exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, January 23, 2012

The first time I can clearly remember misplacing my academic confidence was when I was thirteen. There was a test. Up until then I had taken for granted that I was smart. Sure, there were times I had trouble with science, and BM seemed to pose challenges once in a while, but I had always assumed it was my lack of effort that caused those complications, not my intellect.

This test I had was a maths test, of all things. Maths! I had considered maths a perfectly doable subject, so long as you learnt the material and did exercises. Maths was hard to screw up. I was more than confident I had done well in the test. My teacher was handing back our test papers, and I remember one of my classmates asking me what my score was. I glanced airily at my paper, expecting something in the mid-80s or maybe even 90, and that's when I saw I had actually scored something in the low-70s. A big, fat, jarring B.

And then I wasn't sure anymore.

High school was the first place I realized I may not be as good as I thought I was(yes, I was that pompous beforehand). And it was where I first encountered what it's like to be in a conversation where the person you are coversing with doesn't find you particularly clever. It's not anything obvious or intrinsically mean of course, it's not as if they point at you shouting "bodohnye kau ni!". But it's things like not fully taking your word on something the teacher was explaining in class the other day. Doubting your capacity to fully grasp or understand the subject material.

I don't know why, but I've gotten so paranoid with what other peoples' perception of my intelligence may be. It kills me to think that a particular person may find I am.....not exactly stupid, but lacking, somehow. Not up to par. Slow on the uptake. All that jazz.

It shouldn't matter, I know it shouldn't. At the end of the day, it depends on the effort you put in, and what you strive to learn for yourself. People's supposed opinions about you? Fuck that. It doesn't matter. Just do right by yourself, and learn for the right reasons.

But somehow my paranoia manifests in my abilities. I feel stupid, and I end up acting properly idiotic. I lose faith in my ability to reason, to do things, to think. And I end having no clue what the fuck I'm doing, and I seem as stupid as I am utterly scared of being.

I must have faith in myself. I must not be scared.

I am now working with a bunch of amazing people. They are intelligent, they are eloquent, they are smart cookies. And it's scaring the living daylights out of me. My incompetence was on display for the past week, and I have not felt as stupid as I did then in a particularly long time.

So you know what? Shit's gonna go down, but in a positive way. I'm going to work my ass off this year. And I will conquer this paranoia. And I'm going to learn, because I want to be kick-ass at what I do.

Wish me luck.

P/S: AND I MUST NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS! For God's sake, tanye jelah. Don't be bodoh sombong can or not?

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