exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wahai lalat-lalat yang terbang masuk apartment,

Kalau korang boleh terbang masuk, kenapa korang tak reti nak terbang keluar? Aku kesian bila aku tengok korang terbang langgar semua tingkap and sliding door. Tapi bila aku jerit dan cuba beri hand signals directing tingkat yang terbuka, aku tak diendahkan.

Lagi genting, I tend to kill you guys bila korang tengah duduk senyap-senyap. I'm sorry. Tapi aku takut korang bertelur dekat tong sampah kat dapur. Kelly and I, we don't do maggots.

p/s: Out of curiosity, waktu winter korang gi mane? Korang jadi macam itik dan terbang ke warmer climates ke?

1 comment:

Only Kye said...

so comical!! and I wonder the exact same time. Apparently they DO migrate to warmer climes... or they just hibernate like them bears. how nice. to just go to sleep when things are too rough for your survival. then wake up when everything is warm and sunny. ready to annoy the heck out of everyone.