exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, October 08, 2012


There are days where I realize how cruel I’m being, and how fucked up this is. How fucked up I am. And I realize I will end up eating my own heart, chewing with blood smears all over my mouth. I’ll eat the shriveled parts of my heart that have turned black, the rotted bits, the putrid aorta, the sour ventricles. And then there will be nothing left. It feels I’ve let this heart, this soul, this whatever-inside-me that’s supposed to be me rot, and I am now nothing, I am a shell, I am not real.


youchiyagami said...

girl, please. when r u going to start churning out beautiful pieces again?

Atiqah said...


I can't believe you remember my blog! Hello Youchiyagami, how ultimately kind of you to drop a note.i I've missed this space, but I haven't been writing here because a) I've been lucky enough to have some friends who've started an online mag that I help contribute monthly to, and b) work's been keeping me occupied. If you like, you can check out the mag at issuemagazine.wordpress.com, just look under Atiqah under the Read by Author in the Archives tab if you want a low down on the stuff I've been writing. I'd like to say I've moved on to more highbrow writing, but really, it's basically just me blogging.

I feel like this is the part I should be bombarding you with questions, asking how you've been and if life's been good to you, but I realize I know practically nothing about you, save for the fact you were nice enough to drop me a comment every so often. I do hope you've been well!