exaggeration and tall tales galore

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Saya sedang sprawled di atas lantai. Atau, secara lebih spesifik, saya sedang sprawled di atas sejadah di atas lantai. Rancangan saya pada asal-usulnya adalah untuk mandi, solat zohor dan kemudian melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti produktif, seperti menyiapkan kerja rumah. Nampaknya saya telah terpesong daripada rancangan asal.

Kings of Leon played Use Sombody on Jools Holland! Watch here. oh, I love this song, I do. Jared and Matthew's hair look painfully styled and Jared makes this weird face whenever he sings the backup vocals, but I keep watching the video over and over. At around the 3 minute mark of the clip, there's a glimpse of what I'm sure is Carla Bruni smiling and nodding along with the song.

Yesterday was fun. Window shopping around Chapel Street! God, I want to do it again. There was a shop selling vintage bags and clothes, rotary telephones, teacup sets with flowered patterns. Old typewriters! The end result of the excursion along the street was this very nice skirt(with pockets!) and (cheap) wayfarers. Then, later on for buka, lamb kebabs beside the carwash place(read:nikmat), ice cream afterwards, churros and coffee for a second round of dessert, the park in the middle of the night! Talking while sitting on a bench underneath a lamp post. Getting scared senseless by a guy barking out profanities. I don't have days like yesterday often enough.

Pointless post number 1933756385013857.


mostlyepiphanies said...

Your excursion sounds awesome! I admit I have a sudden liking for all things vintage.

Enjoy your break! As of now, 4 more days and a maths test left before I can enjoy mine!

Kero Ong said...

(to previous post's reply) i am a veritable fount of trivial information. thank you thank you.

old typewriters!! one of my many kinks. this is me, being insanely jealous *pouts*

Anonymous said...

oi, shopping with whom ? your buka puasa expedition sounds really fashionable.

i always wanted teacups but dont have the space to put them.

cheerio ateqs, nanti aku cerita satu kisah drama best kawan hanani dari sini.

Atiqah said...

aijud:yeah,man!somehow finding something vintage feels doubly exciting. I suppose because it's rarer and you know not everyone will have it, unlike mass produced shopping mall products. and the item has history.

just a bit more to go before the break aijud, persevere!

kero: keep them trivial info coming. hahaha, I was more attracted to the rotary dial telephones myself, but ok, I accept your feelings of envy :p come here la, and get one for yourself.

nani:ekspidisi membeli-belah with my ever patient roommate, jia yee ng. buka with aina cun and kelly. it was a lot less fashionable than it sounds i think, haha.

kalau ada teacups boleh buat tea party.

drama best??wei, fill me in soon!

Kero Ong said...

you forget the fact that i am a tiny little girl with insufficient funding :( but, you know, despite that my life has been pretty interesting hahaha. aiya you know what i would -really- be interested in? an antique toy piano :( sort of like this or this. man i really need to get one of those♥

A said...

oooh, lovely things to behold. if i ever see one like those over here, i'll let you know!(i'd like to say i'd buy it for you, but i'm just as lacking in funds,haha)