exaggeration and tall tales galore

Sunday, April 13, 2008

cheek to cheek

people people people, i just can't get enough of Strange and Beautiful, despite the obvious stalker tendencies in the lyrics.

I put a spell on you,
You fall asleep when I put a spell on you,
And when I wake you I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realize that you love me.

see? see? those kind of lyrics hover delicately between poetically expressing the pain and longing of unrequited love, or conveying the sense that it's only a matter of time before it turns into fatal attraction and the guy ends up killing the girl in classic extreme stalker fashion.

I just finished watching Casablanca, it was nice! Humprey Bogart isn't drop-dead gorgeous, but he's so macho. Old movies are great la. They can be romantic without being corny. And they don't need sex scenes to make them work(it's practically a prerequisite for the modern rom-com to have at the very least a making out scene that implies intercourse happened soon after). I should watch more of these. I want to watch something with Fred and Ginger in it!

I swear, the total number of accumulated hours watching dvds far outstrips the number of hours spent studying. don't tell my mom.

i'm going to go eat something. and regret it in the morning.


Chinny said...

"I put a spell on you,
You fall asleep when I put a spell on you,
And when I wake you I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realize that you love me."

where do i get the spell?

Aki said...

Yeah, where do I get it? Coz I know this cute German guy with twinkling blue eyes in my class.

A said...

hahahahaha, ok guys, i'll try and email aqualung to ask for it, yea? but maybe that isn't such a good idea. you two are showing potential stalker material ;P

Aki said...

Stalker? What stalker material? It's not like I know his underwear colour is green or anything.

...I think it's probably blue.