exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, May 03, 2008

oh please, gimme me a break

oooh, i've just finished watching The Devil Wears Prada, and i liked it.

ok, i have fucked up my econs assignment, but never fear!it's due in 4 days. nevermind the fact i spent the whole afternoon doing it, that i have to erase all that and start afresh. takpe!four days is good. four days is fucking adequate. and i suppose i should get cracking and start on it now, but i know that if i do, i'll be resenting the wasted afternoon the whole time, and won't get anywhere. so. blog first, assignment later.

WAAAAAAAARAGAH!!bengangnye bengangnye.

I wish, i wish, i wish i had a coffee guide. i need someone to show me the finer qualities of coffee. Someone who could tell me which one is french-roasted coffee beans(apparently they're the darkest roasted coffee beans of all,whooo), or urge me to try coffee made out of beans called blue jamaican something something, or arabica apetah nama die. it all sounds bloody exotic and highly intruiging, a far cry away from my average cuppa in the mornings. and this guide would be able to tell me exactly what's the difference between espresso and cappuccino, a macchiato and a cafe latte, and what about a mocha? A coffee connoisseur.

Did you know coffee was once considered haram for muslims for a while back in the 16th century? well, that's what wiki says.

Time seems to be passing by very quickly here. It’s Monday, it’s Tuesday, whoops, it’s Wednesday! Halfway through! Then it’s Thursday, Friday(wheee!) and the weekend’s here! But not for long, before you know it we’re trudging through Monday morning again, then it’s Tuesday, then whoops, Wednesday! And you see how it goes. Weeks seem to be flying past and we’re just getting through the assignments, going to the lectures, buying groceries, walking to uni, it’s all melded into this monotonous, repetitive routine.

Don’t get me wrong, if anything, I like monotony. Because I am one of those headless chickens who are too afraid to step out of their comfort zone and try new things.

If you youtube search Damien Rice, the first song that'll pop out will be The Blower's Daughter, which i think is an awesome song. If you, like me, have just started listening to songs by him, try Volcano.

Go on, click the play button on this bright yellow rectagular strip ni. ala, yang benda kuning kat atas ni, you can't miss it. click play.

oh come on, who am i kidding.

i hate the idea of doing my assignment now. but no matter. soldier on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl, its ur blog. you can do watever you like with it. and i dont mind those self indulgent post; i thought they are quite charming : )

hey kawan. i need t update my itunes, berkulat atk update, care to suggest any good ones? ( saya percaya anda boleh beri saya lagu bagus2)