exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

thank God for housework

would you like to go out on new year's eve with me?

i'd wear the new blue top i bought, the one with polka dots all over it. mom didn't say anything about it, so i suspect she doesn't like it, but i do. and i'd wear my blue dangly earrings, and carry my new blue handbag, and i'd feel happy, because i like that outfit. well, i like the top. and i'd compliment you on whatever you're wearing, of course.

would you like to go out on new year's eve with me?

because i can't remember the last time i ever had plans for new year's eve. except that one time back in 1999, when the whole extended family, the whole kit and caboodle, came over to our place to eat, be merry, and unsher the new millenium in together. besides that, i think i've spent all my new year's eves at home watching tv. it's high time i actually tried doing something.

would you like to go out on new year's eve with me?

you'd have to drive, because i don't want to deal with the hassle of manouvring through congested roads all packed with other new year's eve celebrators. not to mention that it'll be night time, and i'm a bit wary of driving at night. no. you'd have to drive, and i'd be a considerate passenger, honest. i'd talk to you and entertain you while you drive, so long as you keep your eyes on the road.

would you like to go out on new year's eve with me?

i honestly have no idea where we'd go, because i have no experience in celebrating new year's eve. or celebrating anything else, for that matter. what exactly are the hotspots for celebrations? i heard there'll be a new year's eve bash at The Boulevard though, maybe we could go there. but i think we'd have to pay. it's ok. i think i'd be willing to spend some moolah on this. it's not everyday we begin a new year, right?

would you like to go out on new year's eve with me?

i'd be all self-concious, of course, even if i try my damndest not to be. but i'd be overly-enthusiastic and chatty to make up for any awkward moments(which will be plenty, i'm sure), and talk about any random thing that comes into my head, and i'd probably make a fool of myself, like i usually do, but whatever. i'd probably talk to you about 'KAMI'. i've been watching it a lot the past couple days. i think by the time new year's eve rolls around, i'd still be thinking about it, so topic conversation, it is.

as a matter of fact, you'd probably have to suffer through my annual rant against resolutions. new year's resolutions, that is. i'd tell you that i don't believe in making them. maybe you'd agree. or maybe you should fight back and tell me i'm dumb for not making them, that i should make them. i'd probably agree with you then. i'm a pushover in that sense.

so? would you? go out and celebrate with me?

because this may be the last new year's i spend here before going off somewhere, so i want to make it extra special. ok fine, i may be exaggerating here, nothing has been confirmed in the least. ok...how bout, this coming year will mark the end of my teendom? that's gotta be something worth going out for new year's eve for? well, it is for me. it may not be for you though. unless you're 19 as well. which you may very well be. or you could be 29, if you want, so we'd usher in your big three-oh.

so how bout it? new year's eve?

the highlight, of course, will be the fireworks. we'd scream(i'm assuming you're a screamer) along with the host as he or she counts down the seconds and then we'd shriek out 'HAPPY NEW YEAR!' as the fireworks display start, and we'd hoot and shout for the first few seconds. and then we'd watch the fireworks, and i'd probably get bored after a while, but i'd pretend to enjoy it. and, on the drive back home, i'd probably fall asleep, but you'd have full rights to wake me up and force me to conciously keep you company as you drive.

would you like to go out with me on new year's eve?

i'd like it very much if you could.


Aki said...

Aw, ~I~ would have taken up the offer if, of course, I weren't here.

A said...

the offer's valid till whenever. plenty of new years ahead of us, insyaAllah :D happy new year! almost 10 days early, but xpelah, ye?

f at i n said...

i'm celebrating at UM unfortunately...!cant u imagine.. registration on 31st..pastu 1st dah cuti..ntah papekan..

---happy new year ateqs...

A said...

ahaha,pelik gile!but it's ok, i'm sure u'll ave a kickass celebration kat UM. selamat tahun baru!

Anonymous said...

ahaha. new year's resolution?? ive told u bout the utusan reporter that interviewed me aite? and becoz of that, i think next year i must started to have SERIOUS new years resolution. bukan berazam je lbey.. ahaha..ye la.. we might never know nnti ada wartawan nak interview fsl azam tahun br kan. ahaks! oh btw ateqs, i want to accept ur offer. tp cane? i cannot drive at nite. siang pon tak leh gak.. adeyh...sgt payah la parents aku nih.. =(