exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, January 30, 2009


Nigella. There is something so soothing about watching her carelessly measure cups of flour and grate chocolate, I can literally feel my shoulders loosening up, my inner domestic goddess smiling serenely.

A couple days ago two missionaries rang our doorbell. Well, I didn't know that at first. There was a chinese guy who spoke to me in halting Malay, then the mat salleh guy accompanying him asked if I could speak English. Having replied the affirmative, he asked me if I had heard of God's name. All this while I was standing barefoot in my pajamas with smudged glasses and messy hair(belum mandi).

We talked a bit more, then he asked to read me a line from the Scriptures(?), to which I said sure, why not. He seemed somewhat surprised that I agreed and all the more nervous. He fumbled with his Bible, his voice was hushed and a bit shaky while he read, his eyes were blue.

When we were done he thanked me for my time and bade me good day, while I smiled and wished him the same. I guess most other houses they'd visited must have given them a frosty treatment, they seemed very surprised and nervous with my courtesy, like they weren't used to it.

Did you see the Nadal/Verdasco match just now? Insane. Not that I'm a tennis follower(or any sport, for that matter), but it was grueling. 5 hours! And hear ye, hear ye: When watching such a match, it is best not to sit next to Rafa's most impassioned supporter(a.k.a. my sister). It can get ugly. If you must do so, sit quietly, and make not any sudden movements.

Danish pastry. Now there's a thought.


kelly said...

ateqs ur sooo nice!(and berani wo)
gilelah i would b hiding in my room already..

Kero Ong said...

i saw it! i know what you mean about the nadal supporter thing d:

i - i don't like nigella lawson ): i think she's a little too crude + contrived for my tastes.

hey the same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago :D i gave them a tin of cookies hahaha. it's great to be nice to these spreading-the-word types, they're so coldly received usually :(

whilewhiting said...

all i can say, interesting encounter.

omg. its the australia open season right? 5 hours. yes crazy. but tennis matches is one of my personal fav game to watch.

now i miss aussie tv. :P

Atiqah said...

kells:hahahaha, they were nice people lah. nothing near scary :p

kero: kero!you don't like nigella??? *clutches heart*. haha,kidding.

you gave them a tin of cookies! aww. that must have been a pleasant surprise, heh.

anna:interesting, indeed.

anna minat tennis, woooo! jom tgk next year nak? kalau takde duit, buat slumber party and watch the finals together, sambil makan banyak2 junk food :D

Anonymous said...

i watched it!!!tp kt tv jelaa...n yes it was awesome!!!!naseb baek i didnt miss it.....i wanna go too next year!!!we must go next year!!comprend? :p
btw bring back some curry from ur mom eh?

whilewhiting said...

wah! aina bace blog!!!


Atiqah said...

hahahahaha, Aina, ape lagi nak bawak dari sini? tempoyak? belacan?

Australian Open 2010, woot!