exaggeration and tall tales galore

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Peristiwa Pemberontakkan Medulla Oblongata 2009

Doing an assignment that requires an essay:

1. I start a few days later then when I should have.

2. Reading the question. Heavy use of highlighters, scribbles in the margins of tentative points, sketchy ideas(both written and imagined) of how to go about answering it.

3. Brainstorming. Moderately easy, once you get the flow going. Lots of scribbles, mostly in incoherent form, because after all, it's brainstorming. Plenty of time to sort trough the rubble that is my illegible handwriting and mold it into a coherent and concise essay.

3. Attempt to start writing. Don't know how to begin, I jump to the middle. I start on a point, am stumped on how to elaborate,fit in examples or integrate references, so I start a new one. If I'm lucky, the document will soon be full of one-line 'paragraphs'.

4. Often struggle to make a decent sentence or to write down what I want to say, and find myself thinking "What the hell do I want say anyway?". Fail to switch on the lightbulb that is my thoughts or my (non-existent) academic intellect.

5. Coherence and conciseness commit suicide. Incoherence and long-winded ramblings throw a party to celebrate.

6. I start thinking how much flunking this assignment is going to cost my overall grade.

Aku dah mengantuk la wei! Katil aku dah tunggu aku. Apa pasal otak aku tak boleh keluarkan ayat-ayat yang bernas? Tengok, sampai dah blog dalam melayu, padahal kena tulis essay dalam english. Nampak sangat tengah memberontak.


whilewhiting said...

haha. sejarah hari semalam... ganbare~~

kelly said...

i think you spelt pemberontakan salah tak?
i know i knowww, of all people i nak betulkan ejaan dalam bm orang kan?
but i googled!
and when i typed in 'pemberontakkan'
google: did you mean pemberontakan?

its contagious. :P

farah_hanani said...

gee, why does this sounds familiar~

syef said...

i dont quite understand this post. I think I shouldbrush up by English!

How to be as good as you haah kak yang? I want to write like u..

Aki said...

Oh I adore you Atiqah. You're absolutely adorable!!

Atiqah said...

anna: fighting!

geeky: Adoi, my bm is failure. I is malu.

nani: It's a regular tragedy that befalls all students, I suppose.

syef:no, you would NOT want to write like me. you wouldn't get anywhere with your assignments!

Aki:eheh...why thank you.terkesima pulak with the sudden praise. I is blushing.

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