exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, February 25, 2008



hello friends. strangers. or the imaginary people that read my blog. hello blog.

the fact that i'm blogging now makes me want to wiggle my toes and stretch contentedly. but let's skip that and move on to the blogging part. would have done so earlier, were it not for the fact that i'm still staying in my temporary accomodation and have to pay for internet access. but yes, moving on.

no,wait. nani, i'm SO sorry i wasn't online on the 22nd! i will make it up to you. re-set the date please?

melbourne,folks. wheeeeee.

ok, to be honest, when people ask me for an opinion of melbourne and the university and whether it meets my expectations, i don't know how to answer. i guess it's because this is really my first experience going to a foreign place for an extended period of time(mase dulu doesn't count, seeing as i was 3 and have practically no recollections whatsoever), so i have no expectations in the first place. i like that melbourne has lanes for bicyclists. i like that a lot of melburnians(why melburnians?why not melbournians?) bring their own bags to supermarkets. i like that australian stewards are macho, unlike malaysian ones.(on the sydney-melbourne flight, i saw solid proof that being a steward can be a macho profession).

the first two days we arrived, it was hot. blue-skies, scorching sun, no clouds kind of hot. i was starting to think 'la..cam kat malaysia je'. then on the third day, it rained, and it was cold. cold! it was like melbourne was trying to tell me 'i can be cold too, stupid'. lesson learned. the wheather and the temperature here is unpredictable.

i still have plenty to learn. like memorising which colour represents which denomination for money bills. and the coins!gah. must remember that 50 cents is the one yang cam ade petak-petak tu. and that the smaller, not the bigger one, is the 2 dollar coin. for heaven's sake.

i have a feeling i like melbourne. but i'm saying this tentaviely, cautiously, because it's only been a week. let's wait at least until orientation's over, yea?

God, i detest orientation. ANY orientation.

but, in the words of jia yee, "what can we do? we're new here".


Anonymous said...

Yo, babeh! Saye rindu awk sgt2! Have been waiting anxiously for your blog entry..ngeehhee =)! Your apartment okay? Bet you're having lots of fun there, staying with darling jessica and charmaine. Send my regards to them. Nnt free, email me ok? *hugs*

Love you!


Aki said...

Hehe orientation always gives you that bad feeling somewhere in your head doesn't it? But that's where you make friends that you'd probably hang out with till the rest of you course there. So I hope you'd strike up a conversation with someone as great as you and get along well.

...Unless you already have your clique there. Well, all the best!

Chinny said...

get to know new friends during orientation =D i simply say hi to ppl LOL made quite a few friends now =P go atiqah go!
<(",<) <('.')> (>,")>

mostlyepiphanies said...

ateqs!Melbourne's awesome as far as I recall.Aww the trams!Trams.Hehe.

Anyways,sorry i haven't been commenting a lot lately.Its hard to get access to the net and there's a lot going on.But I DO read your entries, just haven't gotten around to sit down and comment.

Send my regards to azrieal if you happen to see him.Hope classes and all will be great for you.

Anyways enjoy australia yeah!G'day here from us Sydneysiders (bizzare!).Hehe

Elaine said...

y'ellow atiqah! saw ur blog from chinny's link and thus i'm here taadaa! heh cool bloggie u have anyway.oh and all the best in aussie aight? if ur there long enough, hope to see u there in a few year's time ;). u're gonna have fun having fashion show parade in melbourne i reckon.they have 4 seasons in one day =P.tc girl

Anonymous said...

Hi Ateqs.. First blog ever posted from Melbourne...congrats.muahahaha! Are there many malaysians or foreigners there?

Im starting to get emotional stress again over academics. If you notice, it occurs on me 1nce every semester. I hate the feelings of dissapointments over test marks.

HUH, let me knoe if the academic prodecude or situation is the same over there? Is it easy to score for papers? How about the lecturers? are they good at delivering information? Do people try their very best to score for papers macam Kiasu(kat Mlaysia), or jus being layed and enjoy studying?

Life would be so much easy if we do not aim to be the best student right? ayooooooooooo. I cannot bare with this sort of life for another 6 years of studying!

Huh.. Are you still using celcom?

Afiqah said...

ateqs syg!!!!!
i'm happy that you are enjoying yourself there
it's true mmg byk kena belajar if pg foreign country
trust me you will learn many new thing every minute but..sometimes it is not that easy..so hang on and good luck

A said...

dirs:darling jessica and charmaine?hahahaha!sounds as if i'm staying with a couple of mat salleh pulak XD i miss u too, babe! cepat dtg siniiiiiii!!!!i'm moving into my new apartment tomorrow. harap2 ok. will try and email u soon :D


aki:thanx! haha, no clique as of yet, and orientation was ok. i did meet some nice people, so yay for that :) this will be the last of the dreaded orientations, right? are there such things as orientation at the workplace?

wei leong: haha, i wish i was brave enough to just randomly say hi to every person i see, but i'm still too chicken :p but thanx, and i hope ur having fun in monash! :)

aijud: there you areeeeee,heh. yea, so far, melbourne's been good. and the trams!haha. i went on one of those free city circle trams today. yea man.

no worries bout the commenting bit, the fact that u still read my blog is already pretty cool to know :D

sydneysiders??hahahaha, no kidding??

elaine:elaine!awful nice of u to pop a comment, so thanx. i'll link you up soon,k? i hope to see u here in too! yea, one of the first things that struck me were the weather changes. crazily unpredictable.

syefik:yo. things are ok, but whoa, slow down with the academic comparison questions,haha. i haven't even had my first class yet, so sabar.

about 20% of the students at uni are international. malaysians? hmm..yea, there's quite a lot. but it's not as if i see them regularly, the campus is BIG.

i don't think it's about aiming to be the best student. it's just about doing your best, full stop.
but yea, i can see how it can be hard for u. people expect u to keep up ur track record. but don't stress out too much,k? take it easy.

where got i use celcom? oh wait, nanti i'll give u my aussie number, ye?

fiqah:fiqaaaaaaah!thanx, babeh. mmg i have a lot nak kene belajar bende baru kat sini. harap2 boleh adapt and settle in. datangla sini! :D

Anonymous said...

haish. im one of the slat to comments.

no worries ateqs, we can reschedule but i know you have your plates full now, and im very surprised that ure actually updating ur blog. when i first came, it was too hectic to sit down and do some updates.

anyway, good thing now u joined the ranks of little malaysian ambassadors around the globe.
have a good one girlfriend!. if u want the cold, come over here.

Anonymous said...

last*. maaf encik grammar police!

A said...

naniiiiiiii. slat. haha. i'm waiting for my phone line to be set up, and after that i have to scout around for a decent internet plan, but once it's up and running we'll catch up, ye? i still haven't used my webcam yet :P

come here for four seasons in a day, haha.*high fives fellow little malaysian ambassador*

Anonymous said...

okai ateqs.
u skrg kat melbourne?
sampai ati.
at least i cn get something 4 u b4 u fly. uwuwu :(

-juwa yang kesedihan-