exaggeration and tall tales galore

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Baik, sungguh baik

Right now:

I don't know why, but I have a very distinct urge to make the proclamation that my favourite Daft Punk single is Something About Us. There is no point or or objective at all in doing so, but I REALLY just wanted to state this, I feel like I have to get it out of my head and have someone acknowledge that 'ok, your favourite Daft Punk single is Something About Us. Now back away, crazy girl'.

Aside from that, I'm in a slight tizzy. Yesterday I had a double dose of organic delight, in the form of a book and a couple of songs via La Blogotheque videos. You know the kind. The ones that make you feel like your mind/intellect/emotion/thought/feeling/soul are plants that have been given a good drink from the watering-can of Goodness.

I wish I could be more distinct with my praise, that I could outline methodically and rationally why it's good, what segregates it from the rest. I guess sometimes I think if I can explain step-by-step why I like something, then that feeling must be justified, it's not a blind fancy or a statement of preference simply because it would be cool to say I like so-and-so. On the other hand, whenever I think this, another part of me raps metaphorical knuckles on my head and berates myself, 'Hello. Why so complex like that?'. Which makes sense. If I like it, then I like it la kan? It's a gut feeling. Why the need to explain?

Oh well. All I know is, I finished the book and went 'wow' quietly. And the videos!The first was a new song by The Morning Benders. When I heard the opening notes of the song I knew I'd like the whole thing(don't you love it when that happens?).

As a side-note, I have a slight crush on Jon Chu(the other guitarist/backup singer, the one not wearing glasses). Another piece of irrelevant information I insist on sharing. You can lump it together with my favourite Daft Punk single.

The other was a rendition of Light of Day by The Plastics Revolution. Mexico City + playing on the river + smiling mariachi band = Epic. It makes me happy. And yes! I AM going to embed the video here!

As always, I think the quality of La Blogotheque videos are sublime.

Sigh. So good, so good.

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