exaggeration and tall tales galore

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cookies - Part 2

Kelly's cookies are like crack,man.

The crafty girl split her batch into two and made one with white chocolate chips and macadamias. Anyone who knows me (well, that's not true. I think only Kelly knows this) knows that white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies are my supreme weakness out of all the variation of chocolate chip cookies. Especially large, soft, chewy ones. I weep. With joy.

Confronted with A WHOLE TIN of these decadent treats, of course I succumbed. Meaning I ate cookie after cookie after cookie. I don't know if it's because of the cold weather and unnecessary survival instincts taking over, or if it's just gluttony, but I can't stop eating, full-stop. Part of me goes "NOOOOOOO!", another part of me goes "I am not going deny myself the pleasure of cookies. Life's too short not to enjoy cookies", while another part of me logically concludes "Well, I'll just eat them all now. Then there won't be any left to tempt me later. Genius".

So I've been spending a large chunk of the day in my pajamas, eating warm cookies, reading food blogs, and I can tell you that this is a variation of lazy bliss previously not experienced.

Must. Get. Off. Arse.


kelly said...

cookies are your kryptonite
and now the whole world knows!

youchiyagami said...

look at what a good writer is capable of. I never knew cookies can be so dramatic

A said...

kelly, dun-dun-DUNNNNNN!!!(dramatic music, if you couldn't tell :p Go study!).

youchiyagami, when you've had cookies like Kelly's, trust me, they are worth the dramatics.

A said...

oh! I forgot to mention, thank you for implying I was a good writer. I'm not, but you made me blush anyway :)