exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, August 29, 2009

And mouths gaped open in horror at this tragedy of words

You're 24!you're 24!
So blow the horns and slam the door
on 23, it's now too late
You're 4 years short of 28
And I solemnly wish, and I hope
That you'll have strength to bear and cope
With 24, oh gosh! that age
Seems to proclaim a turning page
For good, you've passed the boundaries of 'child'
And now you're there out in the wild
Where relatives will ask time and again
"Haih Shazana, bile nak kahwin?
Dah ade orang, dah ade pakwe?"
And you'll be grimacing, thinking 'aku tak kuase
nak jawab semua soalan ni wei'
But of course your thoughts wouldn't be in malay
Nevertheless, I'm sure we'd agree
The future isn't all bright and twee
For 24.It has begun!
The race against the moon and sun
To live your life as best as you can
To follow the course that you have planned
Or perhaps to just go with the flow
After all, with life, we don't really know
If things will work out as we think
something something something pink.
You're 24! It seemed to me,
That an adult, you would never be
But the number contradicts my claim
You're grown up now, it's not the same
You've started work, you're earning pay
(and you better belanje me, I say!)

So 24 might seem a bit sad
But then again, I am quite glad
that you're this age, if only for
the fact that it can't be ignored
That you're AWESOME!
And that won't change
Despite the increase in your age range
My God, susahnye nak rhyme semue ni
I see now that it is NOT easy
to be a poet. (even a bad one)


Sorry I didn't give a cool present this time
All I could do were these horrible rhymes
But I'm so proud of you, from now till the end
I still brag about you to all of my friends
You're 24, and from what I see
You're a year wiser than 23
And stronger and smarter and more mature
Which adds all the more to your allure
(allure? sounds dodgy, but you try rhyming 'mature')
You're all the better at 24, I think that's true
and now I can say you have great hair too
So have some cake, and eat good food
And don't feel down if your boss is rude
It's your birthday today, hip, hip, hooray!
I wish you all the happiness, more than I can say
So have a great birthday filled with fun and wonder
From you sister who's stuck all the way down under.

**I do not claim to have written this poem. I don't think anyone in their right mind would. However, it IS my sister's birthday today, so I believe a lot of cheer is in order. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAKAK! Bile nak datang sini?


Anonymous said...

"Haih Shazana, bile nak kahwin?
Dah ade orang, dah ade pakwe?"

takpayah 24 dah org tanya me benda2 yg tak kuasa ni jugak.

happy birthday kakak atiqah!

mostlyepiphanies said...

Haha I love the part
"Something something something pink". Cute!

Happy birthday to your sister!

kelly said...

"So have a great birthday filled with fun and wonder
From you sister who's stuck all the way down under."

hahaha! i LOVE IT :)

so comel!

the three of us said...

happy birthday atiqah's sister! :DDDD

A said...

you guys all know I fail at poem-writing, thanks for humoring me anyway. My sister says thank you too!