exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

coney island

Kalau boleh, saya ingin melayang ke arah lecturer saya sambil menjerit "ape yang kau mahukan sebenarnya dengan tutorial ini?!APE?!".

Gurau saje. Kalau saya melayang pun, saya akan berhenti di hadapannya secara hormat dan tanya dengan penuh tata tertib: "Wahai pensyarahku, izinkan hamba bertanya matlamat dan objektif sebenar di sebalik tutorial minggu ini? Hamba sungguh tidak faham apakah yang diinginkan oleh soalan tersebut dan apakah yang perlu dilakukan oleh hamba untuk menjawabnya. Sila bantu".

Appetite saya sedang berkata "hey, let's have a pear nak?", walaupun hati, otak,malah perut saya sedang giat memprotes:"JANGAN!You're full! You had chips!a yogurt-topped muesli bar! nuts! toast and tuna! coffee!berhenti berhenti!". Mari kita lihat siapa yang menang dalam pergaduhan ini. (Saya ramalkan hati,otak dan perut saya akan bergelar juara kali ini. sebab saya dah gosok gigi, jadi gigi saya akan memberi backing kepada mereka).

Saudari juwa, saya akan melakukan tag anda dengan hati yang riang dan mata yang bersinar-sinar tidak lama lagi ye? Harap maaf.

Lagi satu: Mari kita hargai hidup.

this morning, I was reading at the dining table, when I hear a yelp and see shao min running(streaking,hahahahaha. kidding.) from her bathroom to her bedroom. Kenapa? Sebab there was a bug flying around her bathroom. Isn't it marvelously intuitive of bugs to fly around the apartments of girls who are scared of flying bugs? at one point:

Shao Min: AAAAH!
(Atiqah turns around quickly, sees the bug flying out into the living room)

Atiqah:Kenap...AAAAH-OW,DAMNIT(slams knee into table in haste of running away).

Wei. wei. tiba-tiba nak coney dog la pulak.


Aki said...

Hehehe, your blog makes me love Malay. I find the way you use Malay so endearingly skema. Makes me wanna do it too.

Afnan (^_^) said...

Bertenang ateqs, saya faham perasaan anda apabila kita tidak faham akan sesuatu. Kita bertambah sakit hati apabila tidak mengetahui cara untuk menyelesaikan soalan yang ditanya.

Saya pernah mengalami nafsu makan yang berlebihan seperti anda. Tidak apa, saya faham.

Kenapakah anda tidak memukul serangga tersebut dengan sesuatu?

Semoga anda sentiasa gembira ateqs! =) Selamat maju jaya!

Al said...

hows the soulmate search going?maybe you could do a reality show,i'd come in as the "harmless idiot friend" who later turns out to be a cunning little bastard and by the time viewers realize we've strayed off the soulmate story we've have had a million distracting subplots about all things imaginable.

..b o s a n..

Atiqah said...

aki: hahahahaha, it's ironic, considering how berterabur my BM is. but yes!yes!silalah blog in malay. ayuh berblog dalam bahasa ibunda.

afnan:aisy, anda seorang yang sangat understanding,saudara afnan. memukul serangga tersebut?wah. idea bernas. hmmm. Saya tidak memukulnya kerana terlalu sibuk melarikan diri. Tapi tidak mengapa. itu akan menjadi taktik menghadap serangga saya mulai sekarang :D

selamat maju jaya kepada anda juga!

al:the soulmate search might as well be the search for the white elephant.maybe we can lure him/her/it with some sort of bait. Do soulmates like peanut butter sandwiches?

ooh, i like the idea of of a reality show. if something like 'Taken Out' can get on tv, why not this? oh!oh!can one of the distracting subplots involve viking headgear and bjork??we'll fit it in somehow.

mostlyepiphanies said...

This is random (possibly something on ugly betty) but if I ever 'menjejakkan kaki ke' New York, I would like to visit Coney Island.

Wishful thinking.(squints eyes really really hard)

A said...

Can, can. someday maybe. and then we can ride the giant tea cups.

Anonymous said...

im sorry, my geography is bad. where is coney island?

you know sometimes i look at people and you know hw they find their other half? they ask the guy out.
walamak. kagum betolla. mane dpt nerve ntah.

winter dah dekat sini, maka haba lebih diperlukan untuk dibakar supaya tidak kesejukan. jadi, takpe makan lebih.


Anonymous said...

i take econ course this summer. and i like the conferences ( tutorials)


because im the only one attending hahahaha. jadi one to one session pulak.kesian kat TA tu , kalau i tak dtg kan die boleh balik rumah tido.

A said...

coney island is in the big apple, si? and die ade boardwalk, and lots of carnival rides, and macam best je, menurut movie2 mat salleh yang saya telah tonton.

ask a guy out?hmmm. in this day an age, I think that asking a guy out shows how empowered women have become. reverse traditional ideas of waiting for guys to make the 1st move!

but yeah. I still don't have them nerves of steel to do it myself.

econs,woot!amacam, suka? bestnye dapat regular one-to-one sessions. Either best or really awkward. make your TA work, ape tido2, hahaha.