exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, May 30, 2008

because i will blog anyway

Walking home from the supermarket, late afternoon. Earphones in.

The Wombats-Let's Dance to Joy Division

I cross the road to avoid those people who stand in the middle of the way and and ask you to support something/answer a survey/do something related to some persatuan. I walk along the road eyeing them on the opposite side thinking "why am i doing this? Because i am nervous at the idea of being approached". Which is ridiculous because by right the person doing the asking would be more nervous at the idea of approaching a stranger, right? Why should i be scared? just say tak nak and move on la. But then i i feel guilty because i'd have to do the polite yet aloof but somehow friendly brush off. So the best way to avoid the messiness of it all is to cross to the other side of the road. You get to avoid the whole shebang, plus you burn more calories from the extra walking.

Let the love tear us apart, i've found a cure for a broken heart.

Several steps forward. I'm crossing the road again(after passing the danger zone).

Ingrid Michaelson-The Way I Am.

I pass by a couple(i presume they're a couple). They've obviously done some shopping, both are holding nice multi-colored paper bags. I glance at the bags wistfully and become fully aware that rather than carrying a cool-looking Lacoste shopping bag, i am instead carrying a plastic bag with my newly bought toilet paper rolls. Damn.

I walk pass one of the RMIT buildings, and i see this lady and a girl walking in front of me, i take them to be mother daughter. I peek at the bags they're carrying, the mother's carrying a pack of toilet paper rolls too,whoo! but then again, she's not walking alone. she's walking with her daughter. Which reminds me. i miss my mom. i miss home. it's funny, the things that trigger homesickness. Seeing products that have 'made in malaysia' stamped on the back. spotting a plane descending. makes you think of a plane ascending, with you in it, to go back home.

'Cause I love you more than I could ever promise,
And you take me the way i am'.

Flash forward, i am sitting at my desk, trying to read some intro micro notes, and suddenly i feel inconceivably angry. it all comes down to this? memorizing a definition, memorizing what a production function is, recalling the difference between fixed and variable costs,etc? just this pathetic act of remembering something to be able to spew it back out for an exam? this determines your grade and therefore how smart you are? bullshit.

So. I turn to Kings of Leon-Ragoo.

I know, I know. I'm learning with the wrong intentions in mind. We're not learning for the sake of passing exams now, are we? ok. Don't worry. i am aware exams go beyond memorizing. QM1 is a fair example of that.yergh.

I'll be alright long as I ain't seen it all
And I'mma holding tight to that night we had a ball,
We had a ball.


whilewhiting said...

saya suke post ni!

rase cm ateqs tgh bawak saya jalan2 dlm pocket die. hahaha. mcm iklan ok.

ateqs! thanx for the help just this afternoon! your apartment rocks! nnti leh masak untuk sy pulak!:):)

A said...

haha, anna, kalau ko boleh dilipat dan dimasukkan dalam poket, dah lame dah aku buat :)

wei,wei, dapat tak jawapan untuk soalan tu?aku bukannye help pon, just bacekan soalan :p nanti bile aku dah terrer masak(eheh. bile tu agaknye?), i'll cook for u,k? a three-course meal!

Anonymous said...

ade 1 time kat mid valley, ade promoter promote2 brg2 gegar perot untok kurus.

setelah melalui 3 org promoter alat itu dgn tenangnye dan penoh polite, ade pule org ke-4. mereka mmg tidak berputus asa.

aku pulak dgn tenangnye menjawab pade promoter ke-4 tu,
"xpela bang, saye rase saye da cukop kurus"
nguang3. POLITE GLE. aku pon rase nk muntah pas aku ckp mende 2. haha.

saye mau promosi blog setahun jagung saye. slela melawat.



A said...

hahahaha!wah juwa, teknik paling cemerlang untuk berhadapan dgn promoter. tapi kalau ko boleh la cakap dah cukup kurus. aku?mmg calon tepat untuk barang2 gegar perut :p

yay, juwa has a blogspot! bagus, bagus. saya akan jadi pengunjung setia.