrhea and no one understands what I'm trying to say and in the end even I forget what I was trying to get across. But you just write a sentence and it's so direct and BAM I get what you're trying to say immediately. At least that's what I think. =D

youchiyagami said...

In our beloved Bolehland, the rule of the game is unbelievably simple; to be a good muslim, you have to be as Arab as possible.

It might be helpful to remember this when you're back home, to make it easier for you to keep yourself in perspective.

A said...


Kenape usrah kat sekolah boleh jadi cam tu ah? I really wonder. Someone must have taught us it was ok to be like that, to always be on the lookout for salah in others.

And you're right. I should try to understand the Quran better. I don't put in enough effort to learn about Islam properly. Thank you for reminding me :)

Lisa(who I still think of as Aki):I used to have that exact same thought! The one where I considered orang masa zaman nabi who were persecuted and oppressed but had the Prophet himself, a direct link to God, vs. now where we(not everyone but at least I) live in relative ease but have to have faith in that which is ghaib.I always wondered which is be better. And wise words from your dad.I keep forgetting too.

You know I am always happy when contribute your thoughts on my blog, regardless of whether it's a comment on a post or not :)

Youchiyagami: ain't that the truth.

farah_hanani said...

The trick is, as i have found, is to go find out about it.I COMPLETELY GET what you mean about the whole situation/relationship with islam because ive been there, and occasionally still lapse into the downhill feeling(like typical iman manusia biasala kan)

I just behaved like an intellectual being would do and go find out more about our Deen.
(also inspired by the ridiculous amount of converts i encountered, which left me really puzzled, and reexamine my relationship with my faith)

To start, lets just say that The Quran has some pretty neat things to say, really.

Seriously ateqs, screw the doctrine in higschool ( i wouldnt say everything is bad, it really equips me with perfect ibadah practices alhamdulillah, but think about it, nobody told us the conscience and realization why and how islam is important to you, what exactly is its place in your life and in your life, kasi orang cina belajar semayang hari-hari pon lama-lama dia reti. I think thats the unfortunate part of our Pendidikan islam.)

So, i went around finding out, and it does some wonders. Not perfect, by striving to get there lol.

Its a new understanding untainted from all the things taught from before, and you appreciate the rules, the adab already set,the discussions because you finally understand the whole hikmah behind it, and your reason reconcile with the revelation,(instead of being shoved into your throats),and at least, you'll come to state of mind where you will be at peace saying, "everybody, i firmly believe in this and this is very important part of my being" without so much shroud in your heart. You know, like yakin dan tenang dan percaya.

InsyaAllah ateqs YOSH! :)

farah_hanani said...

Also, i think paling best, SINI TAKDE ORANG NAK JADI JUDGEMENTAL DENGAN APA YANG YOU BUAT. TAKDE NAK LABEL-LABEL, EH ALIMLAH, EH SOSIAL LA,EH TAK KONSISTEN, EH BAJET MUKA DUA, because everybody appreciates and understand that nobody is perfect and all muslims are striving to learn to please God day by day.

I think your sentence that trying to 'be happy doing so' is my very motivation to start looking really. because i was getting frustrated and confused too(not to mention angry with all the hypocricy infesting in the heart).
