exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some of the best compliments I've ever received, I think, are the ones from people who've read my blog and say I write well. Now, the veracity of this statement is obviously debatable and, I would be the first to admit, flawed. But I am always very happy when some kind person says it, it leaves me positively chuffed to find that one of the scraps of nonsense I've written has managed to tug the interest of another being.In fact, I suspect if you ever needed to sweet-talk me for anything, start with such a comment and you're already halfway there.

Thank you to those who ever said so. It meant a lot to me.


Lisa Sulaiman said...

Hahahh, don't give away your weakness like that, people are gonna take advantage ;)

A said...

hahahaha,it was tickling to imagine the idea that somewhere out there was some diabolical person who, upon reading the post, triumphantly cackled over the discovery of this fundamental weakness of mine.

happy new year! I hope you're doing well :)