exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, March 06, 2009

Proper Groceries

I have so much I want to blurt out here, so much thoughts pouring out at the moment.

I want to talk about the awesomeness of the Coldplay concert, and my excitement for Kings Of Leon, and I want to get off my chest the fact it bugs me when I read blogs where people condemn them for becoming too 'mainstream'. I don't think I'm all bugged up about it because I am against that opinion, I don't really care, but I do get irritated when I read blog posts made by authors who must think they are positively omniscient.

I want to talk about clubbing. The other day I asked Kelly whether she would be open-minded enough to go clubbing, and now in retrospect, I cringe at how badly I worded the question. Just because a person doesn't go clubbing, that doesn't mean that they are closed-minded. It's strange isn't it, coming from a background of schooling that positively condemned clubbing to the pits of maksiat and therefore hell, and then being exposed to another section of society who find it perfectly fine and adopt it as a regular activity? Clubbing doesn't have to equal alcohol and maksiat. Does it? One the one hand, one can argue that of course it doesn't. We can go for the music, we can go for dancing, we can go for the good times with good friends. I went clubbing once. I didn't drink, I had a good time watching Shao doing the running man. It wasn't a great experience though(it was a mediocre club with mediocre music).

I want to talk about how I won't give in to this shit that is self-pity. I will be better than this, I'll study harder, I'll try to be friendlier, I'll try to have more courage. I won't give up, I won't. I'll pray to Allah, I'll listen to good music, I'll write and paste things in my journal, I'll try not to stop even in the face of discouraging circumstances.

I want to talk about guys and how I have this deep longing to actually experience being liked by someone properly. Yeah. bodoh, kan? 21 and never been liked. And since practically most of the people around me have experienced it/are experiencing it at one point or another, it's a bit worrying. Ah. bodoh. This whole paragraph is bodoh. Why? Because I do believe I have several repetitions of this exact same paragraph(albeit expressed differently) scattered throughout previous blog posts. Therefore, not only is it unoriginal, it means that the situation hasn't changed. next.

I want to talk about God and how the memories of umrah are becoming fuzzy, they aren't in pristine, sharp , technicolour condition anymore, and that sucks. Melbourne and its distractions are getting to me, and I want to persevere. And I want to talk about how I was reminded of the fact that 'Islam' means to surrender to God, and I'm supposed to build my life around God, not try and find ways to fit God into my life. I want to be stripped of this arrogance I have, of any cynicism, sarcasm and skepticism in my head, take them away, what good have they done me? Obliterate this pretentiousness.

I like my lecturers this semester.

I have reading and tutorials to do tomorrow.


aman23 said...

ah I haven't dropped a comment in awhile. sekarang cuti so I have more time to think! :D

nicely written :) especially the paragraph about umrah. I've never been for umrah before, but I would love to. I've heard wonders about the haj + umrah experience from my dad. how the place really opens up the mind and soul and gives tranquility you can't get from doing anything else anywhere else. sometimes we just need that amidst all the shit that's going on in life.

about the guy bit, all I can say is, your time will come :)

Anonymous said...

yes...our time will come.. :)

Kero Ong said...

being liked by guys is overrated la. especially when you attract the ones that are screwed up like yours truly, haha. but ya it is an.. enlightening? experience, and i'm confident you'll experience it soon! your personality sangat attractive, thats why.

aaaaaaaaaaagh coldplay. kings of leon. why do you get to go to all these awesome concerts!! and oh my god i missed mogwai when they were here because my friend's car ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. HOW SAD IS THAT? ):

speaking of awesome music la, do you listen to vienna teng? if not, YOU SHOULD. she is absolutely fantastic. check out gravity, my medea, passage and pontchartrain. basically all her songs la. she's got a new album coming out in april, which i have already downloaded... d: i have no self-control.

atiqah! aman23 is right, you know. you write exceedingly well.

Lisa Sulaiman said...

'I want to talk about how I won't give in to this shit that is self-pity. I will be better than this, I'll study harder, I'll try to be friendlier, I'll try to have more courage. I won't give up, I won't. I'll pray to Allah, I'll listen to good music, I'll write and paste things in my journal, I'll try not to stop even in the face of discouraging circumstances.'

Amen to that.

'I'm supposed to build my life around God, not try and find ways to fit God into my life.'

You have a talent of writing things in a way that echoes people's thoughts and feelings. Mine especially. Keep it up!

And the 'too mainstream' thing is all bullshit. People write about things they like and want to write about. Used to have this pompous, self-declared genius acquaintance who thinks the universe revolves around his 'unique' and 'non-mainstream' thinking.

Ah well.

I like your writing. When it relates to my feelings, I will definitely comment.

Lisa Sulaiman said...

Aiyah, my gmail account keeps switching back to 'Lisa', so malas to change back to 'Aki'. Well now you know. I'm both Aki and Lisa =)