exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, December 17, 2007

I turn my camera on

i found myself whistling Fergie's Glamorous the other day, when i noticed 2 things:
1. it's not a good song to whistle to.
2. i was dumb enough to be whistling the part where she spells out glamorous. i was mid-whistling when it struck me to listen to myself doing so without singing along in my head. it sounded so silly, just the same note over and over again. anybody who listened would have thought i was hopelessly tone-deaf.

i have, for the past 5 minutes, been contemplating. about what, i don't know, because it's a jumble of things. i can't seem to be able to grip one topic firmly and think it out properly without jumping on the next train of thought.

i just wrote this really long paragraph that paraphrased all the usual moanings i moan about, but i deleted it. really, what's the point? and i don't think i mean this cynically. i suppose i could opt for the defensive stance and say i deleted it all because 'no one gives a shit anyway', but that's not it. it's not that no one gives a shit, at least, i don't think so. there just really is no point.

But i will say this. i took turns between typing this post and browsing through other sites, and i came across Aijud's latest post, which is wonderfully random, in a way, and quite delightful. After reading it, i quickly scanned over the latest paragraph in my own post-in-the-making and came to the conclusion that it's crap compared to his. Aijud, whatever fears you have about not being a good writer and stuff? toss them out the window, mate. i thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and weeped(metaphorically) over the lack of my own writing skills.

I know i've been over-doing the stuff-song-into-blog activity, but i can't refrain myself. sorry. this song is I Turn My Camera On by spoon. i find it deliciously catchy, even if the song is sung in falsetto. terrific. i secretly jiggy around in my room to this one. well. not so secretly now, i suppose.

I went to Zoo Negara on Sunday. Apparently the company my dad works for is funding a Race Against Time campaign to save malayan tigers, so we attended the campaign launch. There were some celebrities there, supposedly ambassadors for the campaign, and they all had a few things in common, namely:
1.Pan-asian looks
2.nice hair
3.wore shades even though the sun wasn't out. maybe celebrities face some sort of 24 hour glare kot.

ok i'm off to watch tv. and maybe get a midnight snack. mashed potatoes sounds good.

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