exaggeration and tall tales galore

Monday, April 21, 2008


i've been tagged by Chinny, and i've actually had the good fortune of doing this tag before(i think it was Firdaus who tagged me on that one), but as we all know, i love to talk about myself (favourite topic ever), so i'm nothing but happy at the prospect of doing it again.

ok!mari kite lakukannya.

The rules:-
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

1. I only know one Springsteen song, the really famous one that was in Jerry Maguire(it's called Secret Garden), and the version i have in my ipod is the one where they stuck in snippets of dialogue from the movie(the meanigful bits i suppose)between verses. and it's a pastime of mine to recite along with the dialogue, especially the one at the beginning. it's come to a point i've hafal it completely, siap with intonation. observe:

"I was just about to tell you...that I love him. I do! I love him, I love him! and I don't care what you think. I love him for the man that he wants to be, and I love him for the man that he almost is, I love him Laurel, I love him, I-love-him!".

And it's not that i like to say-along with it because it's sentimental and jiwang or whatnot, it's just cool the way Renee Zelwegger(sp?) changes her intonation throughout the lines. Kakak looks at me funny whenever i do it in front of her though. lame-o supreme-o.

2. I REALLY like cereal with cold milk and banana slices tossed in. It's kind of scary how good it is.

3. i don't like my earliest blog posts. and i hate that post i gave several months ago about 10 movies i liked, because it seems so shallow and superficial. if i could do it over(and i have a feeling i might when i get bored and run out of things to blabber about one of these days), i'd tell you why i like Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind and Amelie in a proper way that won't make me cringe when i re-read it again in the future.

4. If i had been a teen in the eighties, i would have LOVED the mainstream pop scene. i'd have been the ultimate teeny-bopper. Everyone says that the eighties were all bad hair and atrocious clothes, but 80s pop is infectious! I would have adored Starship(hello? We Built This City? Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now? You can't get more feelgood than that), and be crazy over Rick Astley('Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert you'), and dance around to Wham('Wake me up, before you go-go, don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo').

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl.
With yellow feathers in her hair,
and her dress cut up to there,
she would meringue(sp?), and do the cha-cha,
and while she tried to be a star,
Tony always tended bar,
across the crowded floor, working from 8 to 4,
they were young and they had each other, who could ask for more?

If you can identify this Barry Manilow song and like to sing along to it, you must be a fun person. a kindred spirit, in fact.

Ok chop. this is not a random fact about myself. but whatever. i've always from time to time tried to think of a way to sneak in this song into the blog somehow. so ta-da.

6. I think i would really like Rock Band, given the chance to play. even though it may look weird to be playing a plastic toy guitar/drum. but it looks like so much fun!

7. I can arch one eyebrow up, like Ziana Zain did back in the nineties when that stupid movie Sembilu was in.

8. when i was younger, back when i was 5 maybe; i didn't like my name.because i thought it was so childish compared to mom's name, or dad's. and since back then they were the only adults whose proper names i knew, and both their names sounded grown-up-ish, i came to the premature conclusion that all adults have have mature sounding names. and that conclusion was quickly followed by the assumption that all kids have childish names, but when they got older they'd get to change it to a proper grown-up one. and i remember being relieved when i figured that out, because how could i ever be a grown-up with a name like Atiqah?

oh, dah sampai lapan dah. that was quick. alritey, i tag afiqah, jia yee, fatin, juwa!, elaine, nani, wee, aki. props if you do it, but it's cool if you don't(why do i feel like i have to say this everytime i tag people?).

so long, farewell, it's time to say goodbye.


Chinny said...

although quite malu to say this :P i don't understand half the thing u said X_X haha

A said...

ahah,yeah. don't be malu! i talk crap most of the time, it's a wonder you understood even half :p