exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Holly Golightly

"Listen. You know those days when you get the mean reds?"

"Mean reds. You mean like the blues?"

"No. The blues are because you're getting fat or maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad, that's all. But the mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Did you ever get that feeling?"

I've just watched Breakfast at Tiffany's properly for the first time. I like it. And that's quite a rare occurrence, it's a novelty for me to genuinely and more importantly, to be sure that I actually like something the first time I see it. I often doubt my judgment on anything I've just read/watch/experienced, the reason being a)I usually can't tell whether I really like something or just want to, and b) I'm so easily pleased, it's ridiculous, especially with movies.

If anything, it usually takes time for me to think things over and ponder for a while before I can come to a proper conclusion whether I like it or not. Or repetition. Many a time I've reread a book or listened to a cd and find that I liked it much more that what my initial impression allowed.

I donated blood again. The first thing I thought when I saw the needle was 'I don't remember it being that big last time'.

But anyway. Back to Breakfast at Tiffany's. I really liked the score, especially that part at the end where she comes back to look for the cat, all dark and heavy on the piano. Did you know Henry Mancini won an Oscar for writing the score? Trivia. George Peppard was gorgeous, all charming and solid and soulful aquamarine eyes, gosh. And I'm just about the gazillionth person to fall in love with Audrey Hepburn. Or at least, Holly Golightly. I should read the book.

Ok, ok. Favorite scenes? The part where they first meet and talk in Holly's apartment, tasseled ear plugs and all, the scene where Holly strums a guitar and sings Moon River, the part where she meets Doc again.

I'm going on a trip tomorrow. By the time I get back I'll only have about 10 days before classes start again.

Tuesday afternoon, the weather was beautiful. I didn't even have to wear a heavy coat, just my sloppy black oversized 100% acrylic pullover and a scarf. Had to go to the city to change my money, so I walked downtown. Bumped into A on the way there. A is one of those people whom I've grown to dread to bump into, and when I do and can't avoid it, it doesn't kill me, but it does in a way, because here is a person who you know is just completely unaffected by your presence. They don't care whether they bump into you or not, and I suppose it's better than meeting someone whom you can tell would rather not meet you at all, but sometimes I think it's almost as bad.

I'm going on a trip tomorrow. I hope it'll be fun.

I hate the cold. I hate this emptiness I feel. And I know it sounds awfully melodramatic to say it like that, but there is this certain emptiness I feel right now, a bit of dread, and I'm trying to figure out the cause, and I'm trying to remedy it.



mostlyepiphanies said...

Have fun on your trip! Aina is here with Sal, both staying with tya.

I get that too. That certain hollow feeling for apparently unraveled reasons. Oh well.

Have fun! And take pictures!

Hmm... said...

Hey Atiqah!!! Have a safe and fun trip! Brrrrr....Do us proud and go bungy jumping!!!

A said...

aijud: hollow! that word is spot on, why didn't I think of it. christchurch has been pleasant so far, will be meeting up with Aina tonight and on to Queenstown tomorrow. Hope you have a merry holiday, have fun in tasmania!

Hmmm...:Everytime I look at the bungy jump pahmplet I already get nervous. AAAAH!I'll probably need someone to push me off the ledge when the time comes.

Only Kye said...

Yup you should read the book! Maybe I'm a bit biased because I'm not a fan of Audrey Hepburn (I know I know, blasphemy hang me on a stake etc), so I didn't picture Holly Golightly like that... I loved the book and tolerated the movie.

Read the book!

Atiqah said...

kye: yes, i'll definitely read it as soon as I can get my hands on a copy. The one at the library's been checked out, adoi.