exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, October 06, 2007


i bought a t-shirt with a superman logo on it today. a FIERY one. yeah,baby. and on the banners surrounding it it says :'STRENGTH. VISION. FLIGHT. SPEED'. i've never been up-to-date with my Marvel comics, so i have no idea whether that's Superman's motto or whatnot, but whatever goes. who am i to question the words of he-of-the-red-underpants?

i've been having somewhat of a...rough patch, i guess you could call it. and i'm no stranger to rough patches, my friends and my blog could pretty much confirm that (*rolls eyes rolls eyes rolls eyes*), but i think this time the shit just hit the fan. it was like some inner demon was realeased.(bad inner-demon, BAD BOY..)

i think i rippled some waves this time around, and for that, i'm sorry. i can't undo the things i felt, and i can't take back my moodiness and loss-of-enthusiasm during those few days, so the best i can do is say i'm sorry, and that i won't let it happen again. and i can say thanks for sticking around for me even through my shitty behaviour. thanks, yo.

i can't make promises, but i'll settle with saying that i will try my damndest not to subject my friends through these kind of rough patches again. and i will try my hardest to make sure the inner-demon won't overcome me no more. while wearing a blazing superman logo across my heart...woot!

is this how exam stress feels like? waking up with your teeth clenched every morning and dreading the thought of doing anything related to studies? ntah, i don't think so. is there even such a thing as exam stress? half the time i think i'm just kidding myself. surely stress is brought on by more serious things, like the death of a loved one or if you get fired or something? i'm a 19 year-old girl living in the pampered world of the 21st century. i'm not supposed to be experienced or knowledgeable enough to even know what stress is.

yeah, well. i haven't been studying for nuts throughout this weekend, and it feels super! i'm going to make kuih raya tomorrow, too. i know study time is running out, and i should get cracking, but i think i needed the break. everyone needs a break. you need a break, i need a break, we all need a break. so break la. plus, my friend Tai was telling me 'you can study without being stressed, you know', and those words have been echoing in my head. why not? i have this idea of balancing out the tension-inducing hormones with happy ones. generate happy spasms to counter-react the tense clenching.

at the moment, some of the things that get my cheer on:
1. my fiery superman logo t-shirt(obviously)
2. the fact that there are still people in the world nice enough to anonymously pay for my grandparents while they were out eating at a kedai.
3. there was a good movie on just now
4. i got new pajama shorts(the ones i have now are DISINTEGRATING, honest)
5. got shelves and the painting AND pictures finally put up, so my room looks cheery. no more blank walls.

Jamie Scott and The Town, 'When will I See Your Face Again'.


mostlyepiphanies said...

I know right?We subject ourselves to soo much stress about exams and grades that we forget our so-called problems and predicaments are nothing compared to what some people endure.

And I love witty t-shirts!They do make people cheerful and confident.

May strength.vision.flight.speed be with you.Always.

Anonymous said...

hey atiqah!!hope ure feeling better!!i do feel like i need a break too!!haha..darn further maths!!anyway my dad said i can go to langkawi with u guys!!woohoo!!!cant wait!!=)..


aman23 said...

apa lagi, mana gambar? :p

A said...

aijud: kan?it's human nature, i guess. my friend shao would say 'think about the children in Darfur!!'. lol, it works. suddenly all the things i'm 'stressing' over seems petty.
haha, i especially like the 'flight' part. may the force always be with u too :)

whitni! i'm feeling much better, thanx. i think you SHOULD take a break, before further maths kills you,haha. and yay, ur coming to langkawi!!awesome :D

aman:lol, akan datang :)