exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Aku rasa kan, inilah pengalaman aku paling stress nak belajar untuk exam, tak termasuk mock exams untuk A2 dulu. That feeling of near-hysteria because the time you have left is not proportionate to the number of chapters to be read.

Takkanlah stress sangat kot? Aku dah lalui SPM. Dah buat A levels. Sampai uni pun boleh kabut lagi ah?

Boleh. Memang boleh.

My mind is still switching mindsets, the war between panicking and the rationale that I can finish reading macro and law is still raging, even while I study.

Kalau tak dapat H1 untuk semua subject satu dosa yang terlalu besar ke? Kenape aku takut sangat? Bukannya aku tak pernah gagal. Form 4 selalu je fail add maths. AS dulu dapat B untuk accounting. It's not as if the world fell apart,did it? Apa yang aku takut sangat?

Takut sebab kalau aku tak cemerlang dalam exam ni, my self-worth will deplete ke? Itu ke yang membuatkan aku takut nak terfikir pun the aspect of getting bad grades?

Haih, Atiqah. Berapa kali kau dah lalui semua ni. Ape yang kau takut sangat. Ape yang kau risau sangat.

Aku tahu. Kau takut kalau kau gagal, kau kene hadapi these thoughts:

1. Kau boleh buat lebih baik, tapi kau bodoh sangat pergi bazir masa. Tak reti-reti lagi macam mana nak urus diri. Camne nak gelar diri grown up kalau urus masa pun tak boleh?

2. Regret is a hard pill to swallow.

3. Kalau kau tak mampu nak score, kau rasa diri kau bodoh. Jadi the things that you have got going for you akan berkurang even more. Macam mana nak justify diri kau as a person? Not talented, not many friends, not exceptional, not attractive, and now, not even capable to do well in exams. (Tapi ni exaggeration semata-mata, iaitu fikiran aku bila aku tengah betul-betul rotting in self-pity. Jangan risau. I'm not that self-centered all the time. I'm fully aware I have more than plenty to be grateful for).

Aku tahu, aku terlalu menaruh harapan pada keputusan peperiksaan to justify that I can achieve things. Aku rasa sifat ni terbit dari semashur la kot. That feeling you get when you can tell someone thinks you're intellectually inferior, but tries to humor you anyway, aku temui kat situ. It's a bit soul-crushing.

Tapi itu cerita lama. Yang penting, aku kene habis study pasal flowcharts malam ni. Esok, start baca pasal economic growth.



Hmm... said...

I think the best thing about exams is the relief that comes after it. The beam that you will have on your face when you leave the exam hall. I seriously think of other things which can induce me to release a long held relief sigh. So yeah! No worries...you will overcome it..we will overcome it..

Exam is about self assessment. Exam is about self assessment. Exam is about self assessment. Exam is about self assessment.

Hmm... said...

I meant can't think of other things =P

fariza azwa muhibah said...

semakin kite tue, exam smakin susah. btol x?
it's okai ateqs. we're still young.
Fall down seven times, get up eight.

mostlyepiphanies said...

Yeah I get super paranoid doing exams too, so I get it. hehe.

But (as much as I can), I try not to think of the outcome and just focus on getting through. Just of of the hoops to go through, and in the grander scheme of things, it shouldn't be the only thing that defines you.

But yeah, doesn't always work.

All the best! To answer your question from before, I finish on the 13 and head for home on 22nd. Can't wait!

All the veeeery best to you! You'll do great!

Diyana said...

Go atiqah! Awak boleh punya! Saya percaya dengan kebolehan awak.

Wooot!~~ woot!~~~

Atiqah said...

shao:hahahahahaha. self assessment, woot! tagline for the day(week).

awww, betul2, that feeling right after you've finished the last paper IS awesomeness in itself. Even when the paper is pretty horrible, it doesn't dampen the joy.

we will overcome this!*punches fist in the air dengan semangat* Ok, i didn't really punch my fist in the air. metaphorically, then.

juwa:betuuuuul :( aku nak exam darjah satu dulu yang suruh kita tulis nombor dalam bentuk perkataan untuk matematik.

ye2, kite masih muda. banyak lagi exam akan datang,haha.

aijud:in the grander scheme of things, life ISN'T about exams, you say??! I never knew!!

haha, kidding. but I get what you mean. I mean, I KNOW exams aren't everything,etc, but it's still funny how we become gripped by this belief that failed exams=bad bad bad bad horrible tak tahan catastrophe. ah well.

you finish a day earlier! oh, tak sabar nak pulang. best of luck for your remaining papers! :)

Atiqah said...

Diyana: aww, thanks for the faith you have in me babeh. Woot! woot!

WOOOOOOT!(haha, asal boleh nak panjangkan and write it in caps :P)

Anonymous said...

oi. ini post bunyik macam saya juga.
no 3 tu mmg tak tahan betol ketepatannya.

anyway, flowcharts help.remember ur parents might help. i have short attention span and posses excellent procrastination quality so maybe im not good at giving this advice too hehe