exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chicken Stock

A brief post, as the madness of tests to do and assignments to start on swirl around in dizzying proportions.

I had to call the health cover people the other day, and as I finished resolving my predicament with one of the phone consultants, I said the usual chirpy "thank you so much!", to which she replied "no problem" or "no worries" or something like that. and then there was a moment of silence, where neither of us ventured to end the conversation gracefully. A couple of seconds ticked by awkwardly, so in the end I found myself exclaiming in a wonderful sing-song voice worthy of being on Disney Playchannel, "Well, i hope you have a nice day then! BYE!"(extra lilting tone at the end) and as I said those words, I found myself thinking 'Wow. i can practically pass off as one of them'. The phone consultant was practically struggling to keep up and match my over-joyed cheerfulness.

Three things I am tired of reading in the news/magazines:
1. Rape incidents(I feel like rapists should be punished in some way that violates them just as much as they violated their victims).
2. Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and their twins.
3. Anwar, Saiful, and everyone urging Anwar to swear on the Quran.

Malaysian music! I've had the good fortune of coming across this Malaysian singer named Yuna, and wow. her voice is some kind of special. her myspace page only has one full song and her EP teaser, but even that is enough to keep me captivated, replaying them a number of times. I'm happy she's coming out with an EP. she should! I mean, my exposure to local female singers singing in english has been limited to Sarimah and Cheryl Samad and, uh, let's just say my impression wasn't very good. so it's fantastic to hear her stuff. and she cited bob dylan as one of her influences! aww. i'm so impressed whenever i come across someone very into bob dylan. I easily awed liddat.

wishlist item number #46: to be better exposed to the malaysian independent music scene. there's good local music out there. i just don't know how to get to it. pertolongan dialu-alukan.

I must go off to do the twice daily ritual off splashing water all over me. tally-ho.


Aki said...

Heya, I came across Yuna's songs a few months ago, and my reaction was exactly the same. My favourite song is Deeper Conversation ;)

I have the mp3 if you want!

Yuna restores my faith in local singers =D

A said...

oh!Oh!can you send it to me please??


hmm. i really should change my email. when your email address starts sounding emo even to yourself, it's time to change.

but anyhow, can you please send it via email? TERIMA KASIH!

mostlyepiphanies said...

Gah! she seems some kind of awesome!I'm very2 impressed indeed. Very good influences, and she has kinda a corrine-bailey-rae feel to her voice.

Go Malaysian indie!

mostlyepiphanies said...

And a little bit of regina spektor, come to think of it.Hee

Kero Ong said...

ah, yuna. she is quite awesome (Y)

download link: click!

Aki said...

coming right up!

Kalau tak dpt, that means this connection in Pulau Redang is really bad and I will send it to you again in Sunday or Monday when I get back!

A said...

aijud:betul2!I was thinking of regina spektor too when i listened to her.

kero: thanks kero, very helpful link, i must say :)

aki:you're in redang? oh, saya cemburu. no worries, take your time. email me whenever convenient, thanks again :D

Aki said...

oh u still want ah?

kero's link so power want. Ok I send anyway =D

Aki said...

wan*** haishhh broken manglish