exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In another dimension, Atiqah is not doing an inadequate job of studying for a couple tests she has, nor is she guilty about having eaten wholly unhealthy foods the whole day.

No. As a matter of fact, she is taking a quick shower. She is going to wear her favourite pair of jeans and a comfortable top, slap on some moisturizer, and wear the necklace her mom bought her for her 21st birthday.

And instead of picking up her book bag filled with her heavy slab of a textbook and and her notes, she is instead going to dump everything out onto the floor, and stuff her bag with her music-player, camera, journal and colour pencils. She'll pop in a pear just for the sake of it, slip on her most comfortable pair of shoes, the red flats with the bows on them, grab her wallet and keys, and high-tail it out of the apartment.

Since the library's closed, she'll make a pit-stop at the bookstore and choose a cheap paperback or magazine, and since she's at the shops, she'll get snacks.

Then she'll go somewhere, she's thinking of the beach. She'll go there, find some ideal spot, kick off her shoes, and just sit and stare at the ocean, for at least half an hour. The rest of her time will be spent listening to music, writing in her journal, and reading whatever it is she brought along while munching contentedly on some form of food.

This dimension's Atiqah will not worry about tests or growing-up or becoming a corporate robot. She will not ruminate about things she would like to do over or regrets she might have. Even if she does, it will be okay.

And in this dimension, Atiqah can eat whatever and however much she wants, minus the guilt.


kelly said...

"And in this dimension, Atiqah can eat whatever and however much she wants, minus the guilt."

and if i may add, without the KILOS!
haih, a girl can dream, no?

youchiyagami said...


I used to frequent a particular blog not a while ago.

It was so good, I found myself addicted.

It was my first time as a blogstalker.

For about 2 years I was emotionally attached to the blog. (pathetic, I know)

Then 1 day, the author deleted her blog.

I felt like buying air ticket right there and then, fly to her place, knock her door, and slap her right in the face.

But I didn't. Because she was going through a divorce, so I didn't have the heart to do so.

But YOU! You better beware.

I have to warn you that this blogstalker is a chronic one.

You are partially responsible for my addiction, as you keep churning out steady supply of blogosphere's equivalent of heroin.

If you dare to delete this blog, and/or stop writing, bear in mind that I will turn violent and retaliate.

I will buy air ticket, fly to your place, knock your door, and give you a good slap. It will not be a pretty sight.

So keep writing, girl. Keep writing beautiful pieces.

Atiqah said...

kelly, a girl can dream indeed. Dreams have no boundaries!

youchiyagami, hahahaha, I wanted to laugh reading your comment, but I couldn't because my roommate was asleep so I had to content myself with a choked chuckle.

I think it's one of the nicest/funniest compliments(threats) I've received in a while. Thank you very much, I needed a a bit of cheer.

My fear of your slap will motivate me to keep writing :)