exaggeration and tall tales galore

Sunday, January 02, 2011


When we were in Christchurch, we just so happened to be there at a time the city was experiencing a bunch of earthquake aftershocks. They were pretty minor, the biggest being 4.9 on the scale, but for someone not used to the idea that the ground can start shaking against your will, and that it's not something you can escape from, it's quite unnerving. We were in a shop when the 4.9 tremor happened, I was with my brother and sister in this quirky shop, and I was slipping a ring onto my finger to try it on, when suddenly the earth starts rumbling, and for a moment I didn't quite believe it, but then things started falling off shelves and crashing onto the floor, I turned around and saw a lady running out the entrance. Next I felt my sister pulling me out, and I whipped my head back to find my brother and saw that he was on my other side. And as we were running outside for some reason my head was tilted slightly upwards, and I remember thinking, feeling, "Really? This is what it feels like? Are we really about to be people whom Something Tragic happens to?". When we got outside to open space with everyone else, I noticed I was still clutching the ring.

Like I said, they were minor tremors and no big deal, we were able to laugh about it, but boy, was I glad to come back to Melbourne.

Our trip was plagued with cancellations, but asides from that, I think things went pretty smoothly. And there were some nice moments. Like waking up in the middle of the night in Mt Cook to the wind howling outside the chalet and a cupboard door banging repeatedly. I tried to close the damn thing tight but couldn't, because it was too high up, so instead I walked over to the window and peeked through the curtains. I was granted with the sight of a full moon hanging over snow-capped mountains, it's shine giving everything a surreal sheen, with the wind still howling about, and it was all slightly magnificent.

I'm not exactly one for taking pictures or videos, I probably have one of the most underused cameras ever to be bequeathed to a 22-year old. The simple reason is that I'm lazy and that I can count on my companions to take nicer pictures, the other being that for videos, whenever I'm recording, I feel like I'm wasting time trying to capture whatever it is I'm supposed to be documenting when I could actually be there,in the moment, experiencing, feeling. This doesn't apply to all situations, of course, mostly for when I attend gigs. Though now, I'm beginning to wonder whether it's silly to take this stance. By not recording, I'm depending on my memory to hold whatever I witnessed safe within its confines, I'm basking on the belief I'll never forget. But that's folly, isn't it? I'll forget, and what a shame.

Just got a thought. I've been writing all this with Florence + The Machine's Dog Days Are Over on repeat, and while it is too quiet and lazy a day to do much, I have that familiar urge to leap up and start dancing, hands clapping to the beat, spastic flailing. I've begun to sometimes worry that I'm getting too monotonous, too black and white, that my sense of fun is depleting, any originality and uniqueness of character(if any) going down the drain. The thought just popped into my head that as long I still get the urge to dance, this familiar longing to go crazy to the beat, I'll be okay. Not all is lost.

Happy New Year!

I've graduated.

I've got to get out of these pajamas.


Afnan (^_^) said...

Yay! You've graduated. Congratz! =)
So,what's the plan after graduation?

Earthquake??! Wow! Sometimes I wish I would be able to experience disasters such as earthquake and tornado. But after giving a thought about unfortunate consequences that might happen, I rather not.

Happy New Year! May this year brings you more happiness and luck! =)

f at i n said...

ateqs! congrats on your graduation.


Lisa Sulaiman said...

Oh my God! You've done it again! Say things that I felt but never said.

When I was in England/Wales (can't remember which) I was on this cliff, it was so windy and I was facing the sea. Could see the waves crashing against the rocks all the way down, and there's a lighthouse in the distance and the sky was blue and the sea was turquoise and I was looking at all this from this small abandoned hut on top of the cliff. The wind was blowing gently and there were colourful little flowers all over the grass just swaying in the wind and I was torn between taking videos or just sodding it all and just living the moment.

I could still see it in my mind's eye sometimes. I do have some videos of it but it will never truely capture what I felt then.

So yeah, I'm always torn between appreciating what's in front of me, or capturing it. Because either way, you lose something.

A said...

afnan: Happy new year to you too! The plan now is to get a job,heh. I'm trying to see if anyone here would want to employ me. Hopefully, yes!

After Christchurch, I'm just glad neither Malaysia nor Melbourne is anywhere on the Lingkaran Api Pasifik,haha.

fatin:terima kasih banyak-banyak! Happy new year to you, hope you're doing well :)

lisa:hahaha, with the amount of things we've thought in common, it's a shame that we STILL have never met in person yet. In due time!

You're right, videos have never managed to really capture the emotion I felt at a specific time. In fact, you know what works better for me? Writing it down. When I experience something amazing, and write it down later on in my journal or whatever, I find that when I read it again much later, I can sort of grasp an echo of the original sentiment. I may not recall the memory very well visually, but the feeling experienced at the time can be re-conjured, which I find very cool.

Now if only I could be more rajin in writing things down. I'm so lazy to do so sometimes.

Lisa Sulaiman said...

I just realised your second last sentence saying you graduated. So congratulations! =D

And you're right. There's something about words that frees your mind from the confines of watching a video. It's like, when you see all these images and the sounds, you can't really go anywhere else in your mind but to accept whatever is given to you through hearing and seeing. But with words, you're free to form your own ideas, probably even make it more beautiful.

That said, another solution is to have someone with you to record everything you see so you don't have to do it, haha.