exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i want pancakes

wei. wei,everyone. Kings of Leon.

I was doing some accounting yesterday, and while calculating figures i was youtubing them. There are 3 things to be noted down from this:

1. i know youtubing while doing homework is not ideal.
2. But how often can you youtube search a band and like practically every song you click on?
3. I discovered their song My Party, wow wow wow wow wow.

Saya-tak-tahan-suke-sangat-dari-pertama-kali-dengar. It's one bloody good song. the bassline is unbelievably catchy, and it just has so much attitude, i love it. can't make head or tails of the lyrics, but i wouldn't have it any other way.

I spent the next hour replaying it, bopping up and down in my chair idiotically. this song is so catchy, did i mention that? It makes me want to dance to it(even though i'm not sure how and may look retarded in the process).

and the thing is, it's not just that song. it's practically all their songs! the ones i've heard so far, anyway. I mean, i was psyched when i heard Knocked Up, but when you combine that with the fact that plenty of their other songs satisfy you on the same level, now that's fantastic. How many times have you adored a song by a musician, then listen to their other songs and go 'meh'?

i would ramble about how it's super awesome the way their songs are so diverse and talk about how Charmer has this gritty edge that just works, or how Caleb's voice makes King of the Rodeo stand out from being just a regular nice indie-band tune, or that Four Kicks is a bloody fun(if short) song, but i am inarticulate, and maybe you already know and agree(or not) with all this, or don't really want to know.

haih. this is good. i'm excited to listen to their albums. must get them.(Ya Allah i saw their latest one Because of The Times in the cd shop back home even before i left for melbourne, why oh why didn't anything point me to buy it then?it was under my nose!)

i'll wait until after exam to get it. yeah, that's it. it'll be like an incentive(wheeeee!)

this is good.

i'm going to go on a rampage in the supermarket tomorrow. my groceries are finished.


mostlyepiphanies said...

yes! the joy of good music! It totally makes your day!

I'll definitely check the band out,once I finish off with this week's craziness!

Thanks for the grocery comment! I'm drying out on that as well!

A said...

yes it does!

week 12's over,yo. just a little more to go before we're done. BANZAIIIII!!

go on a grocery rampage, aijud. studying students need sustenance and snacks.