exaggeration and tall tales galore

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I want to have a Wall of Stuff too

Right you are!

When I feel incompetent, I do organizing work. I rearrange the things on my desk, sort out papers, do my filing, clean the apartment, send out the recyclables, refold my clothes. Storage solutions make me happy. Since I don't have money to get proper storage supplies from shops, I tend to resort to shoe boxes.

I have a lot of shoe boxes in my room.

My exam starts in about a month.

If I concentrate properly, if I stop being incompetent and fully pitch in to get my shit together academically, I think I can do it.

So. Are you ready to fully pitch in and get your shit together Atiqah?

Yes. I think. I mean, yes. THUNDERCATS ARE GO!


whilewhiting said...

you know i am sick of the word pitch. i used that word very thoroughly in my fyp report. (re: pitching moment)

but fully pitch ftw!!!

Atiqah said...

hahahahaha, I can imagine. Ok.Fully pitch in in the context of belajar rajin-rajin dengan segala daya usaha ftw!!!