exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gush Gush Gush bazir masa Gush

Quick note: I'm home. So I'll be stalking your blogs even more ardently(if that's possible) over the next three months.

But anyway.

I went to watch Bloc Party in concert on Thursday night.

Aiyo. is it possible to coherently convey how much I adored it? How awesome I thought it was? Because it was pretty. damn. awesome.

The reason I was so awe-struck may be partially due to the fact that it was after all my first proper gig, a first time seeing a band I actually like playing in front of my eyes rather than from a you tube box. But wow. wow wow wow. I thought it was amazing! The adrenaline rush, that glorious jolt you get when you recognize the opening notes of a song you love singing along to, DAYMN! It's electric. The crowd, the energy, it was just. awesome. Gila. And Kele sounded terrific(I'm trying to come up with all the synonyms for 'awesome', but everything sounds too generic and dull compared to what I actually felt). Their show in Melbourne was the first stop of their Australian tour, and so the band seemed pretty pumped up. Kele was wearing a red cap, and it was so cool watching him dance in that prancing skipping way of his during a few songs. They kept a decent level of interaction with the audience, and it was pretty obvious the whole crowd worshiped them.

The opening act for the night was Van She, and they were pretty decent. Came on stage right on the dot at 7.45 and played for about 45 minutes. The bassist, from where Azrieal and I were sitting, looked hot! I couldn't even see his face properly, but the overall effect of t-shirt, jeans, boots and slightly disheveled blond hair, along with the confident swagger while playing bass guitar was enough to make me nudge Azrieal while grinning like some quack a couple times. I felt a bit sorry for them though, the crowd was pretty lukewarm towards them and were obviously waiting for Bloc Party to start. I suppose most opening acts go through that, but I wish the crowd had been more receptive. I thought their renditions of Kelly and Changes(the only two songs I know, unfortunately) sounded good.

But then Bloc Party finally came on, and oh! It was brilliant. They played a combination of songs from all three albums, and I can't remember the last time I had as much fun in Melbourne as I had screaming along to the songs I knew. The only regrets I have were that the show wasn't longer and they didn't play a couple songs I was hoping for, like Ion Square and Kreuzberg, plus, I didn't know the lyrics to all the songs of their set list. But it was still fantastic. When the opening drum beats for The Prayer rolled I started squealing like a stuck pig, gesticulating wildly to Azrieal and shaking from side to side like some neanderthal. And Banquet! You could hear everyone screaming simultaneously "Cause I'm on FIRE!" along with Kele(yours truly included, punching fist in the air and all), and that was truly one of the highlights of the night for me. Other great parts was when they had green laser lights flashing during Flux, and also Ares, which  is this unbelievably catchy song from the new album, and I'm super glad they played it.

Superb!It was far better than what I expected, my hats off to Bloc Party. For a first gig in Melbourne, I couldn't have been more satisfied or pleased. Oh, and thanks to Azrieal for coming with me! I never did thank you properly. Grazie.

Ok. I'm done gushing. Sorry, I keep going on like some jakun cow, but I was(and still am) so stoked. It was doubly cool because some of the songs which I hadn't particularly taken to when I first listened to them, like Mercury, Hunting for Witches and such, just sounded great played live. And like I said, Kele's voice was spot on that night, hitting every note and screech perfectly.

Shame on Festival Hall's (the venue of the concert) sound crew though. The sound on our side of the venue kept cutting out during the early part of the band's set, which was a bit annoying.

But yeah. Aside from that, it was great. And I can't wait for  similar experiences like I had that night. Which brings me to the second piece of good news. Guess who got tickets to go see her(dare I say) favourite band?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kings of Leon, I'm coming to see you!(and I want to have your babies!)

Oklah, the Kings of Leon concert will be a monstrously massive event, held at Rod Laver arena(as opposed to the somewhat more intimate setting for Bloc Party at Festival Hall), but still. I simply cannot wait. 

Sigh. I'll be missing the Arctic Monkeys though. They're playing in January. But oh well. 

I had nasi beriyani kambing today. Boleh tick off the list.


Anonymous said...

OOOOOIIII jelesnye saya.

they have a lot of gigs , but i dare say, i have neither time and money to explore. ( sebenarnya malas, dan excuse je tu)

i need to keep up with u. ape nak tgk first?

mostlyepiphanies said...

awesome!!! Saya pun jeles!

If only the Weepies would come to Australia!

I'm at home too! Last night pasar malam galore!

Anonymous said...

gosh!!!u make it sounds so awesome!!!
aku goyang2 gak as if i was there too...hahahaha...

syefik said...

ure home? which home? malaysia ke?

Atiqah said...

nani: hahahaha, nani, grab this opportunity! I have no money/time either, but i figure I better stuff some gigs in before I go back home and have no more potential concerts to go too.

go tgk anyone that tickles your fancy enough to spend some cold hard cash ;D

aijud:The Weepies!!!Oh, that would be cool. I'm waiting for Adele and John mayer too.

you're home,yaaaaaaay! and pasar malaaaaaaam!wah. we claim our revenge on malaysian cuisine this summer.

aina:aina aina aina aina beeeeessssstttt!!! Hahahaha, terrernye aku buat ko goyang2 :p

syefik: i'm home di tanah melayu!! sorry i haven't called you yet, but I have a few valid(if lame) excuses i.e. i've been out to go ganti my ic and I have no phone and I've been stuffing myself silly. I'll call you soon and we can catch up!

Anonymous said...

ateqs!!got some news....guess who's coming to melbourne?

*drumroll* .....coldplay!!!!

yup2 siyesly...on the 3rd and 4th of march...they will start selling ticket on the 4th of december...go check ticketek.com......

Anonymous said...

owh but can start booking ticket already....hurry2!!!